

Welcome two-child norms for government-jobs by Assam government should be applicable on all aspects throughout the country

Welcome two-child norms for government-jobs by Assam government should be applicable on all aspects throughout the country

It is beyond understanding why pseudo-secularists in the country always sense anti-minority stand in every bold initiative of some state-government for overall welfare of the people. Family-planning programme in India is in force in the country for last so many decades with Congress or UPA governments in power most of the time both at the centre and in states. But now when Assam government has initiated a practical approach in this regard through its decision to give government-jobs only to persons with upto two children, voice is being unnecessarily raised it to be an anti-minority step. Rather such steps which also include providing employment-generating government-schemes to people having adopted two-child norm, should be adopted by the central government at national level. Even two-chi...
Dates of upto one year being given in Delhi hospitals for tests after every facility being made free: Death cannot wait indefinitely: All tests and facilities should be round-the-clock

Dates of upto one year being given in Delhi hospitals for tests after every facility being made free: Death cannot wait indefinitely: All tests and facilities should be round-the-clock

Ever since Delhi government has made all facilities including costly tests completely free-of-cost in hospitals of Delhi, waiting-period for many tests like body-scan, MRI etc has been extending beyond even one year. Even long unending queues are witnessed for blood-tests where sample-collection closes at 11.30 am. Rush of incoming patients has increased manifolds because of patients coming from neighbouring states to avail facility of completely free-of-cost medical facilities in hospitals of Delhi government. Delhi government should utilise available costly infrastructure of hospitals in a better way by providing all the facilities including blood-tests, radiology-examinations and even out-patient-departments OPD round-the clock by appointing extra doctors and other staff to work sepa...
India should immediately approach UN and world-community to bring Kulbhushan Jadhav out of Pakistan in any country if not in India

India should immediately approach UN and world-community to bring Kulbhushan Jadhav out of Pakistan in any country if not in India

India has more than sufficient proofs to convince global community about unfair trial to Indian citizen Kulbhushan Jadhav in Pakistan where a military court of Pakistan has ordered death-sentence for him. Stopping release of Pakistani prisoners will in no way be pressurising Pakistan to go ahead with its plan to murder Kulbhushan Jadhav bypassing all international norms of trial. It may be recalled that after 1971 war, India could not afford to keep about one lakh Pakistani soldiers who had surrendered before Indian army.   India gave every opportunity to 26-11 culprit Abdul Kasab for legal assistance for a fair trial in Indian courts. India also spent huge money for his security and physical safety till he was finally hanged to death after a fair trial perfectly according to in...
गंगा अधिनियम के प्रारूप पर मालवीय समिति ने रिपोर्ट प्रस्‍तुत की

गंगा अधिनियम के प्रारूप पर मालवीय समिति ने रिपोर्ट प्रस्‍तुत की

TOP STORIES, जीवन शैली / फिल्में / टीवी
गंगा अधिनियम का प्रारूप तैयार करने वाली मालवीय समिति ने आज नई दिल्ली में अपनी रिपोर्ट केंद्रीय जल संसाधन, नदी विकास एवं गंगा संरक्षण मंत्री उमा भारती को सौंप दी। रिपोर्ट स्‍वीकार करते हुए सुश्री भारती ने इसे एक ‘ऐतिहासिक क्षण’ करार दिया और कहा कि ‘मैं इसे स्‍वीकार करते हुए बहुत रोमांचित हूं।’ उन्‍होंने कहा कि मोदी सरकार सभी संबंधित पक्षों से इस पर व्‍यापक विचार विमर्श के बाद इसे शीघ्र ही कानून का रूप देगी। सुश्री भारती ने अपने मंत्रालय के सचिव को निर्देश दिया कि वे इस रिपोर्ट का बारीकी से अध्‍ययन करने के लिए तत्‍काल एक उच्‍च स्‍तरीय समिति का गठन करें और यह समिति जल्‍द से जल्‍द अपनी रिपोर्ट दे। मंत्री ने उम्‍मीद जताई कि इस रिपोर्ट में गंगा की अविरलता एवं निर्मलता का ध्‍यान रखते हुए पर्याप्‍त प्रावधान किये गए हैं। समिति के अध्‍यक्ष न्‍यायमूर्ति गिरिधर मालवीय (सेवानिवृत्‍त) ने कहा कि यह ...
Re-impose no-fly restrictions on Parliamentarian Ravindra Gaekwad and impose no-fly rules on another Parliamentarian Dola sen necessary to avoid law-makers becoming law-breakers

Re-impose no-fly restrictions on Parliamentarian Ravindra Gaekwad and impose no-fly rules on another Parliamentarian Dola sen necessary to avoid law-makers becoming law-breakers

Union Ministry of Civil Aviation, Lok Sabha Speaker and Air India should take immediate and strict cognizance of Lok Sabha member Ravindra Gaekwad giving statements to media that he has not apologised to Air India, after the national airliner removed no-fly ban on the unruly Parliamentarian on directions of Union Ministry of Civil Aviation. Since the misbehaviour was done with staffers of Air India causing unnecessary and inconvenience delay to passengers, apology must have been sought from Air India rather than to the Parliament. Such a diplomatic attitude for cooling down that matter is not proper. No-fly restrictions should be re-imposed on the Parliamentarian till he gives a written apology to Air India.   At the same time no-fly restrictions should be imposed on Rajya Sabha...


TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
Throughout history one side has invaded the other for LAND, GOLD and/or WOMEN. Those who increase their numbers rapidly by having multi wives and vastly large number of children will soon find their populations “bursting at the seams”. Muslims have had the ambition of “subjugating” the world since the time of Mohammed who encouraged very HIGH birth rate to boost the strength of his armies. He not only allowed them up to FOUR wives each but also encouraged his fighters to distribute the women of the slain Christians, Jews and Infidels among them! This is exactly what the Isil (Islamic State) are doing in Irak and Syria today! However, unlike the previous centuries when the invaders could conquer country after country in one mighty push, today the Muslims are forced to think of other (unco...


In a major development in Triple Talaq row, Vice President Hamid Ansari’s wife Salma Ansari has come forward to express what she feels about the issue. Salma Ansari has said that uttering ‘talaq’ thrice does not amount to divorce and asked Muslim women to read the Quran thoroughly instead of relying on clerics. Salma Ansari’s views on triple talaq come at a time when there is a nationwide debate on the practice and the validity of triple talaq, ‘nikah halala’ and polygamy practices among Muslims challenged in the Supreme Court. “Triple talaq is not an issue. There can be no ‘talaq’ (divorce) just because someone utters talaq, talaq, talaq,” she told reporters on the sidelines of a function here yesterday. Salma said women can find an answer to their questions in the Quran itsel...


A joint statement said the two countries would start negotiations on sharing waters of the Feni, Manu, Muhuri, Khowai, Gumti, Dharla and Dudhkumar rivers. The two countries signed five defence cooperation agreements, including a $500 million line of credit for defence purchases from India. PM Modi (R) and Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina share a light moment during an agreement signing ceremony in New Delhi on April 8.   PM MODI promised an early solution to the vexed Teesta water dispute with Bangladesh. "I firmly believe that it is only my government and excellency Sheikh Hasina, your government that can and will find an early solution to Teesta water sharing," he told the visiting Bangladeshi Prime Minister, who is India's staunch ally against terrorism. ...
योगी को सीएम बनाकर मोदी ने कोई गलती नहीं की

योगी को सीएम बनाकर मोदी ने कोई गलती नहीं की

जिस दिन आदित्यनाथ योगी जी की शपथ हुई, उस दिन व्हाट्सएप्प पर एक मजाक चला, जिसमें दिखाया गया कि आडवाणी जी प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के कंधे पर हाथ रखकर कह रहे हैं कि ‘आज तूने वही गलती कर दी, जो मैने तूझे गुजरात का मुख्यमंत्री बनाकर की थी’। ये एक भद्दा मजाक था। ये उस शैतानी दिमाग की उपज है, जो भारत में सनातनधर्मी मजबूत नेतृत्व को उभरते और सफल होते नहीं देखना चाहता। जबकि सच्चाई ये है कि मोदी जी ने योेगी जी को उ.प्र. की बागडोर सौंपकर तुरूप का पत्ता फैंका है। देश की जनता तभी सुखी हो सकती है, जब प्रदेश की सरकार का नेतृत्व चरित्रवान और योग्य लोग करें। क्योंकि केंद्र की सरकार तो नीति बनाने का और साधन मुहैया करने का काम करती है। योजनाओं का क्रियान्वयन तो प्रदेश की नौकरशाही करती है। अगर वो कोताही बरतें तो जनता तक नीतियों का लाभ नहीं पहुंचता, जिससे जनाक्रोश पनपता है। आज के दौर में जब राजनीतिज्ञों को ...
शौहर, बेगम और दूसरी पत्नी

शौहर, बेगम और दूसरी पत्नी

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण, सामाजिक
  रांची राजमार्ग से तीन किलोमीटर अंदर की तरफ जाने पर इटकी प्रखंड आता है। मुख्य सड़क से अंदर जाने का रास्ता कच्चा-पक्का है। जब आप इटकी में दाखिल होते हैं, बायीं तरफ लड़कियों का एक मदरसा है। इस मदरसे को देखकर आप अनुमान करते हैं कि यह प्रखंड स्त्रियों के अधिकार को लेकर जागरूक प्रखंड होगा। इसी प्रखंड में एक घर है परवेज आलम (काल्पनिक नाम) का। परवेज शादी शुदा पुरुष हैं लेकिन शादी इन्होंने एक बार नहीं तीन बार की है। इनके घर में पत्नी के तौर पर तीन औरतें रहती हैं। पहली शकीना खातून (काल्पनिक नाम) और बाकि दो औरतें आदिवासी हैं। दूसरी रंजना टोप्पो (काल्पनिक नाम) और तीसरी मीनाक्षी लाकड़ा (काल्पनिक नाम)। इटकी के आस-पास के लोगों से बातचीत करते हुए यह अनुमान लगाना आसान था कि परवेज का मामला अकेला नहीं है, इटकी प्रखंड में। इस तरह के कई दर्जन मामले हैं, जिसमें एक से अधिक शादी हुई है और गैर आदिवासी सम...