
Author: Dialogue India

All savings-schemes should be available through all branches of public-sector banks

All savings-schemes should be available through all branches of public-sector banks

addtop, आर्थिक
All savings-schemes including at post-offices, RBI bonds and LIC pension-plans should be available through all branches of public-sector banks abolishing commission to agents The then Finance Secretary Dr Hansmukh Adia vide a demo-official letter dated 07.02.2018 transferred suggestions about making available all government savings-schemes including all those available in post-offices, RBI-bonds bearing 7.75 percent annual-interest and LIC pension-plans including Jeevan Akshay and Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojna in all branches of public-sector banks to Rajiv Kumar, the then Secretary of Department of Financial Services. These detailed submissions also suggesting linking of every branch of all public-sector banks to some nearing unit of LIC of India, were also posted on 02.02.2018 at ...
Unfair politics on an ultra-reformative step to ban Triple Talaq: More reforms necessary

Unfair politics on an ultra-reformative step to ban Triple Talaq: More reforms necessary

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, सामाजिक
Central government deserves compliments to get passed reformative bill on Triple Talaq by Lok Sabha on 27.12.2018 with practical amendments ruling out all possibility of interference of non-family-members of the victim-wife when only victim or her blood-relation could file a police-complaint. Other amendments including dropping the case in case the couple compromise and magistrate granting bail only after hearing the victim-wife were enough to get passed the bill unanimously. It is evident that opposition did not support a reformative move in interest of Muslim women that too at a time when even several Muslim countries have banned Triple Talaq. If it was an interference in religious matters, then opposition should have cried for abolition of Dowry Act also. Union government should now ...
Religious places must not be immunized from unauthorized construction

Religious places must not be immunized from unauthorized construction

addtop, राष्ट्रीय
Encroachments of footpaths by mosques on two sides of main SubhashMarg in Daryaganj, Delhi It is be observed that in last some years most of the mosques throughout Delhi have undergone major renovation coupled with encroachment on footpaths. A bare look at renovated mosques reveal that such construction is done without plan-approval from concerned authorities. Example is such construction done in mosques on two sides of main Subhash Marg in Daryaganj, Delhi where not only footpath is encroached, but even successive upper floors have been extended furthermore. It should also be verified if such encroachment and floor-wise extension in Daryaganj violate rules of Archeological Department. Commercial use of ground floor of one of the mosque is also evident when the earlier road-side eate...
Appreciable step of Noida-authorities for not allowing Namaz in public-park

Appreciable step of Noida-authorities for not allowing Namaz in public-park

addtop, TOP STORIES, सामाजिक
No religious gathering should be allowed in public-places without police-permission Noida administration and police in UP deserve compliments for not allowing Namaz in public-park of sector-58 of Noida (UP). Many Muslim scholars have opined against holding Namaz in public-places, roads and other places where objections are against Namaz in public places. These scholars suggest that Namaz may be offered in homes or inside the working complex if sufficient space is not available in mosques. It may be mentioned that many countries including like France and China have already imposed such a ban. Not only this, even Muslim countries have imposed such a ban when heavy fine of 1000 Dirhum is imposed if someone is seen offering Namaz at road-side in Dubai. India is a country where strong ...
New twenty-rupee currency-notes now issued to complete new-designed series in two years 

New twenty-rupee currency-notes now issued to complete new-designed series in two years 

addtop, आर्थिक
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced issue of new-designed rupees-20 currency-notes, last under new series of smaller-sized currency-notes in different denominations issued in phases but completed in more than two years when first notes in denominations of rupees 2000 and 500 were issued soon after demonetization on 08.11.2016. It is true that notes in denominations of rupees 2000 and 500 were issued in emergency conditions to meet big challenge of demonetisations. But issue of notes in rest other denominations of rupees 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 must have been simultaneous to avoid repeated changes in ATMs costing heavily to banks. Otherwise also new series of coins or currency must be issued simultaneously in all denominations rather than in phases. Since currency-notes in denom...
Coin on Atal Bihari Vajpayee not practically available on face-value of rupees 100

Coin on Atal Bihari Vajpayee not practically available on face-value of rupees 100

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
Prime Minister Narender Modi has on 24.12.2018 released silver-alloy coin of face-value of rupees 100 in memory of late Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. But the coin is not available for general public on face-value like were made available only on three occasions firstly in the year 1969 (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi), then in the year 1970 (Food For All) and finally in the year 1972 (Independence Jubilee) for rupees 10 each with 80-percent silver-content. But practice of issuing silver-alloy coins on face-value was later discontinued because value of silver-content exceeded much more than the face-value presently about rupees 700 in a coin. Evidently silver-alloy coins cannot be practically issued on face-value like of rupees 100. Union Finance Ministry, Reserve Bank of India RBI, Se...
Revive government-owned Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited (IDPL) on big scale

Revive government-owned Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited (IDPL) on big scale

Central and state governments are bulk buyers of medicines to be used in their hospitals and dispensaries. Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Limited (IDPL) was a government-owned premium drug-manufacturing company in yesteryears which was known for providing quality medicines at cost much below the famous branded medicines. For example, Calmod was its own brand-name for sleeping pill with salt diazepam (5 mgs) as a cheaper substitute sold at a fractional cost of popular branded medicines sold under tradename Calmpose and Valium-5. With generic medicines being sold at exorbitant profit-margins upto with maximum-retail-price (MRP) printed at even 400-percent of than that available at wholesale drug market in Bhagirath Palace (Delhi), there is every likelihood of a big bribe margin in their s...
कहानी : हादसा

कहानी : हादसा

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, सामाजिक
कभी जीवन में कुछ ऐसे छोटे छोटे पल आते हैं जो अपनी गहरी छाप छोड़ जाते हैं I कभी कभी कुछ साधारण से दिखने वाले विकल्प, हमे आइना दिखाते हैं, और बताते हैं कि हम किस मिट्टी से बने हैं I समय की रफ़्तार ऐसी है की एक बार बिता पल वापस नहीं आता I दूसरा मौका शायद कभी नहीं मिलता है I लेकिन सवाल ये है, कि अगर दूसरा मौका मिल भी जाए, तो हम क्या करेंगे ? क्या हम अपने अंतरात्मा के धरातल पर रहके निर्णय ले पाएंगे? एक ऐसे ही हादसे का मैं आज वर्णन करने जा रहा हूं । बात कई साल पहले की है, सर्दियों के मौसम की I उस धुंधले से कोहरे में हुआ ये किस्सा मेरे जेहन में एकदम साफ़ है I सुबह के 6:30 बजे थे और मैं अपने एक मित्र को स्टेशन पर लेने जा रहा था। कुछ आलस था, कुछ वो समय, और कुछ खाली सड़क पर गाड़ी चलाने का नशा, कि मैं तेज रफ़्तार से गाड़ी चला रहा था I मैं चौराहे से मुड़ा ही था कि तभी एक लड़की मेरी कार के सामने आ गयी I मैंन...
इटेलियन मां के आवरण से निकलती भृष्टाचारी सोनिया गांधी की मुखाकृति?

इटेलियन मां के आवरण से निकलती भृष्टाचारी सोनिया गांधी की मुखाकृति?

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, घोटाला
जब से यह समाचार आये है कि कोर्ट ने एनफोर्समेंट डायरेक्टरेट के निवेदन को स्वीकार करते हुए अगुस्ता वीआईपी हेलीकॉप्टर घोटाले में बिचौलिया की भूमिका निभाने वाले क्रिस्चियन मिचेल की हिरासत 7 दिनों के लिए बढ़ा दी गयी है तभी से कांग्रेस की तरफ से विछिप्त प्रतिक्रियाएं व मीडिया में पक्षाघात के लक्षण स्पष्ट रूप से दिखने लगे है। मेरा मानना है कि यह सब बड़ा स्वाभाविक है क्योंकि ईडी ने मिचेल की हिरासत बढ़ाने के लिए जो प्रार्थना पत्र दिया था उसमे क्रिशयन मिचेल की हिरासत बढ़ाने के लिए जिन कारणों पर प्रकाश डाला गया है वे निश्चित रूप से तूफान उठाने वाले है। वैसे मैं लोगो को इस बात पर प्रसन्न होता देख रहा हूँ कि मिचेल ने पूछ ताज के दौरान सोनिया गांधी व राहुल गांधी का रिश्वत लेने वाले के रूप में नाम लिया है लेकिन यह सत्य नही है। ईडी ने सिर्फ इतना कहा है कि मिचेल के पत्राचारों की विवेचना करने पर यह बात सामने ...
‘हृदय’ को हृदयाघात

‘हृदय’ को हृदयाघात

मोदी जी ने ‘हृदय योजना’ इसलिए शुरू की थी कि हेरिटेज सिटी में डिजाइन की एकरूपता बनी रहे। ये न हो (जो होता आया है), कि उस शहर में आने वाला हर नया नेता और नया अफसर अपनी मर्जी से कोई भी डिजाइन थोपकर शहर को चूं-चूं का मुरब्बा बनाता रहे, जैसा मथुरा-वृन्दावन सहित आजतक देश के ऐतिहासिक शहरों में होता रहा है। यह एक अभूतपूर्व सोच थी, जो अगर सफल हो जाती, तो मोदी जी को ऐतिहासिक शहरों की संस्कृतिक बचाने का भारी यश मिलता। पर दशकों से कमीशन खाने के आदी नेता और अफसरों ने इस योजना को विफल बनाने में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ी क्योंकि उन्हें डर था कि अगर ये योजना सफल हो गई, तो फर्जी नक्शे बनाकर, फर्जी प्रोजेक्ट पास कराने और माल खाने का रास्ता बंद हो जाऐगा। चूंकि मथुरा-वृंदावन में ‘हृदय’ के ‘सिटी एंकर’ के रूप में भारत सरकार के शहरी विकास मंत्रालय ने ‘द ब्रज फाउंडेशन’ को चुना था। इसलिए उसी अनुभव को यहां साझा करूंगा। दु...