

End of anti-corruption?

End of anti-corruption?

Its politics is confined to a slash and burn exercise, only useful for knocking down opponents Concerns over corruption now have a much steeper hill to climb. Its very absence as a big political issue is a sign of its power. (Representational image) In 2014, plutocracy and corruption were two big themes that defined Indian politics. The discourse of anti-corruption, and the inability of the UPA to respond to it effectively, delegitimised the Congress to an unprecedented degree. What is going to be the fate of anti-corruption politics in India? Is it at a dead end? At one level, corruption is back as a political issue. The Rafale controversy is a start. Given our track record, it is hard to see a decisive closure on the issue. The Supreme Court has now got into the act of looking i...
Income tax Department crack-down on service-charge levied by hotels and restaurants

Income tax Department crack-down on service-charge levied by hotels and restaurants

It refers to initiative of Income Tax Department to scrutinise anti-consumer practice of levying service-charge by many hotels and restaurants to ensure that the amount so levied reaches to staff of concerned hotels and restaurants rather than being pocketed by owners as their additional income. Perhaps such an initiative by Income Tax Department may discourage hotels and restaurants to discontinue such anti-consumer practice. But it is quite likely that staff of hotels and restaurants may not be benefitted through such initiative of Income Tax Department, because owners may be employing staff with less salary taking into consideration such extra income of employees while negotiating salary. It is unfortunate that Department of Consumer Affairs failed in its duty to ban levying of servi...
Standardize consumables in car-industry

Standardize consumables in car-industry

Union government should induce standardization of common accessories like tyres and batteries so that same parts may be used in different models of cars produced by various car-manufacturers. It will heavily bring down cost of consumables through their bumper production in extra large numbers in some limited sizes and specifications. It can be achieved by merging some nearing sizes and specifications. Such guidelines though also mentioned in auto-policy of Union government, are never followed in actual practice. Too many variants of any car-model confuse customers. There may be just two variants apart from the third with automatic gears, one basic Lx for economy customers and the other Vx with all company-fitted extra accessories and luxuries for affording customers. There is no sense i...
कब हम कायदे से भरना सीखेंगे अपनी आयकर रिटर्न

कब हम कायदे से भरना सीखेंगे अपनी आयकर रिटर्न

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, आर्थिक
पिछली 31 अगस्त को साल 2018-19 के लिए आयकर रिटर्न भरने की बढ़ी हुई समय सीमा समाप्त हो गई। सरकार ने इस समय सीमा को एक माह के लिए बढ़ाया था। शुरूआती जानकारी से साफ है कि आयकर रिटर्न भरने वालों की संख्या में पिछले वित्त वर्ष की तुलना में 70 फीसद की वृद्धि दर्ज हुई है। इस बार 5.42 करोड़ लोगों ने 31 अगस्त तक अपनी आयकर रिटर्न भरी। यह देश की विकास यात्रा के लिए एक सुखद समाचार है। वैसे सबसे अधिक आयकर रिटर्न भरने वालों में नौकरीपेशा लोग ही हैं। आयकर रिटर्न भरने के अंतिम दिन सुनामी सी आ गई। उस दिन लगभग 35 लाख लोगों ने अपना आयकर रिटर्न भरा। यह भी कोई सही स्थिति तो नहीं मानी जा सकती। देखा जाए तो जिम्मेदार नागरिकों को आयकर रिटर्न भरने में इतना वक्त नहीं लगाना चाहिए। उन्हें यह काम वक्त रहते ही कर लेना चाहिए।आपको अपने आसपास अनेक लोग मिलेंगे जो आयकर भरने के स्तर पर बेहद आलसी और गैर-जिम्मेदराना रवैया अपनात...
Welcome LIC going to acquire 51-percent share in sick IDBI Bank

Welcome LIC going to acquire 51-percent share in sick IDBI Bank

It refers to public-sector LIC of India proposing acquiring 51-percent stake in public-sector IDBI Bank which is presently is not doing well. Even there were talks of making IDBI Bank again a financial institution doing away with retail-banking. But this is certainly a better remedy that LIC of India enters retail banking by having major holding in IDBI Bank. Such a step can provide a single window to customers for banking and insurance, which may make IDBI Bank with managing control of LIC of India, a favorite choice for banking. Such managing control of LIC of India in IDBI Bank can result in huge fund-saving for LIC of India if properly planned. Every branch of IDBI Bank then be automatically become a branch of LIC of India also where business of nearing branches of LIC of India can be...
Reserve Bank of India should issue gold and silver coins

Reserve Bank of India should issue gold and silver coins

addtop, TOP STORIES, आर्थिक
Several private companies both Indian and foreign are making huge profits by marketing gold and silver coins by selling these at exorbitant prices with photos of celebrities (like Sachin Tendulkar) and Hindu gods and goddesses (like Lord Ganesha) embossed on these coins. Reserve bank of India (RBI) and Union Finance Ministry should take immediate steps to stop sale of such profit-making coins in gold or silver. Sale of gold and silver coins marketed by banks, private firms and even government-agency like MMTC increases tremendously during festive season. Gold and silver coins issued in British regime are available in plenty as duplicates because of their popularity as auspicious and gift items even though fabrication of fake gold and silver coins is crime.   Union government sho...
Worshipping Gandhi: Currency-notes should carry photos of pre-independence heroes

Worshipping Gandhi: Currency-notes should carry photos of pre-independence heroes

Even present BJP-ruled central government has continued with policy of worshipping Mohandass Karamchand Gandhi, made popular by prefixing Mahatma before his name. He continues to have privileged honour by getting his photo printed on notes of all denominations issued even by the present regime after demonetisation of old currency-notes of rupees 500 and 1000 on 08.11.2016. Many in BJP and RSS including holding ministerial posts do not favour continuing with such practice because of so-alleged minority-appeasing pseudo-secular policy of Gandhi who is said to have made biggest mistake of post-independence India by vetoing against the deserving Sardar Vallab Bhai Patel becoming first Prime Minister of India. That single mistake made Nehru-Gandhi family push country into dynast...
Bitcoin crackdown: Income Tax Department to send notices to 4-5 lakh HNIs for suspected tax evasion

Bitcoin crackdown: Income Tax Department to send notices to 4-5 lakh HNIs for suspected tax evasion

Bitcoin's blistering bull run, and all the worries that come with it becoming the biggest asset bubble ever, has finally galvanised the Income Tax Department into taking action. After surveying nine major cryptocurrency exchanges in the country last week to investigate instances of tax evasion, the taxman is now all set to issue notices to lakhs of high networth individuals (HNI) involved in Bitcoin trading in India. According to official sources, the survey had revealed that out of the estimated 20 lakh entities registered on these exchanges, about 4 to 5 lakh were "operational" and indulging in transactions and investments. "Those individuals and entities are now being probed under tax evasion charges. Notices are being issued seeking their financial details and, if tax demand ...
RBI should arrange earlier issued commemorative coins for coin-collectors

RBI should arrange earlier issued commemorative coins for coin-collectors

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 17.01.2018 clarified that 10-rupee coins issued so far in all the 14 designs are valid because of reports about people not accepting these coins in fear of their being fake. But coin-collectors wanting to have commemorative coins have no knowledge about their availability. RBI should arrange availability of all previous commemorative coins for desiring ones at selected bank-branches across the country, all postal philatical centres apart from all RBI offices at face-value. These counters should also sell commemorative-coin sets issued on occasion of issue of a new coin right from the day of release abolishing cumbersome procedure to get these through advance booking to be delivered months or years after their release thus killing the very purpose of commemora...
Delhi tax-payers bear cost of free medical facilities and medicines to persons living outside Delhi: Aadhar-card of Delhi address be compulsory for availing OPD services in Delhi

Delhi tax-payers bear cost of free medical facilities and medicines to persons living outside Delhi: Aadhar-card of Delhi address be compulsory for availing OPD services in Delhi

Super-costly medical facilities including even costly MRIs, CT-scans and medicines (including very costly ones) are being provided totally free-of-cost in hospitals and dispensaries run by Delhi government at cost of state-exchequer funded by Delhi tax-payers. But all these facilities are being mainly used by people coming from neighbouring states especially for the purpose. There are reports that announcements in this regard are made during gatherings at religious places making people from those states rushing to Delhi to avail such free super-costly medical-facilities including medicines, because their states do not provide such super-costly medical-services so freely. It is grossly unjustified that Delhi tax-payers have to bear burden of costly medical-facilities provid...