Came across this well written article. It needs to be given wide circulation.
"Our Answers Have Changed – the root cause of liberal & international angst against India"
By Kishore Asthana
In 1942, Albert Einstein was teaching at Oxford and he gave his senior students an examination.Later, when his assistant asked him why he had given exactly the same examination as he had given last year, Einstein said,“The answers have changed.”
The present anti Hindu rhetoric that we see in the world press and in some of our own ‘liberals’ brings to mind the above.During the Mogul rule when someone asked the Hindus, “Look, they have killed ten thousand Hindus, what are you going to do about it?”the answer was usually a despondent shrug.When someone asked them, “Will you convert to Islam”? Some said ‘yes’ and some others chose to die.
During British rule, when some...