

Calling Nathuram Godse a true patriot by BJP Parliamentarian

Calling Nathuram Godse a true patriot by BJP Parliamentarian

It refers to opposition still not satisfied even after ruling BJP pulling out Sadhvi Pragya from Parliamentary Committee on Defence on her calling Nathuram Godse a true patriot. Even Rajyashree Choudhary, grand-niece of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose recently on 19.11.2019 paid rich tributes to Nathuram Godse in Gwalior. It has become a political ritual to worship MK Gandhi by politicians in general despite the fact that independence of the country was achieved because of great martyrs who sacrificed their lives for achieving freedom of country, and not because of any non-violence movement by a projected political god. British were forced to leave India because of terror created by Azad Hind Fauz established by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Post-independence problems in India including o...
AIIMS starts campaign for Namaste rather than hand-shake

AIIMS starts campaign for Namaste rather than hand-shake

It refers to All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) launching campaign in interest of public-health whereby stress is given on greeting each other with folded hands (Namaste) rather than hand-shake as a preventive measure to avoid infections. Otherwise also hand-shake unhygienic because any one or both shaking hands may not have clean hands. Even American Journal of Infection Control had several years back published a report warning hand-shake to be even more infectious than kissing. Earlier also American health authorities had recommended greeting by folded hands instead of western style by shaking hands or kissing endorsing Indian style of sayingnamaste with folded hands for normal greetings. It is one of many such glorious aspects of Hinduism which are purely based on highly...
देश की पहली राजयोग थॉट लेबोरेट्री ने पूरे किये ३ वर्ष

देश की पहली राजयोग थॉट लेबोरेट्री ने पूरे किये ३ वर्ष

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
जयपुर ऐतिहासिक इमारतों एवं किलों के कारण विश्व हेरिटेज में अपना एक विशेष स्थान रखता है। गत कुछ वर्षों से जयपुर शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में भी नए इनिशिएटिव ला रहा है, इन्ही में से एक है राजयोग थॉट लेबोरेट्री। यह ऐसी अनूठी प्रयोगशाला है जिसमें विद्यार्थी स्वयं पर एक्सपेरिमेंट्स करके अपने विचारों को दिशा दे सकता हैं। यह भारत की पहली ऐसी प्रयोगशाला है जो वैचारिक स्तर पर सशक्तिकरण का कार्य कर रही है।  जिस प्रकार स्टूडेंट फिजिक्स लैब, केमिस्ट्री लैब आदि लेब्स में कार्य करके अपनी टेक्निकल स्किल्स को इम्प्रूव करता है, ठीक उसी प्रकार इस थॉट लैब में स्टूडेंट अपने मन में चलने वाले थॉट पैटर्न पर वर्क करके मेंटल एंड इमोशनल लेवल पर एम्पावरमेंट कर सकते हैं। आज के इस आधुनिक युग में सोशल मीडिया और इन्टरनेट के अनियंत्रित उपयोग के कारण युवाओं में मानसिक परेशानियाँ जैसे की गुस्सा, बदले की भावना, तनाव, आत्म-ग्लान...
DoPT should revise fees for lectures with provision of GST added

DoPT should revise fees for lectures with provision of GST added

Department of Personnel and Training DoPT fixed a fees of rupees 4000 for lectures in conducting workshops for government-staff on various aspects including on handling applications filed under Right-To-Information Act. Surprisingly there is no provision of adding Goods and service Tax GST which is presently 18-percent on this amount fixed long back thus practically further reducing the fees to just rupees 3390 for those coming under GST network. DoPT should not only upgrade the fees reasonably, but also direct all departments, ministries and others to compulsorily add GST to newly fixed amount for those coming under GST network. Many departments and ministries spend exorbitantly to hire taxis for pick-up and dropping the persons delivering lectures, where these taxis are paid for ru...
More required for transgenders even after passing The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2019

More required for transgenders even after passing The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2019

It refers to Rajya Sabha on Constitution Day 26.11.2019 gifting transgenders by passing The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2019 which was earlier cleared by Lok Sabha on 05.08.2019. But more is required bring transgenders in main streamline and to ensure that transgenders may leave begging and singing-dancing as their profession for livelihood. An era should be there whereby transgenders may not separately in a society of their own, but may lead normal life in families of their birth. It is indeed an irony of the system that just 22 transgenders applied for under-graduate courses combinedly in thee universities in Delhi namely Delhi University, Jamia University and Ambedkar University. Union government should constitute National Transgender Commission. Unrestricted adm...
Mockery of Constitution continues on Constitution-Day in Maharashtra

Mockery of Constitution continues on Constitution-Day in Maharashtra

addtop, Today News, समाचार
While India is celebrating Constitution-Day on 26th November, politicians and constitutional authorities are continuing to make mockery of Constitution now in Maharashtra like has been done in so many states for last about half-a century from when alliance-politics started in 1967. UPA blaming role of Maharashtra governor, forgot role of governors like Romesh Bhandari in their regime. Bitter fact remains that Speakers and state-Governors usually dance to tunes of their political mentors to become a part of unholy politics involving heavy money-power. Only and best remedy is to eliminate altogether role of Speakers and Governors in making and breaking of governments. Chief Minister should be simultaneously elected with Speaker and Deputy Speaker by secret and compulsory vote through EVMs...
Question in Lok Sabha with MPs demanding priority in rail-reservation for their near ones

Question in Lok Sabha with MPs demanding priority in rail-reservation for their near ones

It refers to question raised in Lok Sabha on 20.11.2019 where some members said that they felt ashamed when they could not ensure railway-reservation on their recommendations. Big question is why priority in railway-reservation is given on recommendations of MPs thereby depriving ordinary people from extra reserved seats in rail-coaches. Also MPs should be reimbursed for rail-travel only on submitting proof of actual rail-travel verified by the TTEs to avoid multiple reservations in different trains for a single journey. Cost of un-availed reserved rail-berths or seats should be deducted from their salaries or pensions. Free entitlement of rail-travel including for Parliamentarians and those travelling at government-expense including for those in public-sector-undertakings should only b...
Chief Information Commissioners may be appointed by seniority also to overcome peculiar situation created with amendment in RTI Act

Chief Information Commissioners may be appointed by seniority also to overcome peculiar situation created with amendment in RTI Act

Present Chief Central Information Commissioner Sudhir Bhargav is going to retire on 11.01.2020. But still there is no clarity on new Chief Central Information Commissioner. It may be recalled that once this important post remained vacant for months before Vijay Sharma was appointed on the post. System may be formulated whereby normally senior-most Information Commissioner may be appointed as Chief Information Commissioner. Such a system will not only ensure the important post being always occupied, but will also auto-care for the peculiar situation developed due to recent amendment in RTI Act whereby service-rules for Information Commissioners are downgraded. No present Information Commissioner will like to apply for post of Chief Information Commissioner under new rules because of down...
Logic of three portals for filing submissions centrally: Responses should be e-mailed

Logic of three portals for filing submissions centrally: Responses should be e-mailed

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
Presently at least three web-portals, (on website of President of India) and a similar on website of Prime Minister as -Write to Prime Minister- are there for enabling people to lodge submissions with portal handling only complaints, but that on website of Prime Minister also entertaining suggestions and feedback. All the three portals are managed by Department of Administrative Reforms of Government of India in the same manner. All these three portals should be combined and simplified by providing all special characters in the unified portal duly publicized by retaining maximum character-limit to avoid people filing extra-long submissions. But provision of suggestions and feedback must be there on such unified web-portal. ...
Huge costs on India International Trade Fair (IITF) be utilized for it to be month-long event

Huge costs on India International Trade Fair (IITF) be utilized for it to be month-long event

International Trade Fair (IITF) at New Delhi is an annual event from 14th November to 27th November. There are extra long queues of visitors first outside the gate for purchasing entry-tickets, at entry gates, and thereafter there are very long queues outside pavilions of participants. Most visitors especially children, youngsters and students want to visit as many pavilions as possible. But in such short duration with heavy rush of people on each day, it is absolutely impossible that a desiring person may be able to visit all the pavilions even if he or she visits IITF on all the days. Rather such a heavy rush prevents many desiring ones to visit IITF even for one single day. Otherwise also participants including public-authorities comprising of states, ministries and other government-...