

Black-mail money-involving politics alive in Haryana and Maharashtra with Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) and Shiv Sena in role of king-maker or becoming king

It refers to election-results of state-assemblies of Haryana and Maharashtra where ruling BJP failed to gain absolute majority at its own thus being compelled to dance to tune of Jannayak Janta Party and Shiv Sena both of these regional parties in a position to enable forming government with either BJP or non-BJP parties. Social media is flooded with posts of a real Dhantares for smaller parties and independents anticipating big role of money in catching their support for forming government.    Such black-mail politics should be done away by electing Chief Minister simultaneously with Speaker and Deputy Speaker by secret and compulsory vote through EVMs equipped with VVPAT on nominations signed by at least 34-percent members with abstaining members losing right to vote in the House thou...

Ban sale of khoya prepared by unorganised sector in Delhi before festive season

Consumption of khoya during festive-season of Diwali in Delhi much exceeds all probable capacity after procurement of milk, leading to sale and use of adulterated khoya for preparation of sweets. Central government should take all possible steps for heavy increase in production of khoya by organised sector and co-operative giants including like Mother Dairy, Amul, Saras, Delhi Milk scheme, Vita, Verka, Sudha etc. Mother dairy and Amul having appreciable market-share in Delhi should also arrange door-delivery of khoya for bulk-purchasers on advance-booking in a routine manner. Mother Dairy markets khoya. But because of extra-ordinary fat-content, its product is not only costlier but is much hard to use. Mother Dairy should decrease fat-content in khoya to make it softer with its price co...
Developing famous Kalkaji Temple (New Delhi) and surroundings through CSR

Developing famous Kalkaji Temple (New Delhi) and surroundings through CSR

South Delhi Municipal Corporation SDMC about a year back had announced that it was working on a dream-project of developing famous Kalkaji Temple and its surroundings in Delhi with help of some company under Corporate-Social-Responsibility(CSR) obligations. Since both private and public sector companies have to spend some percentage of their profits under CSR, it was not difficult to find some such company to spend about rupees 10.5 crores on the ambitious project without requirement of any funds for the project from public-exchequer. But there is still no indication on working of the project. Management of Kalkaji Temple should be run on lines of famous Tirupati Temple in South India where huge earnings by way of offerings and sale-resale of coconuts and other items of ...
CBI probe permitted by CJI against former Madras CJ Justice Tahilramani

CBI probe permitted by CJI against former Madras CJ Justice Tahilramani

addtop, TOP STORIES, राज्य
It refers to TOI report dated 30.09.2019 about Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gagoi asking Central Bureau of Investigation CBI to take action as per law against former Chief Justice of Madars High Court Vijaya Kamlesh Tahilramani into allegations against her including alleged irregularities in purchase of two flats at outskirt of Chennai from HDFC bank-loan of rupees 1.62 crores and rupees 1.56 crores from bank-accounts of family-members as per report of Intelligence Bureau submitted following her recent resignation from the post on 06.09.2019. TOI-report also suggests certain other alleged irregularities also against her. Rupees 1.56 crores now-a-days is not such a big amount compiled through bank-accounts of various family-members, even which can be scrutinized by Income Tax authorities i...
Civic bodies in Delhi should follow Ghaziabad civic-body for licence fees and other regulations for pet dogs also as unavoidable part of Clean-India movement

Civic bodies in Delhi should follow Ghaziabad civic-body for licence fees and other regulations for pet dogs also as unavoidable part of Clean-India movement

All the civic bodies in Delhi should follow Ghaziabad civic-body of UP for imposing a licence-fees of rupees 5000 for pet dogs apart from other regulations like compulsion of tying shit-bags and taking measures that these dogs do not cause hygiene in public-places. If people are fond of pet dogs on lines of advanced nations, they must made to feel duty-bound like civilised people there to feel responsibility that their pet dogs do not cause unhygiene for others. It is quite common that affording rich send their domestic helps or maids with pet dogs to shit on roads. Any person getting caught making dogs shit at streets or public-places should not only be heavily fined but even arrested. All such steps are necessary for ambitious Clean-India movement of Prime Minister. Also stray dogs in...
With election-dates announced for state-assemblies of Haryana and Maharashtra, no approach towards much-needed simultaneous elections as favoured by Prime Minister

With election-dates announced for state-assemblies of Haryana and Maharashtra, no approach towards much-needed simultaneous elections as favoured by Prime Minister

addtop, TOP STORIES, राज्य
Election Commission has announced election-schedule for Haryana and Maharashtra state assemblies with single-day poll to be held on 21.10.2019, meaning thereby that idea of much-needed simultaneous elections to Lok Sabha and all state-assemblies as also strongly advocated by Prime Minister, may not be a dream-come-true. A smart beginning could be made by imposing short-term President-rule in Haryana, Maharashtra and Jharkhand till February 2020 (Jammu-Kashmir is already under President-rule) when elections to all these state-assemblies could be held along with Delhi state-assembly in February 2020. Even Bihar state-assembly could be dissolved a bit earlier so that elections in Bihar could also be held in February, 2020. There would not have been resistance to such step because all th...
Welcome decision of UP government to abolish Income Tax payment of ministers from public-exchequer be followed by rest five remaining states

Welcome decision of UP government to abolish Income Tax payment of ministers from public-exchequer be followed by rest five remaining states

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, राज्य
Yogi Adityanath deserves all compliments for doing away with totally illogical practice of paying Income Tax of ministers from public-exchequer. It is beyond understanding why and how some former state Chief Minister adopted the anti-public policy which is unfortunately still prevalent in five other states namely Madhya-Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Haryana, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh while Punjab Chief Minister abolished the practice with effect from 19.03.2018. Remaining five states must also abolish the practice. At least Prime Minister can advise BJP-ruled states to do so, when remaining states will also be compelled to do so. Salaries, perks, privileges and post-retirement benefits including pension to all those in legislature (including centre and states) should be transferred as a ...
Handcuffed parade of guilty policemen in Siddharthnagar (UP) rather than mere formality of suspension necessary

Handcuffed parade of guilty policemen in Siddharthnagar (UP) rather than mere formality of suspension necessary

addtop, TOP STORIES, राज्य
Handcuffed parade of guilty policemen in Siddharthnagar (UP) rather than mere formality of suspension necessary with immediate non-bailable arrest and termination from service It is beyond understanding if we are living in a civilised nation where video of two policemen in Siddhartnagar (UP) mercilessly beating a young man with legs and blows in front of his crying five-year old niece just for alleged violation of recently imposed dictatorial traffic-rules, went viral. Fortunately some one made video-clipping of the police-torture in open public, and put it on social media to make authorities fulfilling formality of suspending two police-men. It is a bitter fact that after formal enquiries, such suspensions are usually revoked after public-memory fades down. Otherwise there may be numer...
Delhi Government should challenge High Court order in Supreme Court regarding free medical facilities and medicines

Delhi Government should challenge High Court order in Supreme Court regarding free medical facilities and medicines

Delhi Government should challenge High Court order in Supreme Court regarding free medical facilities and medicines in Delhi government hospitals with provision of charging cost of medicines to be reimbursed in Aadhar-linked bank-accounts. Delhi Government should challenge High Court order to provide free medical treatments, facilities and medicines in OPDs of hospitals run by Delhi government with hard-earned money of tax-payers of Delhi to non-Delhi patients that too at a time when even hospitals run by central government in Delhi like prestigious AIIMS, RML etc do not offer free medicines and costly investigations like MRI. However non-Delhi residents must have right to avail emergency-treatments because medical emergencies can occur any time during visit to Delhi. People from outside...
Rajasthan High Court orders vacation of government-bungalows from former Chief Ministers of state

Rajasthan High Court orders vacation of government-bungalows from former Chief Ministers of state

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, राज्य
Rajasthan High Court orders vacation of government-bungalows from former Chief Ministers of state: Supreme Court should sue-motto decide for all states: Even Central government will get massive public-support if subject is transferred to centre from states It refers to order dated 04.09.2018 from yet other High Court when Rajasthan High Court also decided against retaining government-bungalows by former Chief Ministers of the state. Similar decisions have been there from High Courts of other states also like including UP, Uttarakhand and previous one in Bihar in February 2019. It is noteworthy that MP Chief Minister Kamal Nath provided government-bungalows to former Chief Ministers Digivijay Singh (Congress) and Shivraj Singh Chauhan (BJP) in Bhopal where his predecessor  Shivraj Sin...