

स्वर्णिम भविष्य के स्वप्न दिखाती नयी शिक्षा नीति

स्वर्णिम भविष्य के स्वप्न दिखाती नयी शिक्षा नीति

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, राष्ट्रीय
बच्चे देश का भविष्य ही नहीं नींव भी होते हैं और नींव जितनी मजबूत होगी इमारत उतनी ही बुलंद होगी। इसी सोच के आधार पर नई शिक्षा नीति की रूप रेखा तैयार की गई है। अपनी इस नई शिक्षा नीति को लेकर मोदी सरकार एक बार फिर चर्चा में है। चूंकि भारत एक लोकतांत्रिक देश है और लोकतंत्र में सबको अपनी बात रखने का अधिकार है जाहिर है इसके विरोध में स्वर उठना भी स्वाभाविक था, तो अपेक्षा के अनुरूप स्वर उठे भी। लेकिन मोदी सरकार इस शिक्षा नीति को लागू करने के लिए कितनी दृढ़ संकल्प है यह उसने अपनी कथनी ही नहीं करनी से भी स्प्ष्ट कर दिया है। दरअसल उसने इन विरोध के स्वरों को विवाद बनने से पहले ही हिन्दी को लेकर अपने विरोधियों की संकीर्ण सोच को अपनी सरकार के उदारवादी दृष्टिकोण से शांत कर दिया। लेकिन बावजूद इसके नई शिक्षा नीति की राह आसान नहीं है। इसके लक्ष्य असंभव भले ही ना हों लेकिन मौजूदा परिस्थितियों में मुश्किल तो ...
Traffic Lok Adalats in Delhi should be replaced by a common discounted pattern

Traffic Lok Adalats in Delhi should be replaced by a common discounted pattern

Delhi Traffic Police with a frequency of some months holds Traffic Lok Adalats, like were held on 13.07.2019 in various District Courts scattered in different parts of capital city of India. Here all pending traffic-challans are settled on the spot on a fraction of original traffic-fine. But it all depends at discretion and mercy of judges conducting these Lok Adalats. In some cases, judges settle for amount as low as rupees fifty for same normal offence like of improper parking or jumping red light, while most others get settled fine of rupees one hundred. At times, judges settle for even increased amount exceeding normally settled rupees one hundred. Such discretionary power given to judges settling same offence with different amounts is highly unjustified. Delhi Traffic Police should i...
Daughter has no right to defame her politician father: CBI enquiry needed in Sakshi Mishra episode

Daughter has no right to defame her politician father: CBI enquiry needed in Sakshi Mishra episode

Indian electronic media has once again shamefully put unpleasant episode of some Sakshi Mishra of Bareilly filing complaint against her MLA father from ruling BJP alleging threat to lives of herself and her husband because of inter-cast marriage. But evidences from neighbours against her husband, his love for playing with pistols, his break-up of earlier engagement and visibly being over-aged as compared to Sakshi Mishra lead about serious doubts of conspiracy to blackmail MLA father. Even the priest said to have performed the marriage has now termed marriage-certificate to be fake. It is doubted that Sakshi Mishra is continuously crying on TV channels for alleged threat from her father or being forced to speak against her father by some ones. Matter needs a thorough CBI investigation t...
Forms, procedures, bank-charges and interest-rates should be uniform for all banks

Forms, procedures, bank-charges and interest-rates should be uniform for all banks

It refers to state Bank of India taking initiative to do away with bank-charges for electronic bank-transfers. System should be that all requirements like Minimum Balance, interest-rates, bank-charges and other procedures may be uniform for all public-sector banks. Cover-page of pass-books should incorporate all details including even name of nominees of account-holders as submitted to the banks for convenience of account-holders so that bank-customers may not have to face problem in case of fading memory with lapse of time with account getting older. Department of Financial Services DFS and Reserve Bank of India RBI should devise common application-forms for all types of accounts to be opened in the banks including also for government savings-schemes and 7.75-percent RBI bonds. Provisi...
Punjab National Bank should clear its relation with PNB Metlife

Punjab National Bank should clear its relation with PNB Metlife

PNB Metlife is an insurance-company using logo of public-sector Punjab National Bank, but there is absolute no clarity on exact relationship between Punjab National Bank and PNB Metlife where agents of PNB Metlife lure members of public through highly lucrative investment-offers but without giving any brochure or highlights of the offered schemes on website. It is clear that no government-saving scheme presently provides annual-interest more than eight-percent that too taxable and only for senior citizens. It is impossible that any public-sector company like PNB Metlife may provide above-referred extra-lucrative scheme. Punjab National Bank should make their relationship with PNB Metlife clear through newspaper-advertisements and prominently on their websites. In case PNB Metlife is ...
Dual drug delivery system may make heart stents safer

Dual drug delivery system may make heart stents safer

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
Medicated stents are widely used to unblock heart arteries. While the drug prevents the growth of muscle cells around the stent, it however,  retards endothelial cells necessary for healing the wound site and may result in the formation of clots. That’s why anti-clotting medications are given, which must be taken life-long; also, they come with adverse side effects.  To minimise such stent-related complications, a group of Indian researchers has developed a dual drug delivery therapy. Laboratory tests have shown that the drug combination can inhibit the growth of muscle cells and prevent clotting at the stent site. Moreover, the drugs are loaded into a flexible polymer which eliminates problems that occur during crimping and implantation of stents. Two widely prescribed lipid-lowerin...
Only branded medicines should be allowed to be sold including in Allopathic, Unani, Ayurvedic and Homeopathic fields

Only branded medicines should be allowed to be sold including in Allopathic, Unani, Ayurvedic and Homeopathic fields

It is quite usual that many a times some medical-practitioners including in Unani, Ayurvedic and Homeopathic fields mix strong doses of steroids in unbranded medicines like powders and syrups in a bid to exhibit their self-acclaimed expertise in curing diseases. (I have my own bitter experience when my mother died at an early age of just 58 years on 21.08.1980 due to such daily dose of steroid-mixed unbranded Ayurvedic powder). Central government should formulate some effective remedy to overcome the problem. Even though remedy lies in banning unbranded medicines, but the step is liable to open a pathway for minting money for drug manufacturers. Best remedy is that Central government may establish its own production units for all types of medicines including Allopathic, Unani, Homeopathic ...
Package of complete blood-tests being offered at rupees 999 through SMS: Pathological laboratories should be regulated

Package of complete blood-tests being offered at rupees 999 through SMS: Pathological laboratories should be regulated

Presently there is a flood of SMSs on mobile-phones offering a complete package of so many blood-tests at just rupees 999 that too with facility to collect blood-samples from residences or work-places of desiring ones. But these SMSs do not give details and addresses of laboratories where blood-tests are to be conducted. Either such offers do not come from recognised and government-approved laboratories, or normal pathological laboratories are looting public. Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare should probe into the matter. Those offering such economical packages should be directed to give details of laboratories in SMSs with compulsion to have a proper website of such laboratories. Union Health Ministry should also develop a software to be compulsorily used by all recognised...
श्रीरामकथा के अल्पज्ञात प्रसंग-जब रावण ने जटायु को छल-कपट, असत्य से पराजित किया

श्रीरामकथा के अल्पज्ञात प्रसंग-जब रावण ने जटायु को छल-कपट, असत्य से पराजित किया

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, संस्कृति और अध्यात्म
श्रीरामकथा के अल्पज्ञात दुर्लभ प्रसंग जब रावण ने जटायु को छल-कपट, असत्य से पराजित किया गृघ्रराज जटायु की श्रीराम से वन में भेंट के समय उसकी आयु ६०,००० वर्षों की थी। वह वन में पक्षियों का अजेय राजा था। सीताहरण के समय रावण द्वारा उसके द्वंद्व युद्ध में रावण हिम्मत हार गया। उसने श्रीराम के नाम का सहारा लेकर जटायु से छल कपट, असत्य का सहारा लेकर पराजित करने का प्रयत्न किया। सत्य को प्रकट करने हेतु यहाँ कथाएँ दी जा रही है। वाल्मीकीय रामायण में गृघ्रराज जटायु, श्रीराम, सीताजी एवं रावण का प्रसंग एक अपनी अलग विशेषता लिए हुए वर्णित है। पंचवटी में श्रीराम की जटायु से प्रथम भेंट होती है। श्रीराम एवं लक्ष्मण ने वन मार्ग में विशालकाय पक्षी को देखकर उससे पूछा कि आप कौन हैं? तब जटायु ने जो कुछ कहा वह अत्यन्त ही आत्मीय वार्तालाप है। यथा- ततो मधुरया वाचा सौम्यया प्रीणयन्निव। उवाच वत्स मां विद्धि वयस्यं...
भ्रष्टाचार की सफाई का संकल्प

भ्रष्टाचार की सफाई का संकल्प

उत्तर प्रदेश में योगी सरकार का करप्शन पर सशक्त वार करते हुए भ्रष्टाचार और पेशेवर कदाचार के आरोप में लिप्त अधिकारियों के ठिकानों पर सीबीआई की दस्तक एक नई भोर का आगाज है। ऐसे भ्रष्ट अधिकारियों पर लगातार प्रहार के लिए केंद्र और राज्य सरकार के संकल्प की सराहना की जानी चाहिए। बुलंदशहर के जिलाधिकारी अभय सिंह और कौशल विकास निगम के प्रबंध निदेशक विवेक के अलावा कई अन्य बड़े अधिकारियों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई इस बात का प्रबल संकेत है कि केंद्र और राज्य सरकार भ्रष्टाचारमुक्त प्रशासन के लिये प्रतिबद्ध है। अरबों रुपयों के खनन घोटाले में इससे पहले गायत्री प्रजापति समेत कई सफेदपोशों और अधिकारियों को जेल भेजा जा चुका है। भ्रष्टाचार एवं आचरणहीनता भारत की प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था के बदनुमा दाग हैं, जिन्हें धोने एवं पवित्र करने के स्वर आजादी के बाद से गंूज रहे हैं, लेकिन किसी भी सरकार ने इस दिशा में कड़े कदम उठ...