

Logic of postal-orders in denominations of rupees 10 and 20 when handling cost was about rupees forty in the year 2011-12

Logic of postal-orders in denominations of rupees 10 and 20 when handling cost was about rupees forty in the year 2011-12

addtop, समाचार
It was only after revelation through RTI application that Department of Posts discontinued postal-orders in outdated denominations like rupees 1, 2, 5 and 7 because of extremely low sale-figure and high handling cost. According to an RTI response, handling cost of a postal-order was rupees 37.45 to Department of Posts alone in the year 2011-12. Handling cost for clearing-operation of banks is even extra. It is highly illogical that public-exchequer may bear such extra-ordinary loss in handling postal-orders in denominations like rupees 10 and 20. Rather it is time that higher denominations like of rupees 100, 200 and 500 may be added to avoid purchase of demand-drafts in submitting various types of fees. Government-fees below rupees 50 may either be increased or totally abolished. Or Depa...
Reforms necessary for polls to Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) to make these realistic representative

Reforms necessary for polls to Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) to make these realistic representative

addtop, TOP STORIES, राज्य
Process for elections for Delhi University Union (DUSU) has begun with elections to be held in the month of September. Reforms are necessary to DUSU polls. A simple practical approach to place groups fielding contestants for all the posts of DUSU in the beginning of ballot-papers in alphabetical order of name of the group will make the process simple by doing with unethical tricks to field candidates with identical names or to pre-fix A, AA etc to place names first in ballot-papers for confusing voters. DUSU polls should be conducted through EVMs equipped with VVPAT system. DUSU polls in future should be made more realistic and with widest representation by making it compulsory for all colleges affiliated to Delhi University to get their students automatically enrolled as members of DUS...

Bombay High Court seized with PIL on frequent change in sizes of currency notes

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
t refers to Bombay High Court asking Reserve Bank of India RBI to file a reply on a Public-Interest-Litigation PIL filed by The National Association for the Blind, seeking RBI assurance that sizes of currency-notes will not be changed in future, because it creates problem for visually challenged people who take time to get familiar with new sized currency. But it was after more than half-century that currency-size was last changed in the year 1967. Problem was caused because new-sized currency in different denominations was introduced in phases ranging to more than two years after it started just after demonetisation of old currency notes of rupees 500 and 1000 on 08.11.2016. RBI should rather assure that in future currency-size if required to be changed will be done in one go for notes...
Congress traditionally favours law-breaking former law-makers in matter of vacation of government-accommodations

Congress traditionally favours law-breaking former law-makers in matter of vacation of government-accommodations

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
It refers to a Congress spokesperson opposing the right approach of a parliamentary-panel to cut electricity and water supply of about 200 former Parliamentarians within next three days who have failed to vacate government-accommodations even after so many days of losing entitlement. Such strict steps can only make government-accommodations evicted timely which in earlier regimes were at times could not be vacated for years after losing entitlement. In case former Parliamentarians and others do not themselves vacate government-accommodations within 90 days of losing entitlement, not only these should be forcefully vacated but also all such persons should lose right to contest any election in future. Market-rents for unlawfully retaining government-accommodations should be reviewed to ma...
With only 22 transgenders apply for under-graduate courses in thee universities in Delhi

With only 22 transgenders apply for under-graduate courses in thee universities in Delhi

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
With only 22 transgenders apply for under-graduate courses in thee universities in Delhi, Central Government should take steps to bring transgenders in main streamline It refers to media-reports about just 22 transgenders applying for under-graduate courses combinedly in thee universities in Delhi namely Delhi University, Jamia University and Ambedkar University, thus establishing that much more is desired from Central Government to bring transgenders in main streamline. Union government should constitute National Transgender Commission. Unrestricted admission to any educational institution (private or public) for free education to transgenders should be made compulsory without needing any reserved quota. Government should be duty-bound to make transgenders join mainstream with paren...
Swift welcome action by government-agencies against corruption by former law-makers should be extended to those who joined ruling BJP to save their corrupt deeds

Swift welcome action by government-agencies against corruption by former law-makers should be extended to those who joined ruling BJP to save their corrupt deeds

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
entral government deserves all appreciation for a free run to government-agencies for swift action against corrupt deeds of former political rulers. It is hoped that government-agencies will soon expose their corrupt deeds so that even their patrons in opposition may move away from them. But it is noteworthy that many from opposition including also those who used to be bitterly criticised by ruling BJP for corrupt and unethical practices, joined ruling BJP most probably out of fear of being probed by investigating agencies. BJP-ruled central government should also book these opportunist politicians. Such a step will give doubled-edged advantage to ruling BJP because of avoiding criticism of targeting only opposition leaders and secondly clean BJP from such undesired elements. Such a ...
अब तो भ्रष्टाचार से निजात मिले

अब तो भ्रष्टाचार से निजात मिले

addtop, Today News, विश्लेषण
आखिरकार पूर्व केंद्रीय गृह एवं वित्त मंत्री पी. चिदंबरम को सीबीआइ की गिरफ्त में जाना ही पड़ा। ऐसा इसलिए हुआ, क्योंकि न तो उन्हें सुप्रीम कोर्ट से राहत मिली और न ही सीबीआइ की विशेष अदालत से। सीबीआई ने मीडिया कंपनी आईएनएक्स मीडिया के खिलाफ 15 मई, 2017 को एक एफआईआर दर्ज की थी। आरोप है कि इस मीडिया ग्रुप को 305 करोड़ रुपये का विदेशी फंड दिलाने के लिए फॉरेन इनवेस्टमेंट प्रमोशन बोर्ड (एफआईपीबी) की मंजूरी प्रक्रिया में अनियमितताएं बरती गईं। साल 2007 में जब कंपनी को निवेश की स्वीकृति दी गई थी तब चिदंबरम वित्त मंत्री हुआ करते थे। अब उनकी गिरफ्तारी भ्रष्टाचार समाप्त करने की दिशा में उठाया गया मील का पत्थर साबित होना ही चाहिए। क्योंकि जब-जब  इस तरह के मामले सामने आये है तब-तब यह महज आम जनता को भ्रम में डालने की कलाकारी बने हैं। ऐसी गिरफ्तारी अनैतिक एवं भ्रष्ट व्यवस्था एवं राजनीति में सेंध तो दूर की बात...
मजबूत इच्छाशक्ति से बदलता भारत

मजबूत इच्छाशक्ति से बदलता भारत

addtop, Today News, राष्ट्रीय
देश में जब से नरेन्द्र मोदी प्रधानमंत्री बने हंै, सकारात्मक परिवर्तन की बयार बहती दिख रही है। इसके पीछे मजबूत नेतृत्व, विकास नीतियां एवं आदर्श मूल्यों की स्थापना का संकल्प है। राष्ट्र में राजनीतिक परिवेश ही नहीं बदला बल्कि जन-जन के बीच का माहौल, मकसद, मूल्य और मूड सभी कुछ परिस्थिति और परिवेश के परिप्रेक्ष्य में बदलता हुआ दिखाई दे रहा है। और यह बदलता दौर राष्ट्र को नए अर्थ दे रहा हैं। न केवल सामान्य-जन के जीवन-स्तर में गुणात्मक सुधार आया है, बल्कि भारत की प्रतिष्ठा भी विश्व में फिर से स्थापित हुई है, मुझे इसका सुखद अहसास विदेश यात्राओं में होता रहा है। लम्बे समय से राष्ट्र पंजों के बल खड़ा नैतिकता की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था। कब होगा वह सूर्योदय जिस दिन राष्ट्र भ्रष्टाचारमुक्त होगा। महिलाएं अकेली भी सुरक्षित महसूस करेंगी। खाने को शुद्ध सामग्री मिलगी। सामाजिक जीवन में विश्वास जगेगा। मूल्यों की रा...
PM’s landmark decision on Decision after Independence

PM’s landmark decision on Decision after Independence

addtop, TOP STORIES, राष्ट्रीय
The announcement by Prime Minister Narendra Modi from the rampart of Lal Quila on our 73rd Independence Day to appoint Chief of Defence Staff is a decision in the right direction to further strengthen our Forces, a decision which was pending for since many decades. From the defence point of view this decision is important in many ways. Once it comes into effect India will come in the category of major military powers such as United States of America, China, Britain, Japan and France where this hierarchy in Defence Forces is already there. Many member nations of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) also have the same system in their Defence Forces. Although the recommendation to have a Chief of Defence Staff was made after the Kargil war when the necessity to have better coordination ...
Did China act hastily in India-Pak row over J&K?

Did China act hastily in India-Pak row over J&K?

addtop, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
Pakistan violated the 1948 UNSC resolution early on when it unilaterally ceded a portion of the Northern Areas, a disputed territory claimed by India, to China. China did not have a case for taking the Kashmir matter to the United Nations Security Council. Articles 370 and 35A became applicable to Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) by a sovereign decision of Indian Parliament several years after a cease fire as also the UN Security Council Resolution in 1948 (following the first India-Pakistan war). There was no external pressure on India to do so. Its revocation by the government in August 2019 was equally a sovereign decision of both houses of Indian Parliament approved by an overwhelming two-thirds majority. As it happens, Pakistan violated the 1948 UNSC resolution early on when it ...