

Padma awards 2018 with a difference: But reforms necessary

Padma awards 2018 with a difference: But reforms necessary

It was for the first time ever since institution of Padma awards in the year 1954 that no one from Delhi was honoured with these awards. Otherwise Delhi dominated all other states in getting maximum share of Padma awards. Medical practitioners from natural methods got honoured while in earlier years, practitioners of modern medicines had a lion-share in Padma awards to shine their practice. However too much of everything is bad. Delhi must not have been totally ignored because it is but natural that the city has many such deserving persons because of their shifting to Delhi. Selection of awardees makes it clear that inviting self-nominations on website is just a gimmick with no proper mechanism to scrutiny above 15000 nominations as compared to just about 2000 before intro...


More than six decades have gone after China forcibly entered Tibet and occupied the land and unjustifiably claimed that Tibet belongs to it.. His Holiness the Dalai Lama had no alternative other than leaving Tibet with his disciples and he entered Indian territory on 31st March,1959. When China occupied Tibet , India led by the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru just kept watching and did nothing to stop China from it’s aggressive move Obviously, Nehru was very friendly at that time with Chinese government and he did not want to upset China by commenting on China’s occupation of Tibet. While Nehru took such stand, there were many sane voices in India who felt concerned about the inaction of Jawaharlal Nehru and reminded him that he was doing historical mistake. The fact is ...
Why at all posts of Parliamentary Secretary: Even restrict number of ministers at 10-percent strength of lower House

Why at all posts of Parliamentary Secretary: Even restrict number of ministers at 10-percent strength of lower House

It refers to Election Commission recommending President of India for disqualifying 20 members of Delhi Legislative Assembly for holding office of profit because of their having been appointed Parliamentary Secretaries. But big question is why at all there is post of Parliamentary Secretaries in any state. Like constitutional provision of post of Deputy Minister was removed, in the same manner post of Parliamentary Secretaries should also be abolished. Moreover original recommendation of Administrative Reforms Commission for just 10-percent ministers of total strength of lower House was modified to 15-percent at time of implementation that time for political convenience of ministry-formation. Total number of ministers both at centre and in states should now be restricted to 10-perce...
Now Supreme Court officers to get rupees 21000 per annum as washing allowance: reversal of recommendation of seventh pay-panel not justified

Now Supreme Court officers to get rupees 21000 per annum as washing allowance: reversal of recommendation of seventh pay-panel not justified

After many allowances were abolished on recommendations of seventh Pay Commission including washing allowance, decision of central government to allow but only for Supreme Court officers at rupees 21000 per annum is questionable. Earlier this washing allowance was for armed forces and other para-military staff that too at much less amount of rupees 10000. Seventh Pay Commission had abolished many allowances by including these through pay-hike. Another big question is why such liberalisation is only for Supreme Court officers. It may be remembered that Supreme Court judges in the year 2016 had gifted themselves with unique post-retirement life-time facility of domestic help not only for themselves but also for their spouses even though they are given handsome pension after ...


~व्यक्तिवाद विश्व के एकमात्र विशाल संगठन "राष्ट्रीय स्वयं सेवक संघ" की राष्ट्रवाद , सनातन वैदिक धर्म व संस्कृति की रक्षार्थ डॉ हेडगेवार जी ने कुछ समर्पित महान विभूतियों के साथ अपने अथक पराक्रम से स्थापना की थी। भारतीय संस्कृति व सभ्यता की रक्षार्थ अपने अनेक आनुषांगिक संस्थाओं द्वारा इस विश्वव्यापी संगठन के दशकों से चल रहें अतुलनीय व प्रशंसनीय सामाजिक व राष्ट्रीय कार्यों की श्रृंखला को बांधना असंभव तो नही परंतु कठिन अवश्य होगा। इन अनुशासित संगठनों के लाखों-करोड़ों समर्पित कार्यकर्ताओं का आदर्श प्रतीक रुप में केवल "भगवा" रंग से सुशोभित झंडा सर्वोच्च व पूजनीय हैं । लेकिन यह अत्यंत दुःखद है कि आधुनिक युग में राजनीतिज्ञों की बढ़ती चाटूकारिता व स्वार्थी प्रवृति ने व्यक्ति विशेष को ही राष्ट्र व धर्म से भी ऊपर उठकर महान बना कर व्यक्तिवाद को बढ़ावा देने की मानसिकता की चपेट से ऐसे संगठन भी अछूते नह...
Temporarily removed encroachments on roads and footpaths on occasion of Republic Day result in hassle-free traffic movement with better environment

Temporarily removed encroachments on roads and footpaths on occasion of Republic Day result in hassle-free traffic movement with better environment

All encroachments on roads and footpaths from and around Subhash Marg, a prime road of old Delhi opposite Red Fort having been removed temporarily for the month of January 2018 because of Republic Day celebrations have resulted in a sigh of relief to users of roads and footpaths with hassle-free movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, being environment-friendly too. Otherwise this main road and its nearby other roads like Ramchandra Dehlvi Marg (formerly Esplanade Road Cycle Market) and Dr HC Sen Road are full of encroachments with footpaths totally encroached and even encroachments extending till one-third of road-widths. Bus-shelter at Subhash Marg is converted into a shop, and one side of two-way wide Ramchandra Dehlvi Marg is totally blocked for vehicular traffic because of encro...


युवा वही, जो बदले दुनिया यौवन तन नहीं, मन की अवस्था है। हां! तन की भिन्न अवस्थायें, मन की इस अवस्था को प्रभावित जरूर करती हैं। युवा मन बंद खिडकी-दरवाजे वाला मकान नहीं होता। लेकिन जो एक बार ठान लिया; वह करके ही दम लिया। जिसे एक बार मान लिया ; उस पर अपना सर्वस्व लुटा दिया। युवा, न करने का बहाना नहीं खोजता। लेकिन उसे उसकी इच्छा के विरुद्ध करने के लिए मजबूर भी नहीं किया जा सकता। युवा, ढूंढ-ढूंढकर चुनौतियों से टकराता है। वह पराक्रम दिखाने के मौके तलाशता रहता है। वह अपने लिए खुद चुनौतियां निर्मित कर सुख पाता है। युवा, भूत नहीं होता। युवा, भविष्य और वर्तमान के बीच में झुला भी नहीं झूलता। वर्तमान के लिए भविष्य लुटता हो, तो लुटे। दुनिया उसे अव्यावहारिक, पागल, दीवाना या दुनियादारी से परे कहती हो, तो कहे। युवा, बंधनों और बने-बनाये रास्तों पर चलने की बाघ्यता भी नहीं मानता। वह नये रास्ते बनाता है...
one step for birds

one step for birds

एक मेला परिंदों के नाम लेखक: अरुण तिवारी तारीख - 09 जनवरी 2018, स्थान - शेखा झील, अलीगढ़, उत्तर प्रदेश आयोजक - हरीतिमा पर्यावरण सुरक्षा समिति, अलीगढ़ सालिम अली की संगत के एक मौके ने अलीगढ़ के रहने वाले सुबोधनंदन शर्मा की जिन्दगी का रास्ता बदल दिया। श्री सुबोधनंदन शर्मा, आज आजाद परिंदों को देख खुश होते हैं; कैद परिंदों को देख उन्हें आजाद कराने की जुगत में लग जाते हैं। बीमार परिंदा, जब तक अच्छा न हो जाये; सुबोध जी को चैन नहीं आता। परिंदों को पीने के लिये साफ पानी मिले। परिदों को खाने के लिये बिना उर्वरक और कीटनाशक वाले अनाज मिले। परिंदों को रहने के लिये सुरक्षित दरख्त... सुरक्षित घोसला मिले।पक्षी बन उड़ती फिरूँ मैं मस्त गगन में, आज मैं आजाद हूँ दुनिया के चमन में... आसमान में उड़ते परिंदों को देखकर हसरत जयपुरी ने फिल्म चोरी-चोरी के लिये यह गीत लिखा। लता मंगेशकर की आवाज, शंकर जयकिशन ...
CIC marching towards paperless e-governance system

CIC marching towards paperless e-governance system

Central Information Commission (CIC) deserves all compliments for incorporating certain new features in its website which also include viewing scanned PDF file of the complete documents submitted by a petitioner with the complaint or second appeal. CIC has now equipped with infrastructure to register all submitted petitions within a day or two, which earlier used to take much longer time. Al this has made CIC marching towards a paperless e-management system whereby Commissioners are now having complete case-files on screens without needing files any more. Every submission made in respect of some registered petition is expeditiously scanned to be linked with the registered petition. It is time that CIC may add some more features on its website like updated subject-wise compe...
Rajnikant’s entry in Tamilnadu politics in tune with political culture of the state

Rajnikant’s entry in Tamilnadu politics in tune with political culture of the state

Tamilnadu politics traditionally is always linked with popular film-personalities of the southern state starting with M Karunanidhi, MG Ramchandran and then J Jayalalitah who successively dominated political scenario in the state by holding post of Chief Ministers simultaneously by becoming chief of their personality-based political party. It is also clear that their followers including even their kin could not succeed in gaining power after their deaths or incapability due to health problems. Perhaps nowhere else, supporters from amongst the masses are so emotional as in Tamilnadu when even suicides are committed on death of their political idols (former film-personalities). It is to be noted that film-personalities in other parts of the country could not get traditional followers like in...