Jal Shakti Abhiyan -2 “Catch the rain where it falls when it falls” Water harvesting initiative by government of india
India is home to 18% of global human population and 15% of global livestock population but has only 2% land mass and 4% of global fresh water resources.
India receives (on an avg) 1170 mm rainfall but only 10-20% of that is presently utilized.
With an aim of effectively managing the rainwater and to recharge the groundwater, Ministry of Jal Shakti launched Jal Shakti Abhiyan in the year 2019 in 256 water stressed districts.
The results of JSA -1 witnessed an overwhelming response from the field formations. The team of Central Govt officers including Joint Secretaries and technical experts created awareness amongst the field officials and encouraged them to create capacities for water harvesting and conservation. As a result, interventions were made in 1,01,04,338 water conserv...