This is a World Environment Day with a difference,
Sunita Narain
Lays down an action agenda for the new government in India;says India “needs a new imagination in the designof its development schemes”
“It is that day of the year, once again. June 5 is here, a day when all of us renew our pledge to protect the environment. But this year, the day has come with more meaning for us in India. A new government is preparing to take charge in the country, and we believe it is time to recommit to an agenda of development -- one which is inclusive and affordable and hence, sustainable for all. And June 5 is the appropriate date to make that commitment once again,” says Sunita Narain, director general, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) in a new podcast and video released by CSE to mark World Environment Day.
Sunita Narain’s Call to A...