
Author: Dialogue India

Are Pak tanzeems too hot to handle?

Are Pak tanzeems too hot to handle?

addtop, Today News, विश्लेषण
There would be no question of using the type of heavy weapons, helicopter gunships and aircraft in the province without tearing Pakistan apart. That would appear to be the case because attempts to bring them under control have been taking place at least from the beginning of this century if not earlier. General Pervez Musharraf who took over Pakistan in a coup against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif used the full force of all the entities of the state that he controlled to put an end to them for once and for all. At that time as well as fearing an attack from India after the several outrages, the pressure to come down hard on tanzeems came from the US and its allies to the extent that the general had no choice but to capitulate. He was afraid of more dire consequences were he ...
Authorities should prepare permanent audio-video statements on frequent tragedies like collapse of foot-over bridge in Mumbai on 14.03.2019

Authorities should prepare permanent audio-video statements on frequent tragedies like collapse of foot-over bridge in Mumbai on 14.03.2019

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
There are routine statements by dignitaries posted on high posts on tragedies like happened when a foot-overbridge collapsed in Mumbai on 14.03.2019. Such usual statements expressing shock and deep regret include, a high-power committee will be set up to probe the tragedy, guilty ones will not escape punishment, compensation will be paid to kin of victims, free medical-treatment will be available for those injured etc. etc. But since public-memory is very short, no one comes to know about report of high-level committee set up to probe and punishment provided to guilty ones thus resulting in future such incidents. Even Mumbai witnessed such incidents earlier also. Since practically no remedial measures are seen to have been taken, it is better that persons seated on high posts may not...
Fake RTI application now at PMO: ID proof be compulsory with every RTI application

Fake RTI application now at PMO: ID proof be compulsory with every RTI application

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
It refers to a yet other fake RTI application filed by some miscreant in name of undersigned now filed with office of Prime Minister (PMO) registered with number RTI-2493-2019-PMR. This is not the first case of a fake RTI application filed in name of undersigned. Earlier also undersigned has been victim of such fake RTI application for which a front-page interview was published by a leading English daily newspaper. Even fake public-grievances are also noted being filed under name of the undersigned. Such a practice unnecessarily creates wrong impression about name of the person under whose name fake RTI applications and public grievances are filed. Mostly such petitions are filed targeting rival officers. One such targeted officer even threatened undersigned to sue for damages. Departme...
The Congress cannot make a hero of a zero

The Congress cannot make a hero of a zero

addtop, Today News, विश्लेषण
                  Every time I sit down at my computer to put down my thoughts on the present scenario of India I feel so dejected and disgusted- rather confused also that I give it up. For one I am at a loss on where to begin and where to end. It seems a continuous deception of the people by the Congress led by Mrs Sonia Gandhi.I think she must not think that she can fool the people of this country all the time. Her great renunciation was a big farce because she knew that she would not be able to manage. The sad part is she also wanted someone who would not change the abysmal state of the country. She hence very cunning and cleverly picked at Man Mohan Singh whom she knew had no guts and was incapable of governing. He was and would be good perhaps in a classroom. She also detected one his...
लोकतंत्र की बंद गली का विचार मार्ग

लोकतंत्र की बंद गली का विचार मार्ग

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, राष्ट्रीय
एक वकील के घर मिलन के अवसर पर लोकमान्य तिलक द्वारा गुलामी को राजनीतिक समस्या बताने की प्रतिक्रया में स्वामी विवेकानंद ने कहा था - ''परतंत्रता राजनीतिक समस्या नहीं है। यह भारतीयों के चारित्रिक पतन का परिणाम है।'' बापू को लिखी एक चिट्ठी के जरिए लाॅर्ड माउंटबेटन ने भी चेताया था - ''मिस्टर गांधी क्या आप समझते हैं कि आजादी मिल जाने के बाद भारत.. भारतीयों द्वारा चलाया जायेगा। नहीं ! बाद में भी दुनिया गोरों द्वारा ही चलाई जायेगी'' यही बात बहुत पहले अपनी आजादी के लिए अकबर की शंहशाही फौजों से नंगी तलवार लेकर जंग करने वाली चांदबीबी की शौर्यगाथा का गवाह बने अहमदनगर फोर्ट में कैद ब्रितानी हुकूमत के एक बंदी ने एक पुस्तक में लिखी थी। 'ग्लिम्सिस ऑफ वर्ल्ड हिस्ट्री' के जरिए पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरु ने संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के आर्थिक साम्राज्यवाद का खुलासा करते हुए 1933 में लिखा था - ''सबसे नये किस्म का य...
China again vetoes in favour of Masood Azhar at UN

China again vetoes in favour of Masood Azhar at UN

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
 India has to bear wrong-doing of earlier central governments for making China permanent member of UN security-council It refers to China for the fourth time assisting Pakistan at UN security-council by vetoing resolution to declare Masood Azahar as global terrorist. India is facing burnt of wrong-doing of earlier regimes where the first Prime Minister of India was instrumental in initiating process of making China not only as member of UN but also a permanent member of UN security-council. If China would not have been a member of UN, Masood Azhar would have been declared as global terrorist by UN. Bitter fact remains that foreign policies of first Prime Minister of India including on Tibet, Nepal were mainly aimed him to make a global leader and perhaps also an aspirant for Nobel Peace ...
Forgotten hero Udham Singh of pre-independence surgical-strike against British rulers

Forgotten hero Udham Singh of pre-independence surgical-strike against British rulers

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
Unfortunately successive central governments have done nothing for glorification of real heroes of freedom-struggle while even the present central government continues worshipping a person who was indeed responsible for vetoing deserving Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel as first Prime Minister of India instead crowning Jawaharlal Nehru on the responsible post. No political party remembered the historical day of 13th March when on this date in the year 1940, great patriot Sardar Udham Singh made a surgical strike inside Britain at Caxton Hall in London by shooting down Michael O Dwyer for his sin of infamous Jaliawalan Bagh massacre, even though he knew very well that he would be hanged to death for his heroic deed. Only present central government can take desired steps to keep memory of pre...
अंग्रेजो भारत छोडो के बाद –नौकरशाही भारत छोडो—

अंग्रेजो भारत छोडो के बाद –नौकरशाही भारत छोडो—

addtop, Today News, राष्ट्रीय
वर्तमान अनिश्चित राजनीतिक परिदृश्य की पृष्ठभूमि में, देश के  वातावरण में  न तो हमारे संवैधानिक अधिकार और न ही संसद के निर्वाचित सदस्य, और न ही विधानमंडल के सदस्य संबंधित लोक सेवकों को जनता का काम करने के लिए लोगों की सहायता कर पा रहे हैं, जब तक कि स्व-प्रेरणा से  उच्च न्यायालय और   शीर्ष अदालत  कुछ जनादेश देने के लिए सरकार और विशेष रूप से संबंधित लोक सेवक को कानूनी रूप से कार्य करने और / या अवैध भूमिका से दूर रहने के लिए हस्तक्षेप नहीं करता है ।    हमारे बुद्धिमान,ईमानदार, ईमानदारी से चुने हुए प्रतिनिधियों के लिए स्वतंत्रता का जयंती के 50 वें समारोह में लोगों को ठीक से जानने और महसूस करने के लिए स्थिति का जायजा लेना चाहिए। सार्वजनिक प्रशासन को कुछ   रूढ़िवादी, अनम्य, असंवेदनशील लोगों  द्वारा चलाया और प्रबंधित किया जा रहा है । 'नौकरशाहों' के रूप में जाने जाने वाले लोक सेवक एक शब्द में तुच्छ...
CSE assessment of Swachh Survekshan 2019 finds loopholes in the survey and its rankings

CSE assessment of Swachh Survekshan 2019 finds loopholes in the survey and its rankings

addtop, TOP STORIES, प्रेस विज्ञप्ति
 A new independent analysis of the recently released results of the Swachh Survekshan 2019 has unearthed a number of anomalies in the way the survey was conducted and its results, thus threatening an otherwise excellent initiative. The analysis, done by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), was released here today. “Swachh Survekshan has definitely led to a paradigm shift by increasing awareness and involving citizens in sanitation and waste management issues. However, this year, the programme has been further diluted instead of being strengthened because of political expediency,” said Chandra Bhushan, deputy director general, CSE. A survey compromised Swachh Survekshan was started in 2016 by the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) to rank and recognise the perfo...
Is News Thievery by Journalists Legitimate?

Is News Thievery by Journalists Legitimate?

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, विश्लेषण
Whether one would like to admit it or not, in recent times, all over the world, most of the  people have developed suspicions and misgivings about the neutrality of the journalists and their commitment to fair journalism. There is rapidly spreading view that media is a commercial activity with profit motive and news and views are products for sale. It is clearly evident that media is steadily going under the control of business houses and politicians and religious bodies , who often  have vested interests or business motives or both. In USA, it is clearly evident that a section of the media has deep prejudice against President Trump , often using vituperative language to  criticise  him and publishing motivated stories. During the last Presidential election, several leading newspapers a...