

Newspaper-advertisements on cash-transactions: Limit cash-withdrawal from banks

Newspaper-advertisements on cash-transactions: Limit cash-withdrawal from banks

Income Tax Department has prominently given big newspaper-advertisements on 23.01.2018 requiring people to say NO to cash-transactions. Central government also from time to time emphasizes on people adopting cashless transactions for petty items through electronic means. But central government should concentrate more on bigger cash-transactions of say above rupees 10000, which can be achieved only by restricting cash-withdrawal from banks by an individual like was done successfully in period just after demonetization. Cash-withdrawal limit for an individual can be fixed at say rupees 96000 per month initially to be gradually reduced to rupees 48000 per month. Such a limit is more than enough to meet petty daily expenses. If it is so done, then only people will be making higher exp...
नेताजी से क्यों भयभीत रहते थे नेहरु जी

नेताजी से क्यों भयभीत रहते थे नेहरु जी

आर.के.सिन्हा पूरी दुनिया जानती है कि देश की आजादी की लड़ाई में नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस का योगदान अविस्मरणीय रहाIपर पंडित जवाहर लाल नेहरु ने शायद अपनी हीनभावना के कारण ही, जानबूझकर उनका लगातार अपमान किया। इसके विपरीत नेताजी ने तो उनको सदैव अपना बड़ा भाई ही माना और पूरा सम्मान दिया। देश की आजादी के बाद भी नेहरुजी को यह लगता रहा कि नेताजी कभी भी अचानक से देश के सामने प्रगट हो सकते हैं। इसका खुलासा तो अब हो चुका है। इसमें भी पंडित नेहरु की कुंठा और अज्ञात भय ही कारण रहा होगाI नेहरु जी के निर्देश पर नेताजी के कलकत्ता में रहने वाले परिवार के सभी सदस्यों की गतिविधियों पर लगातार केन्द्रीय खुफिया विभाग (आई.बी.) की नजर रखी जाती थी। नेहरुजी को यह तो पता था ही कि नेताजी ही देश के सर्वाधिक लोकप्रिय नेता हैं। जनता उन्हें तहेदिल से चाहती हैं और सम्मान भी देती है। लेकिन, नेहरु जी के दिमाग के किसी ...
New CPGRAMS ( system should incorporate suggestions too: Directorate of Estate cannot differentiate its working with portals at websites of Prime Minister and President (see attachments)

New CPGRAMS ( system should incorporate suggestions too: Directorate of Estate cannot differentiate its working with portals at websites of Prime Minister and President (see attachments)

Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (Government of India) has from January 2018 launched its new improved portal for Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) but now with special characters not allowed in posted submissions. Suggestions on this portal are now not allowed according to notification published in newspapers on 27.07.2016. CPGRAMS should allow special characters also for simplicity apart accepting suggestions on the portal with a modified name. It may be mentioned that very improvement system-reforms like discontinuing useless denominations of rupees 1, 2, 5 and 7 of Indian Postal Orders (IPOs) and correcting IPO-printing were achieved through earlier-allowed posting of suggestions on this portal. No...
No action on recommendations of Supreme Court committee for uniformity in paper-size

No action on recommendations of Supreme Court committee for uniformity in paper-size

Department of Justice in its communication dated 26.11.2015 on the matter taken up with Rajya Sabha committee on Petitions revealed that a meeting of Chairpersons of Computer Committees of High Courts chaired by Supreme Court Judge Justice Madan B Lokur (Judge in-charge of e-Committee of Supreme Court) on 2-3 August 2014 emphasised that for sake of uniformity, A-4 size paper-sheets should be used in preparing orders, judgements and depositions. But it is regretting that British legacy to continue with legal-size paper still continues. Presently A-4 size paper (29.5 cms x 21 cms) is most commonly used size of paper-sheets. All photocopiers used in homes and offices are mostly equipped to handle this size of paper-sheets only. Distinct size of legal paper-sheets for filing and use in...
Changes in Indian Passports

Changes in Indian Passports

It refers to decision of Union government for not printing last page of Indian passports primarily to save identity of single parent and adopted child. Passport used to be the most authentic identity-proof issued only after reliable police-verification, as such deleting last page altogether is not advisable. Column of parents’ names could have been avoided to be printed. Rather new-designed passports should be issued where details printed on last page (without parents’ names) may be printed on page facing the page having name of passport-holder so that photocopy in single sheet may be enough to be submitted as proof of identity-proof of passport-holder. Idea of having different (orange) coloured jacket-cover for ECR (Emigration Check Required) though seems good for easy identificat...
Finding Fault with Prayers in School

Finding Fault with Prayers in School

R K SINHA, MP (Rajya Sabha) Is following Hindi, Hindu Culture or being Hindu a crime in this country? But indications are like that. A latest example of this nature has come in form of a petition filed by someone mentally deranged in the Supreme Court of India questioning the prayers recited in Kendriya Vidyalayas since it promotes Hindutva. This prayer is recited in all Kendriaya Vidyalayas for decades, since 1960s to be correct. When Kendriya Vidyalayas were established, the great grandfather of Rahul Gandhi, Jawharlal Nehru was Prime Minister of India. It was December 15, 1963 when Kendriya Vidyalaya was established during life time of Nehru. Now this prayer is being described as ‘unconstitutional’. Surprisingly, no student or teacher objected to the prayer in the past. When K...


Certainly, the four Supreme Court judges have conducted themselves in a deplorable manner by accusing Chief Justice in public. They have not only disgraced themselves but the entire judiciary system by showing high level of indiscipline Obviously, Chief Justice of India could not conduct himself in a way to carry on his colleagues with him in his decisions. Having done so much of damage, it is necessary that the Chief Justice and four dissenting judges resign immediately as people will have no more confidence that these five judges are capable of maintaining high standards required of the judges. Their quitting would certainly help in restoring the credibility of the Supreme Court. N.S.Venkataraman
Congress leadership fails to recognise those in party trying to defame party through irresponsible comments

Congress leadership fails to recognise those in party trying to defame party through irresponsible comments

With official twitter-handle of Congress unnecessarily creating big embarrassment for the main opposition party by mocking so-alleged hugplomacy of Indian Prime Minister in greeting foreign dignitaries, it seems that Congress is being defamed by some conspirators inside the party through such actions. Congress President has to do damage control for such irresponsibility like was done by directing partymen not to link the ruling party with so-called Hindu-extremism on the party bearing strong criticism on comments by Karnatak Chief Minister. Nobody can forget putting respectable suffixes like Saheb, Ji etc by a prominent party-leader after names of notorious Pakistani terrorists Hafiz Saeed and Osama Bin Laden just to face string reaction against the party from citizens. Failure to ...
Opaqueness on administrative side of Indian judicial system resulted in unfortunate happenings at Indian judiciary on 12.01.2018

Opaqueness on administrative side of Indian judicial system resulted in unfortunate happenings at Indian judiciary on 12.01.2018

Arguments are being made that the four senior-most judges of Supreme Court after Chief Justice of India must not have bypassed conduct-code number nine of ‘Restatement of values in judicial life’ as passed unanimously by full-bench of Supreme Court on 07.05.1997, by holding an unprecedented press-conference on 12.01.2018 and instead they could have written to President of India on happenings within Supreme Court in case Chief Justice of India (CJI) was not listening to them. But such a course of action would have been unfruitful in present era of opaqueness in administrative side of Indian judicial system. Any such correspondence by Supreme Court judges would never have come out with all possibility of being dumped in files. Immediate time-bound remedial measures are now necessary ...
India Israel relationship

India Israel relationship

भारत-इजराईल संबंध अब मुस्लिम कूटनीति दबाव से मुक्त आर.के.सिन्हा राजधानी के हुमायूं रोड स्थित यहूदी मंदिर (सिनोगॉग) के पुजारी (रब्बी) श्री एजिकिल मलेकर को आशा है कि इजराईल के प्रधानमंत्री बेंजामिन नेतन्याहू अपनी आगामी 14 जनवरी से शुरू हो रही भारत यात्रा के दौरान कुछ पलों के लिए सिनोगॉग में भी जरूर ही आएँगे। इधर इजराईल के सभी प्रमुख नेता आते रहे हैं। दरअसल पिछले वर्ष जुलाई में प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी की महत्वपूर्ण इजराईल यात्रा के लगभग छह माह के भीतर अब इजराईल के प्रधानमंत्री बेंजामिन नेतन्याहू इस माह भारत आ रहे हैं। उनका यह आगमन मकर संक्रांति के शुभ दिन हो रहा हैIमकर संक्रांति उस दिन को कहा जाता है जब भगवन सूर्यनारायण मकर राशि में प्रवेश करते हैंI यह दिन हिन्दुओं के लिए नये काम प्रारंभ करने के लिए अत्यंत ही शुभ दिन होता हैI लगता है अब यह दिन इजराईलियों के लिए भी शुभ साबित होने...