

Sharp decline in small savings is a cause of worry: Safeguards necessary for senior citizens

Sharp decline in small savings is a cause of worry: Safeguards necessary for senior citizens

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, आर्थिक
Latest data released by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) shows a sharp decline in small savings in first eight months of financial year 2017-18 when small savings schemes amounted to just rupees 40,429 crore, a seven-fold dip from Rs 2,75,682 crore in the corresponding period of the previous year. Evidently it is at cost of more investment in mutual-fund schemes where political and other factors can suddenly harm the investors like happened in investment in properties. A sharp decline in interest-rate was anticipated post-demonetisation when Jeevan Akshay pension-plan of LIC of India for the reason witnessed maximum investment in that period. But with currency-circulation crossing what it was before demonetisation, reduced interest-rate in government savings-schemes should be restored with t...
सबको खुश करता, सबका बजट

सबको खुश करता, सबका बजट

addtop, Today News, आर्थिक
नरेन्द्र मोदी सरकार में कार्यवाहक वित्त मंत्री पीयूष ने साल 2019-20 के अंतरिम बजट प्रस्तावों से  मिडिल क्लास, किसान, सेना, रेलवे और अन्य सभी संभव क्षेत्रों को दिल खोलकर बांटा है। इस तरह से उन्होंने सबको खुशकर  करदिया है। अगर बात मिडिल क्लास के लिए टैक्स स्लैब की करें तो अब 5 लाख रुपये तक की आय पर किसी तरह का आयकर नहीं लगेगा, यह सीमा पहले 2.5 लाख रुपये तक की थी। इस तरह के देश के करोड़ों नौकरीपेशा लोगों को एक बड़ी राहत मिली है। दरअसल मिडिल क्लास कहीं न कहीं ये मानने लगा था कि सरकारें उनसे टैक्स तो कसकर लेती हैं, पर उन्हें राहत कभी नहीं देती। अब कम से कम  इस वर्ग को शिकायत करने का कोई मौका नहीं रहा है।  अब सालाना 5 लाख तक की व्यक्तिगत आय वालों को इनकम टैक्स से मुक्त कर दिया गया है। मतलब  जिसकी सालाना आय 5 लाख से कम है उसे कोई भी टैक्स देना नहीं पड़ेगा। बेशक,हमारे देश के एक बहुत बड़े नौकरीपेशा...
आम आदमी को अच्छे दिनों का अहसास कराता बजट

आम आदमी को अच्छे दिनों का अहसास कराता बजट

addtop, Today News, आर्थिक
विपक्ष भले ही वर्तमान सरकार के इस आखरी बजट को चुनावी बजट कहे और कार्यवाहक वित्तमंत्री पीयूष गोयल के बजट भाषण को चुनावी भाषण की संज्ञा दे,लेकिन सच तो यह है कि इस आम बजट ने अपने नाम के अनुरूप देश के आम आदमी के दिल को जीत लिया है। जैसा कि प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने कहा, यह सर्वव्यापी, सरस्पर्शी,सरसमवेशी, सर्वोतकर्ष को समर्पित एक ऐसा बजट है जो भारत के भविष्य को नई ऊंचाइयों पर ले जाने के सपने अवश्य जगाता है जो कितने पूर्ण होंगे यह तो समय ही बताएगा। यह पहली बार नहीं है जब किसी सरकार ने चुनावी साल में बजट प्रस्तुत किया हो।  लेकिन हाँ, यह पहली बार है जब भारत की लोकतांत्रिक प्रणाली में जहाँ अब तक लगभग हर सरकार चुनावी साल के बजट में केवल आगामी लोकसभा चुनावों को ही ध्यान में रखकर बजट प्रस्तुत करती थीं, वहां इस सरकार ने आगामी दस सालों को ध्यान में रखकर बजट प्रस्तुत किया है। यही मोदी की श...
Union Budget for the year 2019-20

Union Budget for the year 2019-20

addtop, TOP STORIES, आर्थिक
It refers to the Union Budget for the fiscal-year 2019-20 with so many welcome features for every section of society including farmers, labourers and especially usually-ignored middle-class and salaried people with doubling of exemption-limit for Income Tax directly to rupees five lakhs to the fullest expectation of people. But it would have been better if the budget would have incorporated some important features aimed to simplify long pending reforms. Till the new Income Tax Act being presently drafted comes into force, various deductions like investments in PPF, NSC etc, Mediclaim, NPS could have been merged into a single one with consolidated deduction of total rupees two lakhs. Long-pending issue of change in fiscal-year from present April-March of British legacy to systematic c...
Logic of postal-orders in denominations of rupees 10 and 20 when handling cost was about rupees forty in the year 2011-12

Logic of postal-orders in denominations of rupees 10 and 20 when handling cost was about rupees forty in the year 2011-12

It was only after revelation through RTI application that Department of Posts discontinued postal-orders in outdated denominations like rupees 1, 2, 5 and 7 because of extremely low sale-figure and high handling cost. According to an RTI response, handling cost of a postal-order was rupees 37.45 to Department of Posts alone in the year 2011-12. Handling cost for clearing-operation of banks is even extra. It is highly illogical that public-exchequer may bear such extra-ordinary loss in handling postal-orders in denominations like rupees 10 and 20. Rather it is time that higher denominations like of rupees 100, 200 and 500 may be added to avoid purchase of demand-drafts in submitting various types of fees. Government-fees below rupees 50 may either be increased or totally abolished. Or De...
Punjab National Bank should clear its relation with PNB Metlife

Punjab National Bank should clear its relation with PNB Metlife

PNB Metlife is an insurance-company using logo of public-sector Punjab National Bank, but there is absolute no clarity on exact relationship between Punjab National Bank and PNB Metlife where agents of PNB Metlife lure members of public through highly lucrative investment-offers but without giving any brochure or highlights of the offered schemes on website. Subsequent to some lucrative offer of annual deposit without any limit for five years or more with high non-taxable eleven-percent annually compounded interest-rate also attracting exemption under 80(C) of Income Tax Act coming from some call-centre on 17.01.2019, another call from some one claiming to be executive came on 18.01.2019 on mobile-number +91-9810033711 from mobile-number +91-8527372127 who further added that depositor w...
Steps necessary to prevent foreign companies victimising users of computer-printers

Steps necessary to prevent foreign companies victimising users of computer-printers

Presently all computers and computer-related items being sold in India are by and large foreign-branded imported from other countries. These foreign companies deliberately sell printers at much lower cost aiming to mint money by having abnormally high costs of ink-cartridges. Union government must impose condition on these manufacturers-importers for compulsory manufacture of ink-cartridges in India with authority to any desiring Indian companies for manufacture of cartridges thus eliminating monopoly of printer-manufacturers to manufacture/import ink-cartridges by them only. It will boost dyeing Indian industries because of large-scale invasion of Chinese and other imported goods in Indian markets. Indian companies should also be authorised refill ink-cartridges without affecting warra...
LIC should change name of IDBI Bank to LIC Bank of India

LIC should change name of IDBI Bank to LIC Bank of India

addtop, आर्थिक
It refers to reports about market-share of LIC of India in life-insurance first time falling below 70-percent. But remedial steps can raise market-share of important Public-Sector-Undertaking considerably apart from reducing overheads to increase profitability. LIC of India having acquired 51-percent stake in public-sector IDBI Bank should change name of the Bank to LIC Bank of India with merger of several small public-sector banks in this newly suggested Bank, like public-sector Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank are to merge into another public-sector Bank of Baroda. Then newly named LIC Bank of India can be yet other anchor-bank where other public-sector banks are planned to be merged in future. It provide a single window to customers for banking and insurance which may make suggested LIC ...
Sharp decline in small savings is a cause of worry: Safeguards necessary for senior citizens

Sharp decline in small savings is a cause of worry: Safeguards necessary for senior citizens

addtop, TOP STORIES, आर्थिक
Latest data released by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) shows a sharp decline in small savings in first eight months of financial year 2017-18 when small savings schemes amounted to just rupees 40,429 crore, a seven-fold dip from Rs 2,75,682 crore in the corresponding period of the previous year. Evidently it is at cost of more investment in mutual-fund schemes where political and other factors can suddenly harm the investors like happened in investment in properties. A sharp decline in interest-rate was anticipated post-demonetisation when Jeevan Akshay pension-plan of LIC of India for the reason witnessed maximum investment in that period. But with currency-circulation crossing what it was before demonetisation, reduced interest-rate in government savings-schemes should be restored with t...
Logic of continuing 0.75-percent discount on petrol diesel purchased through credit cards

Logic of continuing 0.75-percent discount on petrol diesel purchased through credit cards

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, आर्थिक
Union government post-demonetisation of currency on 08.11.2016 to encourage use of cashless transactions had started giving several discounts for promoting use of credit and debit cards which also included 0.75-percent discount on purchase of petrol and diesel through credit or debit cards. Due to inadequate publicity, it is not clear which discounts are still prevailing which also included on on-line payment of insurance premiums. With all such discounts having since lost relevance after normalisation of currency-position, Union government should not burden exchequer with subsidy-loss through such discounts any more. Instead steps should be taken to ensure banking to be made least expensive including in respect of credit and debit cards. Concept of minimum-balance-charge for bank-accou...