

Lalu monarchy continues in Bihar even in Nitish regime

Lalu monarchy continues in Bihar even in Nitish regime

It is shocking that Lalu-monarchy still continues in Bihar with state Chief Minister being a mute spectator to three doctors and two male-nurses from government-owned Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences-IGIMS, Patna having been sent at residence of the uncrowned monarchy-king Lalu Yadav from 31st May 2017 to 8th June 2017 for taking care of some unnamed ill person in the family. Nitish Kumar should be courageous enough to remove state Health Minister Tej Pratap Yadav from his ministry on his ordering IGIMS superintendent Dr PK Sinha to provide such a princely facility for family of former Chief Minister. Dr PK Sinha has rightly disowned responsibility for wrong-doing because Tej Pratap Yadav ordered IGIMS superintendent in his capacity as Chairperson of the institute. It is also su...
The Dark Rule: Why Congress Went After India’s Institutions

The Dark Rule: Why Congress Went After India’s Institutions

Congress leaders have been showing their blatant disapproval of Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat’s stand with statements such as these: “Our Army Chief gives out statements like a sadak ka gunda (street thug)” says Sandeep Dixit, son of three-time chief minister of Delhi Sheila Dixit, a close confidant of Rahul Gandhi and a senior Congress leader, himself. Just a few days ago, Jairam Ramesh, a former minister in the previous Congress government and another Congress leader considered very close to Rahul Gandhi, defended an obscure writer who, in an extremist left publication, had compared General Rawat to the notorious British General Dyer. This sudden public opprobrium directed at India’s serving Army Chief, coming from the Congress party, may seem surprising to some, but there is a d...
जम्मू पर कश्मीरी आतंकवाद की छाया पड रही है –   कश्मीरी हिन्दुआें के पुनर्वास और वापसी की ओर शासन अनदेखी कर रहा है !

जम्मू पर कश्मीरी आतंकवाद की छाया पड रही है – कश्मीरी हिन्दुआें के पुनर्वास और वापसी की ओर शासन अनदेखी कर रहा है !

फोंडा (गोवा) षष्ठ अखिल भारतीय हिन्दू अधिवेशन के स्थल पर आयोजित पत्रकार परिषद को हिन्दू जनजागृति समिति के राष्ट्रीय प्रवक्ता श्री. रमेश शिंदे, पनून कश्मीर के अध्यक्ष डॉ. अजय च्रोंगू, यूथ फॉर पनून कश्मीर के राष्ट्रीय समन्वयक श्री. राहुल कौल एवं उनके सचिव श्री. राहुल राजदान उपस्थित थे । उन्होंने पत्रकारों को एकत्रित रूप से स्पष्ट किया कि कश्मीर में चल रही विध्वंसक कार्यवाहियों को शासन केवल आतंकवादी कार्यवाहियों के रूप में नहीं, अपितु जम्मू-कश्मीर में इस्लाम पंथ स्थापित करने के लिए चल रहे जिहादी युद्ध के एक भाग के रूप में देखें । पत्रकारों से चर्चा करते समय डॉ. अजय च्रोंगू ने कहा, जम्मू एवं कश्मीर में चल रहा जिहाद देश के सामने एक चुनौती है । इस्लाम की स्थापना करने के लिए यह युद्ध है और उसकी ओर अनदेखी करना आत्महत्या करने समान है । उन्होंने आगे बताया, जम्मू-कश्मीर की स्थिति दिन-प्रतिदिन बि...
BCCI cricket-team members should contribute heavily for some national cause on its defeat as they get huge award-money for match

BCCI cricket-team members should contribute heavily for some national cause on its defeat as they get huge award-money for match

Cricket-team of Board for Control of cricket in India-BCCI lost badly to cricket-team of Pakistan Cricket Board-PCB in final of Champion Trophy 2017 on 19.06.2017 at London. Various undertakings under central and state-governments race for awarding huge money and other public-assets to each member of BCCI cricket-team in addition to heavy award-money for even single match-winning performance. Each member of BCCI cricket-team got rupees two crores each on their winning World-Cup cricket-final when some of the cricketers found earlier declared rupees one-crore award-money insufficient. But if our money-minting ultra super-rich cricketers can be showered with enormous amount of award-money over and above normal match-fees and monthly and other allowances from public-funds, then they should fe...
CIC quizzes PMO and other Union Ministries on bringing BCCI under RTI Act and huge disparity in awards-money for cricket and other sports (See CIC-verdict and other attachments)

CIC quizzes PMO and other Union Ministries on bringing BCCI under RTI Act and huge disparity in awards-money for cricket and other sports (See CIC-verdict and other attachments)

Central Information Commission-CIC deserves all compliments for its recent order dated 16.06.2017 -copy attached- in case-number CIC-LS-C-2012-000565, wherein answer is sought on following points from Prime Minister Office-PMO, Union Ministry of Sports and Union Ministry of Law on important points relating to cricket and BCCI. 1. Why the Indian Cricket team even now carrying the logo of BCCI instead of sporting the Union of India symbol? Why the BCCI is still using the logo designed by British Raj in 1928 which resembles 90 per cent the symbol of star of India given by British Raj to his loyal princes? Why the Government of India does not change it to truly Indian Symbol with either tricolor or four lions or Ashoka’s Dharm Chakra or any other logo decided by the Government of In...
Now domestic help at public-expense also for retired judges of Delhi High Court: Is pension and other post-retirement income not enough to hire domestic help?

Now domestic help at public-expense also for retired judges of Delhi High Court: Is pension and other post-retirement income not enough to hire domestic help?

It refers to shocking news-item that Delhi Government on 30.05.2017 through a notification approved one domestic help for all the retired judges of Delhi High Court and their spouses, subsequent to judges of Delhi High Court passing a resolution to this effect in April this year. Earlier Supreme Court judges also arranged similar facility for themselves in November 2016 subsequent to a resolution passed in the conference of Chief Justices held in New Delhi on 22-23 April 2016. It is doubted that other High Courts may soon follow the same in coming days. Disgusting logic behind the move is that it is pathetic to see retired judges standing in queues for payment of water or power bills, without citing even a single incident in present era of on-line payments. Is pension of retired judges...
After Lucknow, now it was the turn of Dialogue India Academy Chandigarh Mega Event

After Lucknow, now it was the turn of Dialogue India Academy Chandigarh Mega Event

The Dialogue India academy Conclave has been a great event at the JW Marriott Hotel in Chandigarh. In this event,Private educational institutions across India were awarded as per the rating based on various parameters. The program was started by the chief guests with the lamp lighting. Other dignitaries were also present in the program along with the celebrities of education and industry. After the lamp lighting, the special issue of All India ranking of Dialogue India was launched by the honorable guests. Highlighting the ranking objectives, Mr. Anuj Agrawal, Editor of Dialogue India magazine, said that India has very inequalities in the field of education. Where parents want the private sector educational institutions at primary level, at the same time the government educational institut...
डायलॉग इंडिया एकेडमिया के चंडीगढ़ चरण का धमाकेदार आयोजन

डायलॉग इंडिया एकेडमिया के चंडीगढ़ चरण का धमाकेदार आयोजन

डीगढ़ के जे डब्ल्यू मैरिएट होटल में डायलॉग इंडिया एकेडमिया कॉन्क्लेव का शानदार आयोजन हुआ। इस समारोह में भारत के कोने कोने से निजी शैक्षणिक संस्थानों को विभिन्न पैरामीटर के आधार पर आधारित रेटिंग के अनुसार सम्मानित किया गया। कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ मुख्य अतिथियों के द्वारा द्वीप प्रज्जलवन के साथ हुआ। कार्यक्रम में शिक्षा एवं उद्योग की विशिष्ट हस्तियों के साथ अन्य गणमान्य लोग भी उपस्थित थे। द्वीप प्रज्जलवन के उपरांत डायलॉग इंडिया की आल इंडिया रैंकिंग के विशेष अंक का लोकार्पण सम्माननीय अतिथियों द्वारा हुआ। रैंकिंग के उद्देश्यों पर प्रकाश डालते हुए डायलॉग इंडिया पत्रिका के संपादक श्री अनुज अग्रवाल ने कहा कि भारत मे शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में बहुत असमानताएं हैं। जहां प्राथमिक स्तर पर निजी क्षेत्र के शिक्षण संस्थान अभिभावक चाहते हैं तो वहीं उच्च शिक्षा में सरकारी शिक्षण संस्थान बाज़ी मारते हैं। रैंकिंग का ...
Higher Education: Towards big Changes amid challenges

Higher Education: Towards big Changes amid challenges

'Dialogue India Survey' for the year 2016-17 shows that the education sector of the country is passing through rapid transformation. Extensive changes have been introduced not only in higher education, but also at the intermediate and primary level. The institutions, which grabbed big headlines in the media till a few years back have now vanished from the scene, while those institutions which silently and honestly continued to work focussing on quality are now shining on top. Fact is that, barring a few top players among the private institutions, the position of all the institutions has substantially changed. For the first time the impact of government control over the institutions, colleges and schools is visible. Mushrooming of institutions, uncontrolled admission of students there lik...
स्थापित नायक से अपेक्षाएं

स्थापित नायक से अपेक्षाएं

अनुज अग्रवाल संपादक यह कोई आसान काम नहीँ है कि जब देश लम्पट और दलाल राजनेताओं से भरा पड़ा हो , उस माहौल में सेकडों आकर्षणों, षड्यंत्रों और साजिशों के बीच नरेंद्र दामोदर मोदी की पकड़ और छवि देश की जनता, सरकार, संसदीय राजनीति, संघ परिवार और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय समुदाय पर उत्तरोत्तर मजबूत होती जा रही है। अपने कार्यकाल के पहले तीन सालों में मोदी को विपक्ष के जितने घटिया, भद्दे और एक तरफा विरोध का सामना करना पड़ा, ऐसा अमूमन कम ही होता है। विमुद्रिकरण, जी एस टी लागू करने और पाक पर लगातार सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक के बीच मोदी नेता से राजनेता और राजनेता से महानायक बनते गए, पता ही नहीँ चला। स्थानीय निकायों, विधानसभाओ विशेषकर उत्तर प्रदेश में विस्मयकारी जीत के बाद तो वे अजेय स्थिति में आ चुके हैं। अगर पार्टी, सरकार और जनता को लेकर मोदी के पिछले तीन वर्षों के कामकाज का आंकलन किया जाए तो हम मोदी को एक बड़े खतरे उठान...