

Centre should follow UP for eviction of government-bungalows at 6 Krishna Menon Marg and 12-14-16 Gurudwara Rakabganj Road

Centre should follow UP for eviction of government-bungalows at 6 Krishna Menon Marg and 12-14-16 Gurudwara Rakabganj Road

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
It refers to welcome news about UP government implementing court-order to get vacated government-bungalow allotted to Lohia Trust. Instead of such PILs being filed by rightful-thinking persons in respect of different states, policy of allotment of government-bungalows should be uniform for all states and center. Or else, Supreme Court can sue-motto extend such welcome order for all states and the center to save precious time of court, and safeguarding public-resources wasted by governments for pleasure of politicians. Central government should get government-bungalow numbers 6 Krishna Menon Marg and composite unit of bungalow-numbers 12, 14 and 16 at Gurudwara Rakabganj Road (New Delhi) vacated by cancelling lease of these bungalows. UPA government had succumbed to demands of the then L...
Long detentions make gangsters operate gangs from jails

Long detentions make gangsters operate gangs from jails

It refers to day-light killing of a notorious criminal in Narela (Delhi) on 08.09.2019 allegedly due to a gang-war. Crime-activities in the capital city can never be controlled where known gangsters operating gang said to have been operating from inside the jail, are kept in long custody. It may be recalled that unfortunate incident of hijack of IC-814 Indian plane on 24.12.1999 was caused only to successfully got released three notorious terrorists from Pakistan including Maulana Masood Azahar who has become headache for India after his forced release as pre-condition to free Indian civilian plane. Delhi government and Delhi Police should take initiatives so that court-trial of known gangsters may be supersonically completed at all levels including at trial-stage and at High Court and ...

Limit number of episodes in a TV serial to avoid viewers becoming TV-addicted

It refers to media-reports that a Hindi TV serial has reached its 3000th episode on a private TV channel. Continuance of TV serials for years after years with even change in generations of the characters shown in such TV serials makes viewers TV-addicted with unimaginable number of total man-hours viewing TV-serials only adversely affecting studies of students and proper attention to children by mothers who are victims of such addiction. Already social media has ruined life-style and working-efficiency of all including office-goers. Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting should regulate maximum number of episodes in a normal TV serial to say 52 (one year). However such a restriction may not be there on epic-serials and TV serials with single story in each episode.   M...
Gujarat and other BJP-ruled states cuts-down amounts of traffic-challans

Gujarat and other BJP-ruled states cuts-down amounts of traffic-challans

Centre should convene meeting of states to decide common rates of traffic-challans It refers to several state-governments including BJP-ruled Gujarat heavily cutting down amounts of traffic-challans for various types of traffic-violations in view of exorbitant rates decided by central government with Union Minister for Road Transport not in a mood to respond to stiff opposition to steep hike in challan-amounts. Undoubtedly challan-amounts enforced decades back, had lost relevance, and needed reasonable increase. But it was also unfair to have such a steep hike. Traffic-challans for normal traffic-violation could be increased to rupees 500 to earlier rupees 100 also to reduce chances of corruption. It is significant that even earlier lower amounts of traffic-challans were drastically ...
Textile Delegation Met Textile Minister and Requested to release the pending RoSCTL.

Textile Delegation Met Textile Minister and Requested to release the pending RoSCTL.

Textile Delegation Met Textile Minister and Requested to release the pending (  Rebate of State & Central Taxes And Levies Scheme) RoSCTL.  Delegation of Home Textile Exporters’ Welfare Association (HEWA) Shri Anant Srivastava and Shri Vikas Singh Chauhan met with Hon’ble Textile Minister Smt Smriti Zubin Irani  on 05.09.2019 at Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi and informed her about the hardship being faced by textile exporters. They requested Hon’ble Textile Minister to release the pending RoSCTL and informed her about other export related issues.   Representatives of Home Textile Exporters’ Welfare Association (HEWA) Shri Anant Srivastava and Shri  Vikas Singh Chauhan met with Hon’ble Textile Minister Smt Smriti Zubin Irani on 05.09.2019 at Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi. Home ...
Relaxation in upper age-limit for contractual or outsourced employees should be from date of joining

Relaxation in upper age-limit for contractual or outsourced employees should be from date of joining

It refers to Office-Memorandum No.F.19(11)-2015-S-IV-1751-1756 dated 11.06.2019 issued by Services Department (Branch IV) of Government of NCT Delhi wherein an relaxation of five years in upper age-limit has been granted to contractual employees at time of regular appointment on Direct Recruitment Basis. The OM is based on bass of DoPT guidelines and opinions of concerned ones. But such relaxation of a fixed five-year period will harm many contractual and outsourced employees whose service exceeds more than five years, because they will always have a hanging sword of uncertainty and unemployment in case decision is taken to replace contractual and outsourced employees to be replaced by regular employees. Such contractual and outsourced employees at such mid-age will neither be eligible ...
Central government should allow water-purifier only with provision of waste-less water

Central government should allow water-purifier only with provision of waste-less water

Presently RO (Reverse Osmosis) water-purifiers usually have a drainage-pipe that drains out an appreciable quantity of water as waste water before preserving the filtered water in the reservoir. Central government should direct concerned ministry or department whereby water-purifiers may be innovated where there may be no generation of waste water to be drained out before preserving purified water in the reservoir. Any provision of compulsory installation of a separate reservoir to store waster-water to be used otherwise will not work, because people in general will either remove any such reservoir or get it emptied by throwing away the waste water. Since RO water-purifiers are now-a-days very common in households, hotels, restaurants, eateries and offices, installation of water-purifiers...
India can demand shifting of Kulbhushan Jadhav to UN or Red Cross office in Pakistan

India can demand shifting of Kulbhushan Jadhav to UN or Red Cross office in Pakistan

It was on expected lines that Kulbhushan Jadhav had to speak during counsellor-access with Deputy High Commissioner of India in Pakistan on 02.09.2019 under tremendous pressure of Pakistani authorities in accordance with tune of Pakistan. Since he has to remain in torturous custody of Pakistan, he could not speak reality in fear of extended dose of torture later. India has sufficient evidence through photographs and videos that Kulbhushan Jadhav was beaten mercilessly by Pakistan authorities. India government should raise the issue on international forum to shift Kulbhushan Jadhav to office of either United Nations or Red Cross in Pakistan if it may not be feasible to demand his shifting to some neutral country of Pakistan. Demand should also be made for a complete and comprehensive med...
गले की फांस ये अवैध बांग्लादेशी

गले की फांस ये अवैध बांग्लादेशी

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
राष्ट्रीय नागरिक रजिस्टर से संबंधित आसाम सरकार ने जो आँकड़े जारी किए उसके अनुसार लगभग 20 लाख लोग अवैध बांग्लादेश निवासी पाए गए। इनके बीबी बच्चों को भी मिला लिया जाए तो अकेले आसाम में एक करोड़ के आसपास आबादी अवैध बांग्लादेशी लोगों की है।  पिछले कुछ बर्षो में लाखों अवैध प्रवासियों ने जुगाड़ से अपने आपको भारतीय बना लिया , न जाने कितने तो हिन्दू ही बन गए ताकि उंगली ही न उठे या सत्तारूढ़ भाजपा की सहानुभूति का लाभ ले सकें। अब बारी बंगाल, बिहार, उड़ीसा,उत्तर पूर्व के अन्य राज्यों व शेष भारत की भी होनी चाहिए जहाँ अवैध बांग्लादेशी 5 - 6 करोड़ से कम नहीं होंगे। चलो इनमें से भी काफी ने हिन्दू नाम या धर्म अपना लिया होगा या कागजो का जुगाड़ कर लिया होगा क्योंकि हिंदुस्तान में सबसे आसानी से बिकने वाले सरकारी कर्मचारी हो जाते है कई बार। अब समस्या इसन अवैध लोगों को केम्पों व वापस बांग्लादेश भेजने की है व उनको मिल...
Exposing bitter reality became sin for Justice Rakesh Kumar of Patna High Court

Exposing bitter reality became sin for Justice Rakesh Kumar of Patna High Court

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
It refers to unprecedented swift order passed by a full bench of all the eleven judges of Patna High Court debarring Justice Rakesh Kumar from hearing any case including the part-heard ones because of his being harsh in commenting on corruption in lower judiciary, and even commenting adversely on higher judiciary also. His pro-public comments on extra-ordinary facilities including like huge funds spent on renovation and maintenance of official bungalows of judges are also noteworthy wherein he commented that judges are more indulged in enjoying facilities rather than discharging their duties. His comments extended even to judges of other High Courts where he mentioned about a senior judge of Allahabad High Court having managed to get her wife nominated in Rajya Sabha. It is satisfying t...