NATO PLUS 5 is NATO and 5 allies of US- Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel and South Korea. It is an arrangement to bring together five allies of US and NATO countries to boost global defense cooperation. And invitation to India the sixth member.
“You have a missile threat that confronts you. We have a missile threat that confronts us” – Logic behind inviting India to become part of NATO. But here to remind, China has been requested nine times, and Pakistan also in the past. For some this invitation will be new, but, it is not, India. In September 2011, The NATO alliance invited India to be a partner in its ballistic missile defence (BMD) bolstering nuclear threat from Pakistan and China.
Many of you have a question in mind “Is India a member of NATO?” the answer is “NO”. India is not a member of NATO and there are many reasons for not being a member country of NATO. The first and main reason is India is not in the North Atlantic or anywhere close to the Atlantic. And as you know NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization so, it is not possible for India to join NATO. However, India’s historic stance was always to avoid the formation of allied groups to gang up on other countries. Thus, even when India was a closer partner of the USSR it avoided joining the Warsaw pact and other rival groups of NATO.
The Government has to see many things – Long term association with former USSR and Now Russia. And, joining NATO will force us to see their problem as our problem, but in the past, we have many instances where west has ignored and never came to support Indian problem, rather they have been against us, during all crisis. Having said that India would be dragged into many unnecessary conflicts around the globe. Many of our soldiers would die in those battles. This is against the spirit of our nation. Nevertheless, non-violence as aimed by our father of the nation is the mightiest weapon. Peaceful resolution always exists for any conflict. We may not need any deterrence at all.
But 2020 onwards a different era, for India – any engagement with NATO could facilitate productive developments against terrorism and afford emerging military technologies under the west tech superiority. But, it will establish NATO bases in Indian territory. It would raise concerns on our sovereignty. And, we have nothing to conquer in west or near by American Continent. The Question becomes – Will NATO support – during POK Merger to its original owner that is India.
Today’s India Government needs to understand, China may collapse in a year or two. The Balance sheet of China is not healthy, what it shows in the world market, truly not the seen to be seen. Hence, America and West needs -East and India without China, a bigger and better prospect for America.
Here to remind, my favourite Vladimir Putin made a mistake by invasion in Ukraine, rather it should have engaged with Ukraine, forced and cordoned Ukraine from many sides. It should have been Russian sanctions on Europe and America, but American played well, they put almost 6000 sanctions on Russia. It has weakened Russia sincerely at the brink of Bankruptcy. Hence India may shift to rich friends for the sack of its sovereignty and in the Interest of the Country and the friends are THE WEST.
The United States of America or Russia? Who is our best ally, analysing the past? India needs friendly relations with both US and Russia. We require Russian support in the Central Asian countries. US help is needed in the Indo-Pacific. Whereas US & India has same enemy – The China. (Surprisingly, China has biggest market in India and US, both are dependent on China for Industrial supply). Hence, Govt of India never stood firm against China. Whereas US many times shown power and bullied China.
Triangular love and hate story of India-US-Russia: Despite India’s professed nonalignment, it had over time edged closer to the Soviet Union. Reasons well known to people from the past and as explained as follows:
Indian Independence and US non co-operation: During Second World War, Jawaharlal Nehru asked US president Franklin D. Roosevelt to persuade Britain to grant India its independence. Roosevelt did not pursue the matter, leaving Nehru disappointed or we can say, The Indian Independence movement got no support of entire WEST and US.
And after Independence of India – Industrialization has been stalled by US and West: Post independence, PM Nehru had an ambitious plan to industrialize India. He wanted to make the country self-reliant. But, lack of capital and expertise required the country to partner with others. US and West never supported with Capital. The money. Which they gave to China. US initially had negotiations to build steel plant at Bokaro. But fundamental differences in economic ideology shattered negotiations. In the end, Soviet Union stepped in to rescue. We started producing steel.
We have not seen humanitarian activity from West and US for India, for example. in March 1966, during the times of Great Food crisis, our Indian PM Indira Gandhi travelled to Washington to request food aid. The World Bank and the White House put pressure on her to devalue the Indian rupee. Even though, we agreed, the promised aid was made in trenches putting Indians starved. The then President Lydon B Johnson used food aid as weapon, to counter India’s criticism on US policy towards Vietnam.
The United States of America’s intervention in India Pakistan War of 1971 can’t be missed. Everyone knows in India – How Russia came in rescue, during India Pakistan War of 1971, US, UK and China all were on Pakistan side. US dispatched US TASK FORCE 74 into Bay of Bengal while UK dispatched air carrier HMS Eagle in the Arabian Sea. To counter this two-pronged British American threat, Russia dispatched nuclear armed flotilla as per 1971 India- Soviet Union Peace and Friendship treaty. Thus India’s political leadership worked well to set up the victory and liberation of Bangladesh. And Russia has stood to its agreement. Whereas in the history of WEST and US – they hardly go with the agreements – if it hits them, US and WEST agreements have least morale quotient, otherwise – THEY are WHITE. (WHITE here means – they force all moralities top be imposed on other side to perform, and in the event of crisis, their countries interest become supreme, and they get safe esacpe).
US & West move on Kashmir Issue and supporting Pakistan, whom now they called Pakistan a terror heaven was backed by US against India till date. And on the other hand Russia’s support on Kashmir issue is politically significant. It vetoed United Nations Security Council resolutions in 1957, 1962 and 1971 that called for international interventions in Kashmir. As a result of all these factors, India came to rely heavily on Soviet Union for its military equipment. And today, from 2000-2020, Russia accounted for more than 65% of Indian arm imports. Including Sukhoi MK – India is developed in India.
BUT ALL OF THIS IS PAST – The US and NATO countries have given good support in last 20 years in favour of India. Like in 2008 waiver from Nucl;ear Supplier Group. LAMO Agreement, not significant for India but useful for America, Rafale from France and many investments in India from West and US to India. And support for UNSC permanent seat.
Current supersedes the past dirt’s. For me diplomacy means – all lies are true until its proven. And, no one can say, in diplomacy, “I am holier then cow”. Russia didn’t ask India before invasion of Ukraine. Cheap oil to India is strategy of America to supply west via India purchased from Russia. But there is a significant blackmail in future will be seen = US will expose Indian Government before Russia that all goods supplied to Europe is purchased from Russia. And it has bolstered a scam in India. Same is with Russia, may disclose who purchased at what and where is the facilitation money goes – again it will harm the current Government. Basically, we have been tooled by both side.
Why – India must join NATO and on what condition – I were be the bar gainer – “ UNSC Permanent membership is ultimate answer, and secondly, UN must recognise – POK and Akchai Chin – a part of India” else these NATO plus is not in the interest of India. I repeat – “China before Indian military and NATO means – “nothing” but against that we need tech transfers for fifth generation fighter plane, 16 nuclear submarine – from France and US Jointly. Else leave the deal of NATO PLUS membership.
Why – India must not leave Russia – because – Russian commitment has been proved in the past and in all conditions, hence to make Russia enemy is not in the interest of India at all. Rather India must initiate to stop Ukraine war with immediate effect, and guarantee on behalf of India that US and NATO has no intention to disturb Russia.
Conclusion: Truth is – countries runs on Capital – and The Capital is the hands of West and The United States. The drama that we can exchange in local currency may kill the economy like a sweet poison. Its not good. Despite all odds, West is not going to rest, and putting others into trouble is their habit. We must sit with them and play in their court, in the name of National Security of India. More Capital and more tech support will ease our problems better. I say, “Yes” for NATO Plus membership of India without losing our interest as mentioned above.
Thank You.
Dr Ajay Kumar PhD
(A Citizen of India)