

Simplify Income Tax procedure by merging TAN with PAN

Simplify Income Tax procedure by merging TAN with PAN

Presently Income Tax Department provides two types of numbers namely Permanent Account Number -PAN, and Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number -TAN. While PAN is to be obtained for every tax-payer, TAN is a special number required only by those responsible for Tax Deducted at Source -TDS. Those required to obtain TAN number have to go through cumbersome procedure of filing TDS returns every quarter even though tax is deducted at source only say once in a complete year. Moreover there can be cases where TDS provision may required to be used only once in several years. It troubles very much to such TAN holders who are unnecessarily compelled to file TDS returns as nil every quarter. Even Income Tax Department has to spend much on staff and other overheads for managing those registered u...
SC order on appointing CICs: All eight vacancies may be filled from existing list

SC order on appointing CICs: All eight vacancies may be filled from existing list

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
It refers to welcome Supreme Court order directing central government to make appointment-process of Central Information Commissioners CICs including the Chief transparent by putting list of applicants on website making clear service-conditions of CICs. Supreme Court has also directed to initiate appointment-process of other three CICs wherein presently the process is initiated only for appointment of Chief Information Commissioner and four more Commissioners because at that time there were only four vacancies at CIC with four more retired after wards in November-December 2018. But instead of further delaying and spending extra on the appointment-process, central government can better select all the eight new Commissions from the existing list of applicants by seeking appropriate direct...
Merger of banks: Should be earliest and in one go

Merger of banks: Should be earliest and in one go

addtop, TOP STORIES, आर्थिक
Union Cabinet on 23.08.2017 had given nod in principle for merger of public-sector banks but to be started in phases that too only after a long time-consuming process of deliberations and consultations in committees to be formed for the purpose. Talks of merger of nationalized banks have been there for so many years, and as such necessary and sufficient reports must have been ready by now for an early implementation of already over-delayed decision. It is also clear from news appearing in media about five banks (apart from State Bank of India) namely Punjab National Bank, Canara Bank, Union Bank of India, Bank of India and Bank of Baroda being made anchor banks where all other banks are to be merged. Merger should be in one-go rather than in phases that too earliest in a time-bound peri...
Indian scientists find out how neem cells produce useful chemicals

Indian scientists find out how neem cells produce useful chemicals

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, विश्लेषण
 Neem is known for its medicinal and insecticidal properties for centuries. It is chemicals referred to as limonoids that give neem these properties. Indian scientists have now figured out the process of limonoid production in neem. Neem is a storehouse of useful chemicals, the most important being Azadirachtin A, which is well known natural insecticide. It belongs to a class of chemicals known as tetranor-triterpenoids or limonoids. Over 150 limonoids have been isolated and characterized from different parts of neem tree so far, but the process of their production had so far remained unknown. Limonoids possess very complex chemical structure in which isoprene units serve as building blocks. In higher plants, biosynthesis of isoprenes occurs through either of the two biosynthetic pat...
Tear-based screening test soon for childhood blinding condition

Tear-based screening test soon for childhood blinding condition

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is one of the most common serious eye complications that occurs in premature babies. It can lead to incomplete blood vessel growth in the retina, and eventual loss of vision. A group of researchers in Hyderabad have identified a biomarker that can help in detecting the risk of ROP from just a drop of tear. Premature babies are administered oxygen to help them survive in incubators. This process, however, has to be monitored carefully as overexposure to oxygen can be highly toxic to blood vessels including those in the retina. Overexposure to oxygen in neonatal care is a major cause of ROP. Low oxygen levels in the retina when the child is out of incubator cause abnormal blood vessel growth in the retina, which in turn causes loss of neurons and vision lo...
Technique developed to produce graphene from discarded dry cell batteries

Technique developed to produce graphene from discarded dry cell batteries

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, विश्लेषण
  A group of researchers at Nagpur-based Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology have developed a new technique which promises to help produce high value graphene from discarded dry cells batteries. Graphene, a form of carbon, is transparent and flexible conductor with a range of applications including in making solar cells, light-emitting diodes, touch panels and smart windows. Graphene supercapacitors serve as energy storage devices with a capacity for faster charging and longer life span than traditional electrolytic batteries. Graphene consists of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. It is the strongest material to be ever tested, conducts heat and electricity efficiently. Since graphene is made out of graphite, its production is both expe...
Coalition governments of Congress-groups in three states

Coalition governments of Congress-groups in three states

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
Different yard-sticks to choose Prime Minister and Chief Ministers in Congress It refers to extra-ordinary time taken by Congress high-command in selecting three Chief Ministers for the states of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh where the party won in recently-held elections, with reports of Rajasthan having 15 ministers each from rival groups of Ashok Gehlot and Sachin Pilot. Even for Chhattisgarh, media-reports indicate that formula is evolved to have two different Chief Ministers for half-term each. It looks like that Congress-won states have a sort of compromised coalition governments, rather than governments with a single-party rule. It is significant that party-leaders look their young party-President with little experience as future Prime Minister of the nation while...
पंजाब के भूजल में मिला आर्सेनिक का खतरनाक स्तर

पंजाब के भूजल में मिला आर्सेनिक का खतरनाक स्तर

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, राज्य
 गंगा के मैदानी भागों रहने वाली आबादी को आमतौर पर आर्सेनिक के कारण होने वाले रोगों से अधिक प्रभावित माना जाता है। भारतीय शोधकर्ताओं के एक ताजा अध्ययन के दौरान पंजाब के भूजल में भी अब आर्सेनिक के गंभीर स्तर के बारे में पता चला है। पंजाब के 13000 हजार कूपों या हैंडपंप से एकत्रित किए गए भूजल के नमूनों में से 25 प्रतिशत कूपों के पानी में आर्सेनिक स्तर विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यूएचओ) के निर्धारित मापदंड से 20-50 गुना अधिक पाया गया है। आर्सेनिक का उच्च स्तर तरण तारण, अमृतसर और गुरदासपुर जिलों में रावी नदी के बाढ़ग्रस्त मैदानों में सबसे अधिक फैला हुआ है। शोधकर्ताओं का कहना है कि जिन परिवारों के घर में आर्सेनिक प्रभावित कूप मिले हैं, उनमें से 87 प्रतिशत परिवार डब्ल्यूएचओ के मानकों को पूरा करने वाले सुरक्षित पेयजल वाले अन्य कुओं के 100 मीटर के दायरे में रहते हैं। ऐसे परिवार आर्सेनिक से स...
जनसँख्या नियंत्रण कानून को लेकर सांसदों को पत्र

जनसँख्या नियंत्रण कानून को लेकर सांसदों को पत्र

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, राष्ट्रीय
माननीय सांसद जी, नमस्ते ! वर्तमान समय में लगभग 122 करोड़ भारतीयों के पास आधार है, लगभग 20% अर्थात 25 करोड़ नागरिक (विशेष रूप से बच्चे) बिना आधार के हैं तथा लगभग चार करोड़ बंगलादेशी और एक करोड़ रोहिंग्या घुसपैठिये अवैध रूप से भारत में रहते हैं! इससे स्पस्ट है कि हमारे देश की कुल जनसँख्या 125 या 130 करोड़ नहीं बल्कि लगभग 152 करोड़ है और हम चीन से बहुत आगे निकल चुके हैं ! यदि संसाधनों की बात करें तो हमारे पास कृषि योग्य भूमि दुनिया की मात्र 2% है, पीने योग्य पानी मात्र 4% है और जनसँख्या दुनिया की 20% है! यदि चीन से तुलना करें तो हमारा क्षेत्रफल चीन का लगभग एक तिहाई है और जनसँख्या वृद्धि की दर चीन की तीन गुना है ! चीन में प्रति मिनट 11 बच्चे और भारत में प्रति मिनट 33 बच्चे पैदा होते हैं! जल जंगल और जमीन की समस्या, रोटी कपड़ा और मकान की समस्या, गरीबी और बेरोजगारी की समस्या, भुखमरी और कुपोषण की स...
कलह-क्लेश करोगे तो नहीं बन सकोगे बिल गेट्स-जुकरबर्ग

कलह-क्लेश करोगे तो नहीं बन सकोगे बिल गेट्स-जुकरबर्ग

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, विश्लेषण
रैनबैक्सी फार्मा का कुछ साल पहले तक देश के दवा निर्माताओं के सेक्टर में दबदबा था। यह देश की चोटी की फार्मा कंपनियों में से एक थी। लेकिन, यह देखते-देखते ही खत्म हो गई। रैनबैक्सी को स्थापित करने वाले डा.भाई मोहन सिंह का कुनबा आपसीकलह-क्लेश में फंसता ही चला गया। पहले डा. मोहन सिंह के पुत्र परविदर सिंह ने अपने पिता को कंपनी के मैनेजमेंट से बाहर किया। आगे चलकर परविंदर सिंह के दोनों पुत्रों क्रमश मलविंदर सिंह और शिवइंदर सिंह ने अपने परिवार की फ्लैगशिप कंपनी को गलत तथ्यों के आधार पर जापान की दाइची नाम की कंपनी को बेचा।जब इन बंधुओं ने रैनबैक्सी से अपनी सारी हिस्सेदारी को बेचा था, तब भारतीय उद्योग जगत में इनकी खिंचाई भी हुई थी ।जिस समूह को इनके दादा भाई मोहन सिह ने बनाया-संवारा, उसे इस तरह बेचा नहीं जाना चाहिए था। मलविंदर सिंह और शिवइंदर सिंह नेरैनबेक्सी को बेचने के बाद फोर्टिस अस्पतालों की भारी भ...