ID proof compulsory for RTI applications at Railway Board: Should be compulsory at all public-authorities
It refers to media-reports about Railway Board has made it compulsory to attach ID proof of RTI applicant with RTI applications. It was much desired to prevent fake RTI applications being filed in name of others. Department of Personnel and Training DoPT should issue a circular in tune with para 23 of verdict dated 02.11.2012 in the matter-Fruit and Vegetable Union versus Unknown (CWP 4787 of 2011) which requires ID proof compulsory to be attached with every RTI application, First Appeal and Second Appeal or complaint filed with Information Commissions. Already the aspect has been adopted at Odisha. Those who do not want to disclose their identity, can file RTI applications through post-box hired at some post-office.
There is no logic in opposing the move wherein some NGOs and RTI activ...