

Appointing new Election Commissioner and Chief Election Commissioner

Appointing new Election Commissioner and Chief Election Commissioner

It refers to Om Prakash Rawat being appointed as 22nd Chief Election Commissioner after retirement of Achal Kumar Jyoti, and appointment of Ashok Lawasa as Election Commissioner. A Public-Interest-Litigation (PIL) was filed at Supreme Court in July 2015 seeking much-needed and long-awaited reform in selection of Election Commissioners by a collegiums also consisting of Prime Minister and largest opposition party in Lok Sabha. Even the then Chief Election Commissioner Nasim Zaidi also publicly favoured such a system which already exists for selection of Information Commissioners and Vigilance Commissioners. Post of Election Commissioners must be kept totally unbiased by adopting the collegiums-system for selection of Election Commissioners. It is indeed unfortunate ...
Ever-increasing Income Tax dues against world’s richest cricket-body BCCI

Ever-increasing Income Tax dues against world’s richest cricket-body BCCI

It refers to Income Tax Department revealing about rupees 860.52 crores as tax-dues against richest cricket-body of the world namely Board for Control of Cricket in India (BCCI). Revelation comes after CIC-verdict 05.01.2018 in petition-number CIC/RM/A/2012/000197-BJ wherein CIC passed observations against Income Tax Department for being liberal against BCCI for recovery of tax-dues. Income tax Department during several rounds of hearing had confused about some stay-order against recovery of tax-dues till December 2017. Later it turned out to be stay by Income Tax Department itself. It is shocking and surprising that Income Tax Department gives undue relaxation to such super-rich bodies which spends money minted out of public-craze to liberally to our ultra-rich cricketers...
Coin-minting stopped at all the four mints due to plenty in stock: Reformative measures necessary

Coin-minting stopped at all the four mints due to plenty in stock: Reformative measures necessary

It refers to Central government stopping minting of coins because of alleged poor demand and storage-problem, meaning thereby not utilizing heavy expenses done on running mints. Undoubtedly supply position of coins now-a-days is satisfactory. But total stopping of coin-minting may again result in shortage of coins causing black-marketing of coin-bags at heavy premiums ranging from 15-20 percent. Instead of stopping coin-minting, steps should be taken to ensure availability of coin-bags of various denominations in all bank-branches (private or public-sector) including in small bank-branches so that shopkeepers may not have excuse to force unwanted items like candies and chocolates in name of non-availability of coins. Shopkeepers have made a practice to force such unwanted items a...
AAP- A Lost Story

AAP- A Lost Story

आम आदमी पार्टी ने अपनी संभावनाओं को खुद डकार लिया है जावेद अनीस इस देश की राजनीति में बदलाव चाहने वालों के लिये “आम आदमी पार्टी” का सफर निराश करने वाला है हालाकि इसका एक दूसरा पक्ष यह हो सकता है कि अन्ना, अरविन्द और “आप” मंडली के सहारे बदलाव की उम्मीद लगाये लोग जरूरत से ज्यादा मासूम रहे हों. बहरहाल आम आदमी पार्टी उम्मीदों को तोड़ने के सिलसिले को आगे बढ़ाते हुये एक बार फिर सुर्खियों में है. पार्टी ने राज्यसभा के लिए अपने तीन उम्मीदवारों का ऐलान करते हुए शीर्ष नेता के प्रति वफादारी,धनबल और राजनीति में जाति की महत्ता का भरपूर ध्यान रखा है . आम आदमी पार्टी के गठन को पांच साल बीत चुके हैं और इस दौरान पार्टी के नेतृत्व ने बहुत ही तेजी से पुरानी पार्टियों के राजनीतिक कार्यशैली और पैतरेबाजियों को सीख लिया है. दरअसल आम आदमी पार्टी बाकी सियासी दलों से अलग होने और विकल्प की राजनीति पेश करने...


एक खतरनाक बिजनेस मोडल का पर्दाफाश ... --------------- . आपको राजस्थान, महाराष्ट्र, गुजरात के हाइवे पर तमाम ऐसे होटल मिलेंगे जिनका नाम भाग्योदय, सर्वोदय,अलंकार,तुलसी,सर्वोत्तम आदि हिन्दू नाम वाला होगा | लेकिन इन होटलों की चेन जिसमे हजारो होटल है उन्हें गुजरात के बनासकांठा के रहने वाले "चेलिया मुस्लिम" चलाते है । . इन होटलों में एक भी हिन्दू को नौकरी नही दी जाती.. चेलिया ग्रुप ऑफ़ होटल्स का हेड ऑफिस अहमदाबाद में है । इनका पूरा खरीद सेंट्रलाइज्ड होता है । ये डाइरेक्ट कोल्डड्रिंक, नमकीन आदि बनाने वाली कम्पनीज के साथ बल्क में डील करते है,.. फिर उसे हर एक होटल में सप्लाई करते है । जहाँ तक सम्भव हो ये खरीदारी मुस्लिम से ही करते है । इनके होटल्स में इनवर्टर, बैटरी, आरओ आदि सप्लाई करने वाला भी मुस्लिम ही होता है । . चूँकि ये अपने होटलों का नाम हिन्दू नाम जैसा रखते है और "ओनली वेज" लिखते है...
Logic of VIP cells in prisons like enjoyed by Lalu Prasad Yadav

Logic of VIP cells in prisons like enjoyed by Lalu Prasad Yadav

It refers to media-reports about RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav having been lodged in Upper Division Cell of Birsa Munda Central Jail (Ranchi) having two wings each having four rooms, with only VIP prisoners privileged of having separate rooms with VIP facilities otherwise not available to normal prisoners. Stay of former Bihar Chief Minister in this jail in the year 2017, is the second one after first spell being in the year 2013. At least there must not be any distinction amongst those having found guilty in respect of prison. Even VIP prisoners most of which are politicians must taste hardships of prison life as borne by normal prisoners also to act as deterrent for others against committing crimes. Privileged VIP life-style in jails is nothing but a relaxing resort for prison-du...
Rajnikant Ji enters Politics

Rajnikant Ji enters Politics

Tax Paying Citizens, your good selves & we know - being in total agreement with above. Due OVERPOWERING CORRUPTION – OUR SYSTEMS ARE IN SHAMBLES, Checks & Balances lie by the Roadside. Therefore there is NEED FOR SYSTEMIC CHANGE. Way forward for INDIA, put in place by former Late, Cabinet Secretary & Ambassador of India to USA, Sh Naresh Chandra, Chairman, Public Interest Foundation (PIF) & then Director Sh Nripendra Misra (IAS Retd) – now in PMO as Principal Secretary. PIF being a Foundation whose ACTIONS we value added & networked, especially, in Election Commission of India, New Delhi from 2008 when PIF set up, till May 27, 2014 when Sh N Misra appointed Principal Secretary in PMO. It all ended after BJP put in Forefront & Gear it’s own Political Agenda. For Citizens it ...
Install statue of Sardar Patel at empty canopy of India Gate

Install statue of Sardar Patel at empty canopy of India Gate

Canopy at India Gate lying empty now for decades ever since statue of an erstwhile British ruler King George was removed from this place looks very odd to large number of foreign and Indian visitors coming to India. Union government should stall a statue of Sardar Patel at empty canopy at India Gate, also because both Congress and BJP are unanimous in respect for Sardar Patel. It may be recalled that the then Prime Minister Dr Manmohansingh and Narender Modi (now Prime Minister) once shared a common platform with both claiming on legacy of Sardar Patel. There have been rare instances when both ruling party and main opposition-party are united on an aspect like for respect to India’s binding iron-man. MADHU AGRAWAL
Reservation – How to destroy future generations?

Reservation – How to destroy future generations?

competence rather than give them reservations and allow fanatics to subvert the peaceful majority. Hence, all Hindus and nationalist Muslims should unite together to support a leader who does not succumb to gimmicks of appeasement by congress and other pro-Muslim parties. In any case ensure welfare of the peaceful majority. How to destroy future generations? These things will destroy the human race: Progress without Compassion, Wealth without Work, Learning without Silence, Politics without Principle, Religion without Fearlessness and Worship without Awareness. Anthony de Mello "The most ef...
भारत में भूतापीय ऊर्जा पैदा करने की संभावनाओं  पर सरकार का ग्रहण – वैज्ञानिक सूर्य प्रकाश कपूर

भारत में भूतापीय ऊर्जा पैदा करने की संभावनाओं पर सरकार का ग्रहण – वैज्ञानिक सूर्य प्रकाश कपूर

भारत सहित पूरा विश्व इस समय ऊर्जा के वैकल्पिक स्रोतों की तलाश में है। कभी यह तलाश सौर ऊर्जा के रूप में पूरी होती है तो कभी आकाशीय बिजली के द्वारा, विद्युत् उत्पादन की संभावना में। भारत एक बहुत ही विशाल देश है, जिसमें विशाल जनसँख्या के सामने ऊर्जा की समस्या मुंह बाए खड़ी है। भारत की लगभग 70 प्रतिशत आबादी ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में निवास करती है। अब तक हमारे देश के 21 प्रतिशत गाँवों तथा 50 प्रतिशत ग्रामीण परिवारों तक बिजली नहीं पहुँच पाई है। ऊर्जा के स्रोतों की बात करते ही केवल कुछ स्रोत सभी के मस्तिष्क में आते हैं, और उनमें है सौर ऊर्जा, जैव ईंधन, गैस, लकड़ी आदि। परन्तु पिछले कुछ समय से भूतापीय अर्थात जियोथर्मल ऊर्जा के विषय में भी सुना जा रहा है। भूतापीय ऊर्जा क्या है और भारत में इसकी क्या संभावनाएं हैं, क्या भारत में भूतापीय ऊर्जा संभव है और क्या भूतापीय ऊर्जा के रास्ते में कुछ बाधाएं हैं, यदि...