
Author: dindiaadmin

GST may make small cars dearer while big cars cheaper: GST should be rational and imposed according to value of cars

GST may make small cars dearer while big cars cheaper: GST should be rational and imposed according to value of cars

addtop, आर्थिक
  Goods and Service Tax-GST after being implemented may make smaller cars with engine-capacity upto 1500 cc a bit dearer because of being coming under slab of 28-percent GST because presently these attract a total of 27.5-percent tax with excise-duty at 12.5-percent added by 15-percent VAT. However big cars with engine-capacity above 1500 cc may be bit cheaper from existing tax of 44.5-percent likely to be reduced to 43-percent inclusive of 15-percent cess over 28-percent GST.   Whole fixation of GST-rates is totally irrational at 5, 12, 18 and 28 percent with a provision of levy of cess on top of the peak tax rate on demerit and luxury goods like pan masala, tobacco and certain class of automobiles is totally irrational. GST rates should have been rational in multiples ...
Logical name-change of Ballabgarh to Balramgarh in Haryana: Delhi should be respell as Dehli

Logical name-change of Ballabgarh to Balramgarh in Haryana: Delhi should be respell as Dehli

It refers to Haryana government rightly correcting distorted name of the town Ballabgarh to its logical name Balramgarh. Earlier also many states have corrected name and/or spellings of their cities and even of states themselves in logical manner and/or according to actual pronunciation. There are many such example like Jalandhar, Shimla, Benguluru etc. But such change of names/spellings is continuing to be done in a slow and gradual manner even despite till after seven decades of independence when most of distorted names/spellings of Indian cities/states were given by erstwhile British rulers in India.   Central government should study names/spellings of all Indian states and cities, and in one go should change name/spelling of the distorted names. Spellings of cities like Bareilly,...
पत्थरवाज व उनके समर्थकों से निपटने में सेना स्वतंत्र हो : बजरंग दल

पत्थरवाज व उनके समर्थकों से निपटने में सेना स्वतंत्र हो : बजरंग दल

प्रेस विज्ञप्ति
सेना के सम्मान एवं पत्थरबाजों के विरुद्ध 2 मई को  बजरंग दल का राष्ट्रव्यापी प्रदर्शन   नई दिल्ली। अप्रेल 25, 2017. पिछले कुछ महीनों से कश्मीर घाटी में सेना के जवानों का अपमान एवं उन पर पत्थरबाजी की घटनाओं से पूरा देश स्तब्ध व आक्रोशित है। सेना के जवान जब आतंकवादियों को घेरते है तब कश्मीर के कुछ लोग जवानों पर पत्थर फेकना आरम्भ कर देते है. जिसके कारण आतंकवादी सुरक्षित बच निकलते है। ये पत्थर फेंककर आतंकवादियों को बचाने वाले भी राष्ट्रद्रोही ही है. बजरंग दल ने मांग  की है कि सेना पर पत्थर फेकनें वालों, उनको उकसाने, समर्थन करने वाले तथा पीछे से सपोर्ट करने वाले कायरों के विरुद्ध कठोर कार्यवाही हो तथा सेना के  जवानों को इन पत्थरबाजों को ठीक करने के लिये पूरी छूट मिले. बजरंग दल के राष्ट्रीय संयोजक श्री मनोज वर्मा ने आज घोषणा की कि दल इन पत्थरवाजों के विरुद्ध आगामी मंगलवार (2 मई) को देश...
“अहिंसा परमो धर्मः,  धर्महिंसा तदैव च: l  अर्थात – अहिंसा मनुष्य का परम धर्म है  और धर्म की रक्षा के लिए हिंसा करना उस से भी श्रेष्ठ है.

“अहिंसा परमो धर्मः, धर्महिंसा तदैव च: l अर्थात – अहिंसा मनुष्य का परम धर्म है और धर्म की रक्षा के लिए हिंसा करना उस से भी श्रेष्ठ है.

1."Ahimsa Paramo Dharma" is Sanskrit phrase that was popularized by Mahatma Gandhi and is often repeated by many leaders to demonstrate the universality of Ahimsa. Loosely translated, the entire phrase means that non-violence is the topmost duty to the extent that it supersedes all other duties. For someone who holds this true, it means that there is no selective application of must be applied in every case and in all matters. This universal sense leads to an unconditional and unilateral abandonment of violent resistance, under any and all circumstances (as in the philosophy of Buddhists and Jains, and teaching by M K Gandhi). . 2. Gandhi made ahimsa (non-violence) the cornerstone of his philosophy and practice and spoke of it as constituting the essence of Hinduism. Wh...
व्यापम पर “कैग” रिपोर्ट के निहितार्थ

व्यापम पर “कैग” रिपोर्ट के निहितार्थ

जावेद अनीस भाजपा द्वारा मध्यप्रदेश को विकास के माडल के तौर पर प्रस्तुत किया जाता रहा है, लेकिन राजनैतिक शुचिता, ईमानदार मूल्यों और आदर्शों की बात करने वाले भाजपा के शासनकाल में व्यापमं जैसा घोटाला हुआ जिसने मध्य प्रदेश को देश ही नहीं पूरी दुनिया में बदनाम किया है. यह भारत के सबसे बड़े और अमानवीय घोटालों में से एक है जिसने सूबे के लाखों युवाओं के अरमानों और कैरियर के साथ खिलवाड़ करने का काम किया है. इस घोटाले की चपेट में आये ज्यादातर युवा गरीब, किसान, मजदूर और मध्यम वर्गीय परिवारों से हैं जो तमाम विपरीत परिस्थितियों के बावजूद अपना पेट काटकर अपने बच्चों को पढ़ाते हैं जिससे उनके बच्चे अच्छी उच्च शिक्षा प्राप्त कर अपने जीवन में स्थायित्व ला सकें और सम्मानजनक जीवन जी सकें. व्यापमं जैसे महाघोटाले ने भाजपा के भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त सुशासन जैसे खोखले दावों की पोल खोलने का काम किया है. बहुत ही सुनियोजित...
Appreciable step of UP government in abolishing holidays of birth and death anniversaries of leaders: Central government should abolish holidays on Gandhi and Ambedkar Jayantis

Appreciable step of UP government in abolishing holidays of birth and death anniversaries of leaders: Central government should abolish holidays on Gandhi and Ambedkar Jayantis

UP government led by Yogi Adityanath deserves all compliments for taking a bold step to abolish fifteen holidays relating to birth and death anniversaries of certain people in the state. These holidays were started by earlier BSP and SP governments just for appeasing certain sections of people. But still there is scope for curtailing more such holidays in a state where culture of ever-mushrooming holidays just for vote-bank politics ruined work-culture. Logic given by UP government that extra time should rather be spent on such abolished holidays to educate great work of these eminent personalities honoured through now abolished holidays, needs to be adopted by central government.   Retaining Gandhi Jayanti in list of compulsory holidays, is against ideals of Father of the Natio...
Logical comment of NITI Aayog member to tax agricultural income and abolish personal exemptions

Logical comment of NITI Aayog member to tax agricultural income and abolish personal exemptions

    It refers to logical comments of NITI Aayog member Bibek Debroy to tax agricultural income, and to abolish Income Tax exemptions of personal nature. Bitter reality is that benefit of total exemption on agricultural income is not for ordinary farmers, most of which do not even have income above the basic exemption-limit. Total tax-exemption on agricultural income is being largely misused by ultra super-rich section of society who own big luxurious farm-houses or purchase agricultural land just to whiten their black money shown as now-exempted agricultural income.   Likewise present too many tax-exemptions should be reduced to bare minimum which can be retained for encouraging savings and insurance, providing better education, or investing for residential accommodations ...
कितनावाजिब था कनाडा के मंत्री का 84 के दंगों के मामले को उठाना ?

कितनावाजिब था कनाडा के मंत्री का 84 के दंगों के मामले को उठाना ?

आर.के. सिन्हा कनाडा के रक्षा मंत्री हरजीत सिंह सज्जन के भारत के दौरे के कार्यक्रम की जब घोषणा हुई थी तो वास्तव में अच्छा लगा था। वे भारतीय मूल के कैनेडियन नागरिक है और कनाडा में रक्षा मंत्री हैं। उनके दो साल पहले कनाडा का रक्षा मंत्री बनने पर भारत में भी उत्साह का वातावरण बन गया था। सारे भारत को आमतौर पर तथा पंजाब और पंजाबियों को खासतौर पर गर्व का एहसास हो रहा था कि उनका ही एक भाई सात समंदर पार जाकर इतने ऊंचे मुकाम पर पहुंच गया है। विवादास्द दौरा दुर्भाग्यवश हरजीत सिंह सज्जन का भारत का दौरा शुरू होने से पहले ही विवादों के घेरे में आ गया जब पंजाब के मुख्यमंत्री अमरिंदर सिंह ने स्पष्ट कर दिया कि वे सज्जन से कतई नहीं मिलेंगे। उन्होंने इसकी वजह यह बताई कि वो खालिस्तान के समर्थक रहे हैं। उनके इस फैसले की कई स्तरों पर आलोचना भी हुई। सज्जन और खालिस्तान सज्जन लाख मना करते रहे कि उनके खालिस्...
Fast-track moving towards ruling party finds easy acceptance there with an ideology-less politics in India

Fast-track moving towards ruling party finds easy acceptance there with an ideology-less politics in India

There has been a race amongst some leading names in opposition rushing towards ruling BJP, with even BJP giving an easy entry to those changing sides. Interestingly these very politicians in opposition were earlier amongst the most critical ones for the ruling BJP. Likewise BJP spokespersons were most critical even personally for such politicians now joining BJP. All this reflects that morals and ethics are now nowhere in Indian politics where politics has unfortunately become a profession for many who have no ideology other than to continue with their profession of politics by making hay while the sun shines.   While healthy democratic tradition requires two-party system, India is fast moving from earlier multi-party system now to a single-party system. Fortunately BJP has stuck to a po...
Welcome abolishing compulsion of paying service-charge in restaurants: But even advising to pay voluntarily is not proper

Welcome abolishing compulsion of paying service-charge in restaurants: But even advising to pay voluntarily is not proper

    It refers to welcome decision of central government to altogether abolish compulsion of paying service-charge in hotels and restaurants, which was nothing but an arbitrarily imposed private-tax. But even advising hotels and restaurants to leave a column blank in their bills wherein the consumers at their will could fill up any amount of tip, is also not proper.   Rather central government should follow retirement-eve advice from the then President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam on gifts and tips. Quoting from Hindu code in Manusmriti, Dr Kalam rightly analyzed that gifts and tips coming with a purpose cause persons losing their personality greatly. Elite urbanites in India blindly follow status-culture of British legacy by paying tips everywhere which is nothing but a bribed gift ...