

Biggest biscuit-manufacturer denies job-cut, but does not rule out because of irrational GST tariffs

Biggest biscuit-manufacturer denies job-cut, but does not rule out because of irrational GST tariffs

addtop, TOP STORIES, आर्थिक
Biggest biscuit-manufacturing company of India denies media-reports about job-cut of 10000 persons, but does not rule out because of highly irrational GST tariffs affecting sale of its confectionary items where biscuits attract 18-percent GST while rusks are in 5-percent GST slab. Presently GST-tariffs are highly irrational, confusing and improper where similar items are in different GST-brackets like 5, 12 and 18 percent. GST on harmful sweets is just 5-percent while namkeens prepared and sold by local confectioners attract 12-percent. Best is to remove all confusion by putting sweets, namkeens, biscuits, rusks and all such food-items in a common GST-slab of 12-percent for single rate-structure for products made by confectioners. GST has become additional product where most local co...
Special attention to top three sectors contributing to Indian economy is necessary to boost Indian economy

Special attention to top three sectors contributing to Indian economy is necessary to boost Indian economy

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, आर्थिक
Retail-wholesale trade, agriculture and real-estate are the three top-most sectors contributing to Indian economy with respectively 23, 15.7 and 13.5 percent shares. Union Finance Ministry should concentrate to develop these sectors plugging loopholes of misuse of development. On-line sale has swallowed retail and wholesale trade creating large unemployment and loss of trade and taxes. Experiment should be made on banning on-line trade or imposing strict restrictions so that consumers may find it advantageous to go to markets rather than on-line purchases. Data on agriculture is heavily polluted where contribution by agriculture to Indian economy is based on false figures because of large-scale misuse of provision of totally tax-free agricultural-income by ultra-rich persons includin...
Government should bear complete transaction-charges on payment made through debit and credit cards for curbing currency circulation

Government should bear complete transaction-charges on payment made through debit and credit cards for curbing currency circulation

addtop, आर्थिक
It refers to RBI report released on 29.08.2019 revealing that there has been a shocking 18-percent rise in currency-circulation from that at time of demonetization of cold currency-notes of rupees 500 and 1000 on 08.11.2016 thus killing the very purpose of demonetization. This is because stress was given on small digital payments where there are regular cases of frauds affecting ordinary lower and middle income people. Currency-circulation can only be curbed by targeting bigger transactions. Rather than spending so much like rupees 4811 crores on currency-printing in the year 2017-18, study should be made if government and banks can bear complete transaction-charges on use of credit and debit cards. Presently traders having low profit-margins charge two-percent extra from consumers on paym...
Abolition of foreclosure-charges on pre-payment of loans still incomplete even after ten years of RBI admitting its not approving policy of foreclosure charges

Abolition of foreclosure-charges on pre-payment of loans still incomplete even after ten years of RBI admitting its not approving policy of foreclosure charges

addtop, आर्थिक
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has once again issued circular dated 02.08.2019 clarifying that banks shall not charge foreclosure charges or pre-payment penalties on any floating-rate term-loan sanctioned for purposes other than business to individual borrowers with or without co-obligant(s). Earlier about a decade back, RBI in an RTI response dated 03.09.2009 had clearly stated that RBI does not approve policy of charging penalty or foreclosure charges. In this period of ten years, RBI had waived concept of foreclosure-charges in a phased manner rather than totally like starting from such waiver only for home-loans. But even the latest circular dated 02.08.2019 has not completely met with RBI policy of not approving foreclosure-charges as revealed in ten-years old RTI response dated 03.09...
Remembering Gandhi on his 150th birth-anniversary through commemorative coins of gold and silver coins

Remembering Gandhi on his 150th birth-anniversary through commemorative coins of gold and silver coins

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
Prime Minister in his Man-ki-Baat on 25.08.2019 indicated that his government is going to celebrate 150th Gandhi birth-anniversary in a big way. It is evident that new commemorative coins are likely to be issued on 02.10.2019 along with a series of commemorative postal-stamps like were issued on Gandhi birth-centenary on 02.10.1969. But it should be ensured that commemoration of the occasion through coins should be for masses also like was on 02.10.1969 when silver-alloy coins of ten-rupee denomination were provided to general public on face-value right from date of release on 02.10.1969 like commemorative postal-stamps are sold. It may be mentioned that later system of issue of commemorative coins on face-value was abolished and instead system of issuing only coin-sets at an exorbitant...
Much-more required to boost economy than announced by Union Finance Minister

Much-more required to boost economy than announced by Union Finance Minister

addtop, आर्थिक
It refers to high-level press-conference held on 23.08.2019 by Union Finance Minister (FM) with all the secretary-level officers joining her to reply to questions by media-persons. FM announced many measures in a bid to remove fear-psychology developed amongst tax-payers by withdrawing criminal action for normal tax-related violations. But too much attention was given to auto-industry by reducing interest on car-loans, doubling depreciation to 30-percent and announcing large-scale purchase of new cars for government departments and ministries to replace old ones. Huge purchase of new cars by government will heavily burden public-exchequers leading to tax-burden or deficit-economy both of which will result in price-increase. Even if new cars are to be purchased for governments, rule shou...
World doesn’t have bandwidth to handle climate change-led migration

World doesn’t have bandwidth to handle climate change-led migration

addtop, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
I am sharing an image that has been haunting me. We are locked in a room where we can see from our narrowly opened window that the weather outside has gone berserk — fires in forests, heat waves, extreme rain and storms, all happening as predicted. But our screams are not being heard. As if, it is happening somewhere else. Or not real. I know this sounds over-dramatic. But it is a fact. The impact of what is clearly a changing weather because of a warmer planet is happening in our face. But we are so distracted — trade wars, Brexit, immigration, economy (good and bad), nationalism, war and much more that goes with it are predominant. Climate change could not have happened at a worse time in human history it would seem. We simply don’t have the bandwidth to handle it. This is when it ...
आत्मा को शुद्ध करने का महापर्व

आत्मा को शुद्ध करने का महापर्व

addtop, संस्कृति और अध्यात्म
हमारे देश में पर्वो एवं त्यौहारों की एक समृ़द्ध परम्परा रही है, यहां मनाये जाने वाले पर्व-त्योहार के पीछे कोई न कोई गौरवशाली इतिहास-संस्कृति-विचारधारा का संबंध जुड़ा होता है। जैन संस्कृति में जितने भी पर्व व त्योहार मनाये जाते हैं लगभग सभी में आत्म-साधना, तप एवं जीवनशुद्धि का विशेष महत्व है। जैनों का सर्वाधिक महत्वपूर्ण पर्व है पयुर्षण पर्व। पर्युषण महापर्व मात्र जैनों का पर्व नहीं है, यह एक सार्वभौम पर्व है। पूरे विश्व के लिए यह एक उत्तम और उत्कृष्ट पर्व है, क्योंकि इसमंे इंसान अपने मन को मांजने का उपक्रम करता है, आत्मा की उपासना करता है, ताकि जीवन के पापों एवं गलतियों को सुधारा जा सके, जीवन को पवित्र, शांतिमय, अहिंसक एवं सौहार्दपूर्ण बनाया जा सके। पर्युषण महापर्व के दौरान जैन कहलाने वाला हर व्यक्ति कोशिश करता है कि अपने जीवन को इतना मांज ले कि वर्ष भर की जो भी ज्ञात-अज्ञात त्रुटियां हुई ...
दक्षिण में हिन्दी का विरोध क्यों?

दक्षिण में हिन्दी का विरोध क्यों?

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, राज्य
गतदिनों बंगलूरू के गणेशबाग में एक जैन आचार्य के चातुर्मास के लिए लगाए गए हिंदी बैनर कोे कथित तौर पर फाड देने एवं तोड़फोड़ करने की हिंसक घटना न केवल विडम्बनापूर्ण बल्कि एक राष्ट्र-विरोधी त्रासदी है। इनदिनों दक्षिण भारत में हिन्दी भाषा का विरोध करते हुए संघर्ष एवं आन्दोलन की स्थितियां देखने को मिल रही है। इस आन्दोलन के उग्र होने का कारण हाल ही में प्रस्तुत राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति के मसौदे में दक्षिण के गैर-हिंदी भाषी राज्यों पर हिंदी थोपने का आरोप है। हालांकि इससे पहले की यह मुद्दा 1960 के दशक की भांति हिंदी विरोधी आंदोलन की तरह राजनीतिक आंदोलन का रूप लेता, केंद्र सरकार ने विवादित प्रावधान को खत्म कर दिया और आश्वासन दिया कि हिंदी किसी पर थोपी नहीं जाएगी। प्रश्न हिन्दी को थोपने या न थोपने का नहीं है, बल्कि राष्ट्रीय एकता एवं अस्मिता की रक्षा का है। प्रश्न भाषा के नाम पर एक शांतिप्रिय अह...
स्वास्थ्य कार्यकर्ता आशुतोष कुमार सिंह को मिलेगा तिलका मांझी राष्ट्रीय सम्मान

स्वास्थ्य कार्यकर्ता आशुतोष कुमार सिंह को मिलेगा तिलका मांझी राष्ट्रीय सम्मान

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
विगत 8 वर्षों से स्वास्थ्य एडवोकेसी के क्षेत्र में काम कर रहे पत्रकार आशुतोष कुमार सिंह को तिलका मांझी राष्ट्रीय सम्मान दिए जाने की घोषणा हुई है। स्वास्थ्य के क्षेत्र में उनके उल्लेखनीय योगदान के लिए यह सम्मान दिया जा रहा है। यह सम्मान अंग मदद फाउंडेशन द्वारा बिहार के भागलपुर में आयोजित कार्यक्रम में आगामी 22 सितंबर को दिया जायेगा। श्री आशुतोष को मिले इस सम्मान पर देश-विदेश के बुद्धिजीवियों ने उन्हें शुभकामना संदेश प्रेषित किया है। उनके गृह जिला सीवान के लोगों ने भी उन्हें फोन पर बधाई दी है। इस सम्मान को उन्होंने स्वस्थ भारत अभियान के साथियों को समर्पित किया है।   प्रेरक संघर्ष-कथा: सस्ती दवाइयों के लिए 8 वर्षों से संघर्ष कर रहे हैं आशुतोष       2012 के जून महीने में ऐसी घटना घटी जिसने आशुतोष को एक पत्रकार से सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता बना दिया. 22 जून, 2012 को मुंबई के एक निजी अस...