Price-rise in Amul-milk deferred till elections are over? Likely to be followed by others
It refers to Milk-giant Amul raising price of milk by rupees two per litre with effect from 21.05.2019. It seems that price-rise was deferred till 2019-elections to Lok Sabha are over. But newspaper-advertisements by Amul announcing price-rise do not give price of its six-litre pack of Amul-Gold which was earlier priced illogically at rupees 312 while six-litre milk in packs of two-litres could be purchased at much lower price of rupees 297. Even with new increased price-rise six-litre Amul Gold will cost just rupees 309 (still lower than rupees 312) if purchased in packs of two litres.
Still there are milk-products like buttermilk sold by milk-companies like Mother Dairy, Amul and others which are sold in irrational packs like 180, 250, 400 or 450 milli-litres rather than normal 200 or...