

Demonetization of rupees-2000 notes can undo wrong implementation of earlier demonetisation of 08.11.2016

Demonetization of rupees-2000 notes can undo wrong implementation of earlier demonetisation of 08.11.2016

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, आर्थिक
Media-reports confirm about printing of rupees-2000 currency-notes by Reserve Bank of India RBI after about two years of launch to meet emergency situation subsequent to demonetization on 08.11.2016 of earlier notes of rupees 500 and rupees 1000. Ruppes-2000 notes worth rupees 6.73 lakh crores were there in circulation on 31.03.2018 which accounted for 37-percent of total currency worth rupees 18.03 lakh crores on that day. Since rupees-2000 notes not commonly seen are mainly hoarded as unaccounted currency and for illegal currency-circulation, even a currency-crunch developed in the country some time back. Even though demonetization on 08.11.2016 was a bold step for checking unaccounted deals, yet poor and unplanned implementation could not give the desired results with currency-cir...
शबरीमला मंदिर के समान ही मस्जिद में महिलाआें को प्रवेश करवाकर दिखाएं !

शबरीमला मंदिर के समान ही मस्जिद में महिलाआें को प्रवेश करवाकर दिखाएं !

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, प्रेस विज्ञप्ति
शबरीमला मंदिर की सैकडों वर्षों की परंपरा खंडित करने के लिए हिन्दू विरोधी कम्युनिस्ट केरल राज्य सरकार ने जमीन आसमान एक करने का निश्‍चय किया है । गत अनेक महीनों से अय्यप्पा भक्त शांति से आंदोलन कर रहे हैं । उनकी भावनाआें का अपमान करने का प्रयत्न केरल राज्य सरकार ने किया है । ४० वर्ष की दो महिलाआें को एंबुलेंस के माध्यम से मंदिर के निकट ले जाया गया तथा काले बुरखे और पुलिस के पहरे में छिपकर मंदिर में प्रवेश करवाया गया । यह उजागर हो गया है कि ये महिलाएं श्री अय्यप्पा भगवान की भक्त नहीं हैं, अपितु कम्युनिस्ट दल की कार्यकर्ता हैं । किसी प्रकार की भक्ति न होते हुए ऐसा छिपकर प्रवेश करने से क्या साध्य होनेवाला है ? यह तो केवल हिन्दू धर्म, श्री अय्यप्पा भगवान और करोडों भक्तों का विश्‍वासघात है । ‘कुछ भी करें; परंतु हिन्दुआें के मंदिरों की धार्मिक परंपराएं नष्ट करें, हिन्दुआें के मंदिर भ्रष्ट करें’ ऐस...
DJA seeks an apology from Congress Chief Rahul Gandhi

DJA seeks an apology from Congress Chief Rahul Gandhi

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
Delhi Journalists Association (DJA), affiliated to the National Union of Journalist (India) is not amused at the use of adjective ‘pliable’ by Indian National Congress President Rahul Gandhi for the ANI interviewer who conducted a wide-ranging and long interview with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In a joint statement issued today, DJA president Manohar Singh and General Secretary Pramod Kumar said badmouthing a journalist simply because she conducted an interview with a rival political leader is in poor taste and amounts to shooting the messenger; it’s unwarranted and unbecoming of a senior leader of a national political party. The DJA is of the opinion that journalists have a professional responsibility to seek information, ask questions and get answers. “All journalists everywhere kno...
“New Look” Vande Matram to be introduced in Madhya Pradesh

“New Look” Vande Matram to be introduced in Madhya Pradesh

It refers to Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath doing away with practice of singing Vande Matram at Secretariat building on every first day of the month, later clarifying subsequent to strong criticism that some new-look Vande Matram would be soon introduced. Big question is that now pseudo-secular politics will be revived to the extent that originality of national song will be changed according to political requirement of state-government. Even if new-look Vande Matram is to be introduced, then it should have been one on 01.01.2019 itself rather than deferring it for some future date which may or may not come. State-governor should summon Chief Minister on the big question hurting patriotic and nationalistic sentiments of most people of the states. MADHU AGRAWAL
Intelligence Bureau should probe if women in menstrual age entering Sabrimala Temple

Intelligence Bureau should probe if women in menstrual age entering Sabrimala Temple

Intelligence Bureau should probe if women in menstrual age entering Sabrimala Temple on 02.01.2019 had real religious feelings or did so to deliberately hurt sentiments of Hindus Proverb Law-is-Blind proves totally fit on unpractical Supreme Court verdict allowing women of menstrual age in Sabrimala Temple in Kerala, causing unnecessary problem of law and order in approach-way to the temple and hurting practical religious sentiments of majority community including women in menstrual age. However it is for sure that the verdict never allowed its symbolic implementation by non-religious ladies not for faith, but to deliberately hurt religious sentiments on an aspect where tradition was set on practical aspects but not at all as gender-discrimination. Intelligence Bureau should probe if...
कैसे मुक्त हों अंग्रेजी दवाओं के षड्यंत्र से ?

कैसे मुक्त हों अंग्रेजी दवाओं के षड्यंत्र से ?

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन की 1997 की एक रिर्पोट के अनुसार बाजार में बिक रही चैरासी हजार दवाओं में बहत्तर हजार दवाईओं पर तुरंत प्रतिबंध लगना चाहिए। क्योंकि ये दवाऐं हमारे स्वास्थ्य के लिए हानिकारक हैं। लेकिन प्रतिबंध लगना तो दूर, आज इनकी संख्या दुगनी से भी अधिक हो गई है। 2003 की रिर्पोट के अनुसार भारत में नकली दवाओं का धंधा लगभग डेढ़ लाख करोड़ रूपये प्रतिवर्ष हो गया था, जो अब और भी अधिक बढ़ गया है। भारत में मिलने वाली मलेरिया,टीबी. या एड्स जैसी बीमारियों की पच्चीस फीसदी दवाऐं नकली हैं। कारण स्पष्ट है। जब दवाओं की शोध स्वास्थ्य के लिए कम और बड़ी कंपनियों की दवाऐं बिकवाने के लिए अधिक होने लगे, कमीशन और विदेशों में सैर सपाटे व खातिरदारी के लालच में डॉक्टर, मीडिया, सरकार और प्रशासन ही नहीं, बल्कि स्वयंसेवी संस्थाऐं तक समाज का ‘ब्रेनवॉश’ करने में जुटे हों, तब हमें इस षड्यंत्र से कौन बचा सकता है? कोई नही...
बांग्लादेशः हसीना को दिल दिया

बांग्लादेशः हसीना को दिल दिया

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, विश्लेषण
बांग्लादेश में एक बेगम की पार्टी को 300 में से 287 सीटें मिल गईं और दूसरी बेगम की पार्टी को मुश्किल से छह सीटें मिलीं। पहली बेगम शेख हसीना वाजिद हैं और दूसरी बेगम खालिदा जिया हैं। बांग्लादेश पिछले 30 साल से इन दोनों बेगमों के बीच झूल रहा है। आवामी लीग की नेता हसीना शेख मुजीब की बेटी हैं और बांग्लादेश नेशनल पार्टी की नेता खालिदा जिया राष्ट्रपति जिया-उर-रहमान की पत्नी हैं। जनरल इरशाद की फौजी तानाशाही से निजात पाते वक्त ये दोनों बेगमें कंधे से कंधा मिलाकर लड़ती रहीं लेकिन उसके बाद दोनों एक-दूसरे की जानी दुश्मन बन गईं। शेख हसीना पिछले दस साल से सत्ता में हैं और अब अगले पांच साल के लिए तीसरी बार चुन ली गई हैं। इस बार जैसी जबर्दस्त विजय उनकी हुई है, आज तक दक्षिण एशिया में किसी नेता की नहीं हुई। विपक्ष के गठबंधन को 300 में से सिर्फ 10-12 सीटों पर सिमटना पड़ा। याने हसीना को लगभग 95 प्रतिशत सीटें मिल...
Accidental Prime Minister

Accidental Prime Minister

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
It refers to the film Accidental-Prime-Minister released on 28.12.2018. The film based on the book by Sanjay Baru, media-advisor to the then Prime Minister Dr Manmohansingh has caused waves of embarrassment in Congress party for obvious reasons confusing everyone in the party whether to demand ban on the film or not. Any such demand to ban would have been considered as attack on freedom of expression. Damage-control exercise of Congress President by giving special honour of symbolic cake-cutting to Dr Manmohansingh on occasion of Foundation-Day of oldest political party with Congress President seen helping him, and confusing talks by party-cadre for demand to ban of the film bounced back giving extra publicity to the film which is said to have projected Dr Manmohansingh having acted on ...
Central government accepting Allahabad to be renamed as Prayag

Central government accepting Allahabad to be renamed as Prayag

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
Names of institutions should be auto-changed without needing further legislation or notification   It refers to central government giving nod to UP government decision to rename Allahabad as Prayagraj. But system should be for auto-change of names institutions including like High Court, University Railway-Station and others after name-change is affected. ames of Bombay High Court and Madras High Court still renmain the same despite renaming of respective cities as Mumbai and Chennai decades back.   There has been gradual change in names or spellings of cities with the process still incomplete despite more than seven decades of independence. Distorted spellings of Jullender and Simla by British rulers in India as Jalandhar and Shimla has been rectified. But spellings of cities like...
Unfair politics on an ultra-reformative step to ban Triple Talaq: More reforms necessary

Unfair politics on an ultra-reformative step to ban Triple Talaq: More reforms necessary

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, सामाजिक
Central government deserves compliments to get passed reformative bill on Triple Talaq by Lok Sabha on 27.12.2018 with practical amendments ruling out all possibility of interference of non-family-members of the victim-wife when only victim or her blood-relation could file a police-complaint. Other amendments including dropping the case in case the couple compromise and magistrate granting bail only after hearing the victim-wife were enough to get passed the bill unanimously. It is evident that opposition did not support a reformative move in interest of Muslim women that too at a time when even several Muslim countries have banned Triple Talaq. If it was an interference in religious matters, then opposition should have cried for abolition of Dowry Act also. Union government should now ...