
Author: Dialogue India

जेल का फाटक टूटेगाजार्ज फर्नांडीज छूटेगा

जेल का फाटक टूटेगाजार्ज फर्नांडीज छूटेगा

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
एक जमाने में बिहार में एक लोकप्रिय नारा था “जेल का फाटक टूटेगा-जार्ज फर्नांडीज छूटेगा।” ये उन दिनों की बातें हैं जब देश में इमरजेंसी लगी थी। जार्ज फर्नांडिस पर झूठा राजद्रोह का मुकदमा लगाकर इंदिरा सरकार ने उन्हें और उनके सहयोगी लाडली मोहन निगम को जेल में ठूंस दकय था। जार्ज भले ही दक्षिण भारत से आते थे, पर बिहार उन्हें अपना मानता था और वे बिहार को अपना मानते थे । बिहार ने उन्हें तहेदिल से आदर भी दिया। उन्होंने भी बिहार को पूरी तरह अपना लिया था। वे भोजपुरी भाषा और मैथली भाषा भी मजेकी बोल लिया करते थे।  जॉर्ज साहब कई वर्षों से बीमार थे,उनकी स्मरण शक्ति भी जा चुकी थी।पर उनका अपने बीच होना एक सुखद अहसास अवश्य कराता रहता था कि अभी एक दिग्गज राष्ट्र भक्त नेता की छत्रछाया हमारे ऊपर है। उनका व्यक्तित्व सम्मोहित करने वाला था। बिखरे बाल, बिना प्रेस कियाहुआ खादी का कुर्ता-पायजामा, मामूली सी चप्पल पहनन...
वासन्ती आभा एवं सरस्वती की आराधना का पर्व वसन्त पंचमी

वासन्ती आभा एवं सरस्वती की आराधना का पर्व वसन्त पंचमी

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, संस्कृति और अध्यात्म
सम्पूर्ण प्रकृति को सौन्दर्य,मादकता तथा वाचा से महकाने वाला यह त्यौहार हमारे सनातन धर्म को ऊर्जा और वाणी से गुंजायमान करता है। माघ मास की शुक्ल पक्ष की पंचमी तिथि को वसन्त पंचमी या श्रीपंचमी के नाम से जाना जाता है। ब्रह्मा जी ने पृथ्वी पर मानव की रचना की। रचना करने के बाद उन्हें अपनी सृष्टि में कुछ कमी का आभास हुआ क्योंकि मानव को वाचा नहीं थी अतः सर्वत्र सूनापन था। ब्रह्माजी ने विष्णु जी की आज्ञा लेकर अपने कमण्डल से पृथ्वी पर जल का छिड़काव किया। ऐसा करने से एक कम्पन के साथ एक देवी का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ। यह वाणी प्रदाता विद्या की देवी माँ सरस्वती ही थी। ब्रह्मा ने उनसे वीणा बजाने का आग्रह किया। वीणा की झंकार के साथ ही सम्पूर्ण सृष्टि में स्वर गुंजायमान हो गया। जगतीतल में वाणी का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ। सभी प्राणी बोलने लग गये। मानव में बुद्धि का संचार हुआ। पशु-पक्षी चहचहाने लगे। चारों ओर मधुर गुंजायम...
New bioactive dental filling material promises to be teeth-friendly

New bioactive dental filling material promises to be teeth-friendly

addtop, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
A team of Indian scientists has developed a new technique that promises to help produce bioactive dental filling materials which will take much lesser time for formation of new bone tissues. Bioactive dental filling materials are gaining popularity as they last longer, restore minerals in teeth and slow down secondary tooth decay more effectively. Previously, a technique called melt-derived method was used. The materials were produced without crystallization and were of micron size. Now scientists have synthesized a crystallization induced, strontium-based nano-sized material using a simpler sol-gel assisted microwave method. The effect of crystallization on the product and its reactivity is the main focus of the findings. Researchers claim that compared with commercially avai...
एक दशक में मिल सकती है काला अजार के उपचार की नयी थेरेपी

एक दशक में मिल सकती है काला अजार के उपचार की नयी थेरेपी

addtop, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
अगले करीब एक दशक में काला अजार के प्रभावी उपचार के लिए एक नयी थेरेपी विकसित की जा सकती है। स्वास्थ्य के क्षेत्र में शोध कर रहे वैज्ञानिकों ने काला अजार के इलाज लिए मौखिक दवा विकिसत करने से संबंधित घटकों के एक समृद्ध पोर्टफोलियो के आधार पर यह बात कही है। दक्षिण एशिया समेत अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर के 30 से अधिक शोधकर्ताओं द्वारा तैयार किए गए ‘नेग्लेक्टेड डिजीजेस ऐंड इनोवेशन इन साउथ एशिया’ नामक एक नये संग्रह में यह बात सामने आयी है। इस संग्रह में लिंफैटिक फाइलेरिया, काला अजार और सर्पदंश जैसी उपेक्षित स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के नियंत्रण तथा उन्मूलन से जुड़ी प्रगति का मूल्यांकन किया गया है। इसके अलावा, रोगाणुरोधी प्रतिरोध की बढ़ती चुनौती को भी इसमें रेखांकित किया गया है। शोधकर्ताओं में शामिल बनारस हिंदू विश्वविद्यालय के शोधकर्ता प्रोफेसर श्याम सुंदर के मुताबिक, “काला अजार से उबरने के बाद करीब 10 प...
Big Data may help get new clues to Alzheimer’s

Big Data may help get new clues to Alzheimer’s

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, विश्लेषण
Despite rapid developments in medicine, early detection of neurodegenerative disorders remains a challenge. Now a group of Indian researchers has sought to apply Big Data analytics to hunt for early signatures of the Alzheimer’s. Researchers at the National Brain Research Centre (NBRC), Manesar, have developed a Big Data Analytics framework that will use non-invasive imaging and other test data to look for early diagnostic biomarkers of the Alzheimer’s disease. The data framework, based on open source data software platform called Hadoop, integrates data from brain scans in the form of non-invasive tests - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) as well as neuropsychological test results. The framework deploys data mining, machine learning and statisti...
No place for Delhi-people in GB Pant Hospital and other hospitals run by Delhi government:

No place for Delhi-people in GB Pant Hospital and other hospitals run by Delhi government:

addtop, TOP STORIES, राज्य
It refers to ever-increasing rush in GB Pant Hospital run by Delhi Government at tax-money of Delhi people where majority of people coming there are from outside Delhi, because free medicines including costly ones are distributed only in hospitals run by Delhi government. Even other hospitals in Delhi run by central government including like AIIMS and RML hospital do not have such a system of providing free medicines or costly facilities like MRI and body-scanning. People coming from outside Delhi should ask their own state-governments to provide free medicines and treatments like is done by Delhi government rather than being a burden on tax-money of Delhi people. Heavy rush of people queuing up at so many counters of GB Pant Hospital (Delhi) results in counter-persons not able to have pro...
Controlling traffic-jams, food-wastage and other evils in marriage-functions

Controlling traffic-jams, food-wastage and other evils in marriage-functions

addtop, TOP STORIES, सामाजिक
It refers to Delhi government drafting a plan to follow Supreme Court observations for preventing wastage of food and traffic-jams in marriage-functions. Delhi can reintroduce guest-control orders in emergency-era where only snacks and beverages were allowed in marriage-related functions. Such a system will auto-prevent number of guests many of whom attend marriage-functions just to enjoy lavish food. Distribution of cash-envelopes, sweet-boxes and gift-hampers should also be banned which is a forced burden on parents of brides. An estimated outlay of marriage-expenditure mentioning number of guests should also be printed on marriage-cards which should also contain details of catering-agency, tent-decorators, card-printers and event-managers. Personal details like dates ...
Follow great ideals of Nanaji Deshmukh in practice while honouring him with Bharat Ratna

Follow great ideals of Nanaji Deshmukh in practice while honouring him with Bharat Ratna

addtop, TOP STORIES, राष्ट्रीय, सामाजिक
Great social activist Chandikadas Amritrao Deshmukh (Nanaji Deshmukh) who devoted big last part of life by dedicated social service in remote tribal areas definitely deserved greatest national honour of Bharat Ratna. But need of the hour is to adopt ideal principles advocated by him public life. He declined post of Union Cabinet Minister in Morarji Desai government after emergency-era of 1975-77 only on the ground that he advocated the principle to stay away from politics after age of 60 years. But now politicians even at the age of eighties or nineties kept glued to legislative posts with some ones dreaming to be Prime Minister even at such high age. In present era of too many aspirants in opposition for post of Prime Minister, only present BJP government at the centre can and do massi...
Punjab National Bank should clear its relation with PNB Metlife

Punjab National Bank should clear its relation with PNB Metlife

PNB Metlife is an insurance-company using logo of public-sector Punjab National Bank, but there is absolute no clarity on exact relationship between Punjab National Bank and PNB Metlife where agents of PNB Metlife lure members of public through highly lucrative investment-offers but without giving any brochure or highlights of the offered schemes on website. Subsequent to some lucrative offer of annual deposit without any limit for five years or more with high non-taxable eleven-percent annually compounded interest-rate also attracting exemption under 80(C) of Income Tax Act coming from some call-centre on 17.01.2019, another call from some one claiming to be executive came on 18.01.2019 on mobile-number +91-9810033711 from mobile-number +91-8527372127 who further added that depositor w...
Medical-treatment in foreign countries and luxury hospitals must not be allowed at public-cost

Medical-treatment in foreign countries and luxury hospitals must not be allowed at public-cost

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
Persons seated in high posts enjoy luxurious medical treatments in private hospitals in India and abroad. When system cannot provide such luxury to normal citizens at public-cost, persons seated on high posts in legislature, judiciary or bureaucracy must not also have any such entitlement. Only privilege available to such privileged class should be to get priority treatment in private wards of government hospitals. Beginning can be made by banning medical treatment in foreign countries at public cost. Another option can be to provide Mediclaim policies for families to entitled ones with premium paid by concerned governments and public-authorities. Medical-reimbursement at public-cost must be compulsorily put on respective public-authorities. There may be legislation in this regard becau...