

Price-rise in Amul-milk deferred till elections are over? Likely to be followed by others

Price-rise in Amul-milk deferred till elections are over? Likely to be followed by others

addtop, आर्थिक
It refers to Milk-giant Amul raising price of milk by rupees two per litre with effect from 21.05.2019. It seems that price-rise was deferred till 2019-elections to Lok Sabha are over. But newspaper-advertisements by Amul announcing price-rise do not give price of its six-litre pack of Amul-Gold which was earlier priced illogically at rupees 312 while six-litre milk in packs of two-litres could be purchased at much lower price of rupees 297. Even with new increased price-rise six-litre Amul Gold will cost just rupees 309 (still lower than rupees 312) if purchased in packs of two litres. Still there are milk-products like buttermilk sold by milk-companies like Mother Dairy, Amul and others which are sold in irrational packs like 180, 250, 400 or 450 milli-litres rather than normal 200 or...
Failure to pay back home-loan makes mother-daughter commit suicide

Failure to pay back home-loan makes mother-daughter commit suicide

addtop, राज्य
It refers to shocking news about mother-daughter committing suicide on 14.05.2019 in a suburb of Thiruvanthapuram for not being able to repay home-loan. This loan-system is in sharp contradiction of ancient India culture which suggested _Save something out of which you earn for difficult times and future needs_. Now liberal economy has made people acting in reverse direction by taking easy loan with excessive luring done by Banks and Non-Banking-Financial-Companies NBFCs through unending mobile-calls through call-centres. Central government should impose a total ban on telephonic-calls by Banks and NBFCs luring potential buyers of loans. These Banks and NBFCs torture loan-takers in every manner psychologically and both civil and criminal cases filed in contradiction to normal procedures...
Time for newly charged BJP government at the centre to hit sixers of reforms and fulfilling promises made in poll-manifesto

Time for newly charged BJP government at the centre to hit sixers of reforms and fulfilling promises made in poll-manifesto

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
Prime Minister Narender Modi ruling BJP led central government had a well-deserved all-round land-slide victory because of first-ever multi-cornered bold steps against terror-generating Pakistan targeting militants and separatists in Kashmir valley in every possible manner. Country does hope of immediate abolition of article 370 and 35A from the constitution as also promised in BJP poll-manifesto for permanent solution of Kashmir-problem created by wrong policies of our first Prime Minister. Country also has high hopes of immediate construction of Ram-temple at birth-place of Lord Rama at Ayodhya, a fact which is even acknowledged by other countries including Srlanka and Pakistan through admitted historical facts about existence of Lord Rama. It is noteworthy that Pakistan Tourism Devel...
Five-star luxury of transit-accommodation of new MPs gone: Should be done away for others also

Five-star luxury of transit-accommodation of new MPs gone: Should be done away for others also

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
It refers to welcome news about Lok Sabha secretariat doing away with five-star transit-stay in hotels for newly elected Lok Sabha members who are not members of previous Lok Sabha thereby saving pubic-money of about rupees 35 crores. Earlier many newly elected members including appointed ministers misused the facility of transit-stay at five-starred hotels by not vacating even after allocation of regular government-accommodation. Now transit-stay will be done at luxuriously maintained state guest-houses and newly developed annexe at Western Court complex at New Delhi. It is noteworthy that the then Union Home Minister Indrajit Gupta used Western Court accommodation even holding the ministerial-post. But same should be system for others given luxury of stay at five-starred hotels at pub...
Metric unit of Time should be introduced

Metric unit of Time should be introduced

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
Kilogram and three base units changed making all measures in base-units It refers to National Physical Laboratory of India introducing from 20.05.2019 (World Metrology Day) the redefined International System of Units (SI units) for four base-units including Kilogram (Weight), Ampere (Electric Current), Kelvin (Temperature) and Mole (atoms) which will now onwards be based on constant of nature (quantum standards) rather than earlier being based on physical artefacts as per decision taken at General Conference of Weights and Measures at Versailles (France) in November 2018 meaning thereby that now onwards values of these units will never change. It is noteworthy that other three base units Second (Time), Metre (Length) and Candela (Luminous Intensity) are already based on constants of nat...
New twenty-rupee note being sold at rupees seventy in Delhi

New twenty-rupee note being sold at rupees seventy in Delhi

addtop, TOP STORIES, आर्थिक
There was a news-item on 27.04.2019 about Reserve Bank of India RBI soon issuing new currency-notes in denomination of rupees twenty. Surprisingly the new note is openly being sold at huge premium at cost of rupees seventy in Kachcha Bazar market of new currency in Chandni Chowk (Delhi) right from the date of news-item. An enquiry from RBI New Delhi office revealed that the said new-designed note never reached at RBI New Delhi office, and was issued only from main RBI office at Mumbai. Otherwise whenever new-designed notes are issued simultaneously in different cities by RBI, usual premium is about 10-percent of the face-value of new note. Charging premium on new currency should be a punishable offence, and a raid should be conducted throughout pavements at Chandni Chowk (Delhi) and ...
जातिवाद से आजाद होता देश का लोकतंत्र

जातिवाद से आजाद होता देश का लोकतंत्र

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, राष्ट्रीय
2019 के लोकसभा चुनाव परिणाम कई मायनों में ऐतिहासिक रहे।  इस बार के चुनावों की खास बात यह थी कि विश्व के सबसे बड़े लोकतंत्र के चुनाव परिणामों पर देश ही नहीं दुनिया भर की नज़रें टिकी थीं। और इन चुनावों के  परिणामों ने विश्व में जो आधुनिक भारत की नई छवि बन रही थी उस पर अपनी ठोस मोहर लगा दी है कि ये वो भारत है जिसका केवल नेतृत्व ही नहीं बदला बल्कि यहां का जनमानस भी बदला है उसकी सोच भी बदल रही है। ये वो भारत है जो केवल  बाहर से ही नहीं भीतर से भी बदल रहा है। इस भारत का  लोकतंत्र भी बदल रहा है। जो लोकतंत्र जातिवाद मजहब समुदाय की बेड़ियों में कैद था उसे विकास ने आज़ाद करा लिया है। इसकी बानगी दिखी नतीज़ों के बाद जब सेंसेक्स ने भी मोदी  सरकार की वापसी पर रिकॉर्ड  40000 की उछाल दर्ज की। आज़ाद भारत के इतिहास में यह पहली बार हुआ है कि किसी गैर कांग्रेस सरकार को दोबारा जनता ने सत्ता की बागडोर सौंप दी हो व...
Nation’s 2019 polls Reject Rahul Gandhi

Nation’s 2019 polls Reject Rahul Gandhi

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
The results of the general elections to 17th Lok Sabha have rejected the Congress and its leader Rahul Gandhi. In 17 States and Union Territories, the Congress has failed to open its account. This is high time the Congress should get rid of the Gandhi family. It is better for the family also. Other option for the Congress is Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi should gracefully relinquish their position taking moral responsibility for the Congress’ rout in the elections. Even after this defeat, if Rahul Gandhi continues to hold sway over the Party it will mean the Congress is digging its grave. In that case one does not need to predict the future of the Congress Party in Indian Politics. Just see, soon after the elections were announced Rahul Gandhi had begun hurling abuses at Prime Minister Na...
राष्ट्रवाद का विजय रथ

राष्ट्रवाद का विजय रथ

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, राष्ट्रीय
17 वीं लोकसभा के चुनावी निर्णयों से यह स्पष्ट है कि मोदी जी के नेतृत्व में NDA की यह भारी विजय स्वस्थ राष्ट्रवाद की जीत है। सामान्यतः भारतीय जन मानस सहिष्णु व उदार होने के कारण प्रायः हिंसक नही होता। उसको प्रेम, दया व क्षमा में धर्म के दर्शन होते है। अतः श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी के नेतृत्व में 5 वर्ष के अल्पकाल में सम्पूर्ण राष्ट्र में शांति का जो वातावरण बना उससे राष्ट्रवादी समाज अवश्य प्रभावित हुआ। कश्मीर,बंगाल व केरल आदि के कुछ मुस्लिम बहुल क्षेत्रो को छोड़ कर इस्लामिक जिहाद से सामान्यतः देशवासियों को पूर्व की तुलना में स्थिति कुछ संतोषजनक रही। लेकिन सीमाओं पर शत्रु देश पाकिस्तान युद्धविराम का उल्लंघन करके सुरक्षा बलों को ललकारता रहा और आतंकवादियों द्वारा बम विस्फोट करवाने में लिप्त रहा। इस पर शासन-प्रशासन का आक्रोशित होना स्वाभाविक था। अंततोगत्वा मोदी सरकार ने दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति का परिचय दिया।...
बीजेपी ने विरोधियों को किया पस्त, प्रचंड बहुमत से बनने जा रही है सरकार

बीजेपी ने विरोधियों को किया पस्त, प्रचंड बहुमत से बनने जा रही है सरकार

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
आएगा तो मोदी ही और मोदी आ ही गया। मोदी का चेहरा, नीतियों के चरित्र और शाह की चाल से बीजेपी ने 2014 की लहर को 2019 में सुनामी में तब्दील कर दिया जिसकी वजह से बीजेपी अपने दम पर 300 के करिश्माई आंकड़ा को पार कर गयी। यह एक ऐतिहासिक जीत है जिसमें मोदी और अमित शाह की जोड़ी ने बीजेपी को फिर से शिखर पर पहुंचा दिया। यह जीत चुनावी प्रबंधन की कुशलता की जीत है जिसने बेहतरीन तरीके से अभेद चक्रव्यूह को तोड़कर अभूतपूर्व विजय प्राप्त की है। किसी को एहसास नहीं था कि नरेंद्र मोदी की अगुवाई वाली सरकार को दुबारा सत्ता का स्वाद इतने बड़े अंतर से चखने को मिल जाएगा। यह कोई आसान काम नहीं था। नरेंद्र मोदी और अमित शाह ही नहीं बल्कि बीजेपी ने पूरी पार्टी को पूर्ण रूप से लोकसभा चुनाव 2019 के लिए झोंक दिया था। और इन सबके मेहनत का ही परिणाम है कि एनडीए ने असंभव को संभव कर दिया।   ऐसा नहीं है कि मोदी ने 2014 म...