

Balance in inoperative bank-accounts

Balance in inoperative bank-accounts

Huge balance is lying in inoperative accounts in banks with even many account-holders having forgotten about their bank-accounts. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced Know-Your-Customer (KYC) forms which has been made mandatory also for closing such inoperative accounts. Such cumbersome practice not only is causing difficulty to account-holders wishing to close their inoperative accounts, but also creating a big loss of man-hours of bank-employees apart from unnecessary data-entries and record-keeping. Frauds are reported through some bank-employees misappropriating funds in such inoperative accounts where amount is large. RBI should direct all banks to close all accounts not operated for say last three years, and send the remittance through pay-orders by Speed Post at last known ...
Court-appointed arbitrators should be regulated to avoid tactics of money-minting

Court-appointed arbitrators should be regulated to avoid tactics of money-minting

It is quite usual that retired judges of Supreme Court and High Courts are appointed arbitrators by courts, giving them much-much more income than they earn while their being judges in higher courts. There are reports that these arbitrators charge exorbitantly for each hearing. Even if all the concerned parties mutually agree for adjournment much before date of hearing, arbitrators insist on sending representation for adjournment on fixed date of hearing so that they may forcibly charge for a hearing held just for seeking adjournment. It has also been reported that after completion of hearing, arbitrators withhold their arbitration-award even for years. Any party approaching for an early arbitration-award, has to pay additional cost for doing so. If these practices are true, then it is ...
Weekly holiday in markets of Indian capital city

Weekly holiday in markets of Indian capital city

Delhi should adopt a uniform pattern of weekly holidays. All those markets remaining open on Sundays should be uniformly closed on Saturdays. Outsiders coming to Delhi will be sure of opening of all markets for first five working days of the week. Shopkeepers and their employees will have at least one common weekly holiday with government employees under five-day week system in government offices. However shops of essential services like barbers, flour-mills etc may have Tuesday as common weekly holiday. When Mumbai can follow uniform weekly-off on Sunday without any problem, Delhi can at least step for optional off on Sunday or Saturday. To achieve greater efficiency, all offices should have a longer pre-lunch session of four hours, like in public-sector banks. Offices having limited p...
सबसे कट्टर हैं धर्मनिरपेक्षता का शोर मचाने वाले!

सबसे कट्टर हैं धर्मनिरपेक्षता का शोर मचाने वाले!

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
बहुत से लोग राजनाथ के राफेल पर ॐ लिखने और नारियल चढ़ाने को अंधविश्वास बता रहे हैं। पहियों के बीच नींबू रखने का मज़ाक बनाया जा रहा है। कहा जा रहा है कि आज के आधुनिक समय में ये सब अंधविश्वास और पिछड़ापन है। ये सब देख सुनकर हैरानी होती है। हैरानी इसलिए अगर सरकार अंधविश्वासी होती और आधुनिकता नहीं समझती तो दुनिया के सबसे आधुनिक विमान राफेल को लाने में एड़ी-चोटी का ज़ोर नहीं लगाती। फिर चाहे वो यूपीए की सरकार हो या एनडीए की। राफेल का हर कीमत पर भारत आना ये बताता है कि आधुनिकता की ज़रूरत को समझा गया है। अंधविश्वासी होने की बात तो तब आती जब हम आधुनिकता की इस ज़रूरत को नकराते और पुराने मिग विमानों पर नींबू चढ़ाकर आश्वत हो जाते कि अब हमारा कोई कुछ नहीं बिगाड़ सकता। नींबू चढ़ाना, नारियल चढ़ाना Harmless परम्पराएँ हैं। अंधविश्वास भी मान लो, तो भी उससे किसी का कुछ बिगड़ता नहीं है। ठीक वैसे ही, जैसे ...
Is it necessary that Congress may react on every aspect forgetting even past practice

Is it necessary that Congress may react on every aspect forgetting even past practice

  It refers to unnecessary self-targeting controversy created by Congress on Union Defense Minister following past practice when he performed puja in France before boarding the first time inducted famous Raffle war-plane according to ancient Indian traditions. It is a well known fact often visible on TV screens that coconut is traditionally broken before induction of war-ships in Indian Navy according to Hindu traditions even before BJP came into power at the center. Secularism does not mean to be a religion-less nation. India with majority Hindu community must follow Hindu traditions in government-working to respect religious sentiments of majority community especially after division of the country at time of independence on religious ground. Congress with fast losing accept...
नारी-चेतना से आपूरित है ‘रंग पिया का सोहना’: मृदुला सिन्हा

नारी-चेतना से आपूरित है ‘रंग पिया का सोहना’: मृदुला सिन्हा

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, संस्कृति और अध्यात्म
"'रंग पिया का सोहना' नारी-चेतना से आपूरित है। विजया भारती ने इस पुस्तक में नारी-संघर्ष की तो बात की ही है, साथ ही नारी-मन की भी बात की है। इसमें ममता, करुणा, दया आदि मनोभाव हैं, जो हमारी चेतना को जागृत करते हैं।" ये बातें गोवा की महामहिम राज्यपाल व वरिष्ठ साहित्यकार डॉ. मृदुला सिन्हा ने विश्व-प्रसिद्ध लोकगायिका श्रीमती विजया भारती के प्रथम काव्य संग्रह 'रंग पिया का सोहना' के लोकार्पण के अवसर पर कही। समारोह में मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में खास तौर पर गोवा से पधारीं डॉ. मृदुला सिन्हा ने नई दिल्ली के कांस्टीट्यूशन क्लब में आयोजित भव्य लोकार्पण-समारोह में बेहद विद्वतापूर्ण, आत्मीय और सरस वक्तव्य दिया। उन्होंने कहा कि मैंने अपनी दादी-नानी से लेकर नातिन-पोतियों तक नारी की पाँच-पाँच पीढ़ियों को देखा है, उनमें बाहरी साज-श्रृंगार, पहनावे आदि में भले ही कुछ परिवर्तन हो गए हैं, किंतु नारी की भीतरी संवेद...
अपने अंदर के रावण का परित्याग कर राम को जगाये

अपने अंदर के रावण का परित्याग कर राम को जगाये

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, संस्कृति और अध्यात्म
दस मुँह वाले रावण रूपी दस अवगुणों काम, क्रोध, लोभ, मोह, मद, मत्सर, अहंकार, आलस्य, हिंसा और चोरी का परित्याग करके अपने अंदर रामरूपी सद्गुणों को ग्रहण करना ही जीवन का परम ध्येय होना चाहिए।  सफलता के लिए ईश्वर को केवल मानो मत, जानने की कोशिश भी करो! आइए इस शुभ पर्व पर अपने जीवन को एक नया आयाम देने की शपथ लें - विश्वात्मा ग्लोबल सोल एक ही छत के नीचे हो अब सब धर्मों की प्रार्थना!   - प्रदीप कुमार सिंह दशहरा हमारे देश का एक प्रमुख त्योहार है। मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम श्री राम ने इसी दिन रावण का वध किया था। इसे असत्य पर सत्य की विजय के रूप में मनाया जाता है। इसीलिये दशमी को विजयादशमी के नाम से जाना जाता है। इस दिन जगह-जगह मेले लगते हैं तथा रामलीला का आयोजन होता है। दशहरे का उत्सव रखा गया है। दस मुँह वाले रावण रूपी दस प्रकार के पापों-काम, क्रोध, लोभ, मोह, मद, मत्सर, अहंकार, आल...
Developing famous Kalkaji Temple (New Delhi) and surroundings through CSR

Developing famous Kalkaji Temple (New Delhi) and surroundings through CSR

South Delhi Municipal Corporation SDMC about a year back had announced that it was working on a dream-project of developing famous Kalkaji Temple and its surroundings in Delhi with help of some company under Corporate-Social-Responsibility(CSR) obligations. Since both private and public sector companies have to spend some percentage of their profits under CSR, it was not difficult to find some such company to spend about rupees 10.5 crores on the ambitious project without requirement of any funds for the project from public-exchequer. But there is still no indication on working of the project. Management of Kalkaji Temple should be run on lines of famous Tirupati Temple in South India where huge earnings by way of offerings and sale-resale of coconuts and other items of ...
Certificate of Appreciation by CBDT should be sent early and through Speed Post

Certificate of Appreciation by CBDT should be sent early and through Speed Post

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) deserves compliments for motivating Income-Tax payers by sending Certificates of Appreciation to those contributing appreciably through tax-payment. But these certificates should be sent within say a fortnight of final assessment. Moreover sending the attractive colourful certificate only through e-mail is not sufficient, because very few Income Tax payers have facility of colour-printers. These Certificates should also be sent through WhatsApp and more importantly on an attractive laminated card-paper through Speed Post so that contributors to national economy may proudly display these Certificates at their residences or work-places after getting these framed. Then more and more people will be motivated for racing for contribution of national econom...
Reasons for recusal by judges should be made compulsory

Reasons for recusal by judges should be made compulsory

It refers to media-reports (TOI 04.10.2019) mentioning that as many as five judges of Supreme Court recused themselves from hearing a case. Recusal by judges from cases is not uncommon. Earlier also a Supreme Court judge recused himself from the bench hearing an appeal challenging closure of politically sensitive Bofors case. A judge of Delhi High Court once recused herself from hearing a case where she herself issued notice to former President Pranab Mukerji after admitting a writ filed by some individual urging some contents of the book authored by the former President to be deleted. Recusal by judges from cases is not uncommon. Only recently a Supreme Court judge recused himself from the bench hearing an appeal challenging closure of politically sensitive Bofors case. Such recusal of...