

Too many milk-variants by Amul confuse consumers

Milk-giant Amul has added a new milk-variant under brand-name Buffalo in addition to earlier existing variants under brand-names Gold and Diamond. All these three variants are apart from cow-milk and several other low-fat variants. Apart from cow-milk, all other variants should therefore be processed from buffalo-milk, in case some of milk-brands are not made from milk-powder. Amul should print on its all milk-packs if milk is packed and processed after procuring natural milk, or some of these are made from milk-powder. Now are three variants namely Gold, Buffalo and Diamond priced respectively at rupees 53, 55 and 57 per litre respectively with varying fat-contents increasing with price with newly added under brand-name Buffalo unnecessarily confusing consumers. Even pricing-system ...

Union Government should frame guidelines for couriers

Union Government should frame guidelines for couriers. Since important documents like cheques and drafts are carried by this service, registration of courier-service with Union Ministry of Communications should be compulsory with list of their offices recorded with the Ministry and displayed on website of the ministry. Courier-boys deliver documents any time during the day. Such a system is totally unsafe in residential areas especially for ladies and senior citizens. Mischievous persons can enter the residence for malaise intention of loot, rape or murder in form of courier-boys. Otherwise also it is not fair to disturb rest-hours of residents to deliver documents which many-a-times contain junk-mail like publicity-material. There should be fixed timings to deliver couriers especially ...

New guidelines released for peritoneal dialysis services

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, समाचार
In a new development in the care of patients with kidney disease, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has come out with a set of guidelines for establishing peritoneal dialysis services under the Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis Programme. The guidelines aim to serve as a comprehensive manual to states that intend to set up peritoneal dialysis services and for providers of peritoneal dialysis as a `best practice’ document to ensure delivery of high quality and cost effective services. It also aims to achieve equity in patient access to home-based peritoneal dialysis, reduce the overall cost of care to the system by focusing on efficient leveraging of resources, and bring in consistency of practice, pricing and a full range of product availability.  The guidelines are a resu...
Akashwani should place Samayaki just after main evening Hindi news-bulletin like Spotlight is relayed after main English news-bulletin

Akashwani should place Samayaki just after main evening Hindi news-bulletin like Spotlight is relayed after main English news-bulletin

Timings of news-bulleting and other programmes presented by News Services Division of All India Radio (Akashwani) were last revised more than five decades ago when Television-network had insignificant presence. Then timings were revised in a manner that Hindi bulletins may be broadcast just before English news-bulletins like shifting main Hindi bulletin from then 8.15 pm to now 8.45 pm. But such placement deprived Samayaki important time-place just after main Hindi bulletin like is there for Spotlight relayed at 9.15 pm just after main English bulletin. All India Radio should go for a total new time-schedule for all its news-bulletins and other programmes presented by News Services Division. Main evening Hindi news-bulletin should be advanced to 8 pm followed by Samayaki at 8.15 pm just...

Unnecessary controversy on idea to honour Veer Savarkar with Bharat Ratna

It refers to some leaders from opposition raising unnecessary controversy on poll-manifesto of Maharashtra BJP promising Bharat Ratna for Veer Savarkar. It is noteworthy that postal-stamp on Veer Savarkar was issued by none other than Congress government and he was praised as Remarkable Son of India by none other than the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Now Congress is countering that Veer Savarkar was good but his ideology of Hinutva was wrong. Bharat Ratna honours are not done based on ideology of honoured ones, but honours are done according to contribution of honoured ones to the nation. Congress-led governments did great mistake by forgetting national icons who laid down their lives for freedom of India. Instead those earlier governments honoured family-members of the family rul...

Too much variants of a car-model must not be allowed: Standardize consumables in car-industry:

Too many variants of any car-model confuse customers. There may be just two variants apart from the third with automatic gears, one basic Lx for economy customers and the other Vx with all company-fitted extra accessories and luxuries for affording customers. There is no sense in having too many confusing variants like Lx, Lxi, Vx, Vxi for same model. India being biggest consumer-market amongst nations with free economy, it has certainly power to dictate its consumer-friendly terms for global market-leaders collaborating car-manufacture in India. Union government should induce standardization of common accessories like tyres and batteries so that same parts may be used in different models of cars produced by various car-manufacturers. It will heavily bring down cost of consumables throu...
Success of IRCTC shares calls for mobilising funds through bonds to create employment

Success of IRCTC shares calls for mobilising funds through bonds to create employment

Great success of issue of IRCTC shares, a miniratna public-sector-undertaking doubling money of investors overnight calls for issue of long-term bonds by IRCTC for setting of large-scale production-units in every district of the country for packaged-water, confectionery items and other food-products to replace cooked meal in trains and schools (mid-day meal programme feeding 12 crore school-children) where complaints of sub-standard food in unhygienic conditions are quite common. Apart from such complaints of finding deal lizards, rats etc are also not uncommon. Such setting of big units in large number by IRCTC with help of long-term bonds will provide huge employment in public-sector apart from giving profit-earning for public-exchequer. Even products can be sold in open market also t...
Necessity of time-bound verdicts after completion of hearing

Necessity of time-bound verdicts after completion of hearing

Five-member Constitution Bench of Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi completed hearing of long-pending case-numbers WPC 32855 and 32856 of 2009 in April 2019. But the verdict on these cases filed by registry of Supreme Court against CIC-verdicts on various aspects with regard to the administration of the top court is still awaited. Hearing of the cases may lapse in case verdict does not come before retirement of Chief Justice on 17.11.2019. There should be a set mechanism whereby verdicts by courts may compulsory be in a time-bound period of say three months after competition of hearing, but definitely before retirement of any of the bench-members. Practice may also be that verdicts on cases where hearing might have completed before long vacations (like summer vacations)...
ICMR Award to 46 scientists for excellence in biomedical research

ICMR Award to 46 scientists for excellence in biomedical research

Union Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan conferred the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)'s awards for excellence in biomedical research on Wednesday. The ICMR awards recognise the contributions of Indian biomedical scientists undertaking pioneering work in various fields of health sciences and finding solutions for the health problems of the country. A total of 39 awards were presented to 46 scientists including 14 women scientists for 2017 and 2018.  The awardees belongs to institutions of ICMR, CSIR, AIIMS, PGI, Chandigarh, SGPGI, Lucknow, IITs, JIPMER, Puducherry, SCTIMST, Thiruvananthapuram, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, State and Central Universities and other reputed Institutions across the country. Dr. Harsh Vardhan congratula...
Confusing system of naming High courts : High Courts not renamed after change in name of the cities

Confusing system of naming High courts : High Courts not renamed after change in name of the cities

Indian cities Bombay, Madras, Allahabad have since been renamed as Mumbai, Chennai and Prayag respectively long time back. But High Courts located in these cities are still officially named after old names of these cities. System should be that names of High Courts may get auto-changed with change in names of cities. It is significant that except for some High Courts, all other High Courts are named after states of their jurisdiction. An RTI response had revealed that while all the High Courts constituted after independence were named after respective main states of jurisdiction, High Courts constituted by British regime in pre-independence era continue to be named as per British legacy on basis of cities of their existence even after 70 long years of independence. Union government s...