

देश हुकूमतंत्र की तरफ ना जाए इसलिए अन्ना हजारे जी का महामहिम राष्ट्रपति जी को प्रार्थना पत्र

देश हुकूमतंत्र की तरफ ना जाए इसलिए अन्ना हजारे जी का महामहिम राष्ट्रपति जी को प्रार्थना पत्र

दिनांक- 23/01/2019 जा.क्र.भ्रविज 52/2018-19 प्रति, मा. महामहिम राष्ट्रपति जी, भारत, राष्ट्रपती भवन, नई दिल्ली विषय- भारत सरकार संवैधानिक संस्थाओंने बनाए कानून को ना मानने से यह देश लोगतंत्र की तरफ से हुकूमतंत्र की तरफ जाने की संभावना है। देश हुकूमतंत्र की तरफ ना जाए इसलिए प्रार्थना पत्र दे रहा हूं। नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार लोकपाल लोकायुक्त कानून का पालन नहीं कर रही है इसलिए मैं 30 जनवरी 2019 को अनशन शुरू कर रहा हूँ। महोदय, मैंने मेरा जीवन समाज और देश की सेवा के लिए उम्र के 25 साल में समर्पित किया है। जीवन के 81 साल की उम्र में सिर्फ समाज और देश के लिए निष्काम भाव से कार्य करते आया हूँ। मेरा देश मुझे प्राण से भी प्रिय होने के कारण और नरेंद्र मोदी सरकार लोगतंत्र को बाधित विचारों को लेकर चल रही है। इसलिए आपको पत्र लिख रहा हूँ। देश में बढते भ्रष्टाचार को रोकथाम लगे इसलिए लोकप...
Gandhi Peace Prize given for four years together: Should be announced every year rather than accumulating

Gandhi Peace Prize given for four years together: Should be announced every year rather than accumulating

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
It refers to central government announcing prestigious Gandhi Peace prize instituted on 125th birth-anniversary of MK Gandhi together for four years from 2015 to 2018. It is wrong practice to accumulate such prizes and awards together for so many years. It is noteworthy that even Best Parliamentarian Award to be given annually is also usually clubbed for three years in a bid to please-all-policy by giving this honour to one Parliamentarian each from ruling party, largest opposition party and remaining other small parties. System should be for auto-cancellation of award for the year in which the award or prize is not announced so that only one prize r award may only be announced at a time that too only for the year for which announcement is made thus auto-cancelling the lapsed awards for...

विज्ञान संचार के लिए डीडी साइंस और इंडिया साइंस की शुरुआत

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग और दूरदर्शन ने मिलकर विज्ञान संचार से जुड़ी दो परियोजनाओं डीडी साइंस और इंडिया साइंस की शुरुआत की है। विज्ञान को लोकप्रिय बनाने के उद्देश्य से शुरू की गआ इन दोनों परियोजनाओं का उद्घाटन विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्री डॉ हर्ष वर्धन ने किया है। डीडी साइंस दूरदर्शन पर एक घंटे का स्लॉट है, जिस पर विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी से संबंधित कार्यक्रमों का प्रसारण सोमवार से शनिवार शाम 5 से 6 बजे तक किया जाएगा। वहीं, इंडिया साइंस इंटरनेट आधारित ओटीटी चैनल है, जिसे किसी भी इंटरनेट सक्षम डिवाइस पर देखा जा सकता है। इस संबंध में विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग की स्वायत्त संस्था विज्ञान प्रसार के निदेशक डॉ नकुल पाराशर और दूरदर्शन की महानिदेशक सुप्रिया साहू ने एक समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं। विज्ञान संचार से जुड़े ये दोनों चैनल विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी विभाग की परिकल्पना और सम...
Congress-government in Chhatisgarh forces school-children back to non-vegetarianism with egg in menu of Mid Day meal

Congress-government in Chhatisgarh forces school-children back to non-vegetarianism with egg in menu of Mid Day meal

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
At a time when vegetarianism is getting fast popularity world-wide, it is shocking Congress led Chhatisgarh government is forcing school-children to non-vegetarianism by inducing eggs in mid-deal meal programme for school-children. India is the only country in the world where vegetarianism is integral part of culture and religion. Even many restaurants observe non-vegetarianism twice a year for ten days in Navratras. Many non-vegetarian persons adopt vegetarianism during Navratras and Tuesdays as religious requirement. Under the circumstances, at least non-vegetarianism must not be allowed in government-sponsored schemes like mid-day meal programme.   MADHU AGRAWAL
Mistake by UPA regime by exempting CBI from RTI Act be undone to end controversies

Mistake by UPA regime by exempting CBI from RTI Act be undone to end controversies

Recent happenings in affairs of Central Bureau of Investigation CBI resulting in big controversies even involving Supreme Court judges are result of great mistake done by earlier UPA regime by unlawfully putting CBI under second schedule of RTI Act for exempting the premium Investigating Agency out of purview of RTI Act under section 24 of the Act through DoPT notification dated 09.06.2011. Section 24 was incorporated in RTI Act for exempting intelligence authorities and not the investigating agencies. File-notings reveal that CBI was exempted from RTI Act on uncomfortable queries of CBI taking sudden U-turns on probes involving former or the then existing Chief Ministers according to requirement of the then political rulers. Even CBI at that time demanded only partial exemption from RT...
Karnatak-drama once again: Chief Ministers be elected in state-assemblies through secret and compulsory vote of all MLAs

Karnatak-drama once again: Chief Ministers be elected in state-assemblies through secret and compulsory vote of all MLAs

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
It refers to unholy political drama once again erupted in Karnataka where again huge money is being spent on saving or uprooting state-government by taking MLAs in hiding in costly resorts far away from the state. Evidently such heavy spent of money for political games is to be recovered indirectly from public through bribes and corruption involving those seated at high posts of legislature. There must be a mechanism to permanently end such nuisance. Chief Ministers should be elected by secret and compulsory votes of all MLAs through EVMs on nominations filed by at least 34-percent MLAs. Members not participating in such election may lose voting-right in state-assembly though retaining membership. Any such elected Chief Minister may only be removed by same process but with compulsion of...
Kerala government and NCW should interfere in transfer-order of four nuns out of state

Kerala government and NCW should interfere in transfer-order of four nuns out of state

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
It refers to shocking news about the Jalandhar-based Missionaries of Jesus asking four nuns to comply with transfer order and move out of the congregation-premises in Kottayam after they staged a protest demanding the arrest of Bishop Franco Mulakkal, who has been accused of rape by a nun. It is noteworthy that the protest by nuns had led to of Franco Mulakal removal as bishop of Jalandhar. While the four nuns have been issued transfer-orders to four different states, another one Neena Rose also having participated in protest has not been issued transfer-order. Such transfer-posting of nuns is a punishment for standing for justice in favour of their colleague. Kerala government and National Commission for Women NCW should intervene in the matter to ensure that four nuns may not be punis...
Controversy again on appointment of Supreme Court judges

Controversy again on appointment of Supreme Court judges

It refers to media-reports about fresh controversy erupted in appointment of judges at Supreme Court where new collegium formed with induction of Justice Arun Mishra subsequent to retirement of Justice Madan Lokur from Supreme Court on 30.12.2018 is said to have changed earlier recommendation for elevating Justice Pradeep Nandrajog and Justice Rajendra Menon now for elevating Justice Dinesh Maheshwari and Justice Sanjeev Khanna to Supreme Court Report further suggests about now-retired Justice J Chalmeshwar having written on 21.03.2018 some letter to the then Chief Justice Deepak Mishra and other judges about alleged impropriety of Justice Dinesh Maheshwari having made direct communication with the central government. All such happenings tend to create wrong image amongst members of pub...
Supreme Court should announce reserved verdicts in time-bound period

Supreme Court should announce reserved verdicts in time-bound period

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
It is quite often that judgements by benches including Division and larger ones at Supreme Court are kept reserved for several months. System should be that various benches of Supreme Court may compulsorily announce judgements in a time-bound period of say within three months after last date of hearing or before retirement of any bench-member having heard the case. Delayed judgements after competition of hearing add fuel to fire of notorious aspect -Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. At times, such delayed judgements result in costly and time-consuming re-hearings in case any of the bench-member retires from the post. Supreme Court website must have a link providing list of reserved judgements clearly mentioning last date of proceedings in the case. Since supreme Court has several long vac...

Abolish legal-size paper: Supreme Court should take initiative

Presently A-4 size paper (29.5 cms x 21 cms) is most commonly used size of paper-sheets. All photocopiers used in homes and offices are mostly equipped to handle this size of paper-sheets only. But there is a distinct size of legal paper-sheets for filing and use in courts which is 5 cms longer at 34.5 cms x 21 cms. Courts should do away with British-era practice, and allow only A-4 size paper-sheets till Union government works out for a new standardised paper-size based on metric-units. Rather concept of legal-size paper should be altogether abolished. System will be user-friendly and people will not have to rush outside for photo-copying bigger sized legal-papers presently used and allowed in courts. However colour-code of paper to be used in courts can be different like green is used in...