Raising RTI fees in MP – RTI fees and payment-mode should be uniform in complete country
It refers to reports about Madhya Pradesh government raising RTI fees from present rupees 10 to rupees 100 with additional raised fees for filing First Appeals and Second Appeals at rupees 500 and 1000.
But RTI fees cannot be more than rupees 50 according to court-verdict. Rather Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) should notify that RTI fees and payment-mode should be uniform for all states and Competent Authorities. Earlier several Competent Authorities and states had fixed abnormally high RTI fees at rupees 500 according to power given to them under sections 27 and 28 of RTI Act. But negligible RTI fees of just rupees 10 fixed long back in the year 2005 by DoPT has lost relevance being one of the reasons for misuse of RTI Act.
Uniform RTI fees of rupees 50 inclusive of cop...