

Outdated law of keeping mobile-phone of victim having helped police in getting phone-snatcher arrested should be changed

Outdated law of keeping mobile-phone of victim having helped police in getting phone-snatcher arrested should be changed

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
It refers to outdated legal-provision whereby the person having helped police in getting hold of a phone-snatcher has to deprive with his mobile-phone to be kept in police-custody after a failed attempt of mobile-phone having been snatched. Mobile-phones in general have valuable data which has now-a-days in fast changing life-style have rather become lifeline of mobile-users. It is even more strange that police does not allow to withdraw the complaint so that the victim may not have to compulsorily deposit his mobile-phone in police-custody till court-orders. Such outdated legal-provisions are in fact root cause of dutiful people avoiding filing police-complaints not only in their own interest but also in in larger interest of society where no person may exhibit boldness in getting a ph...
नैनो तकनीक से बढ़ायी जा सकेगी टायरों की मजबूती

नैनो तकनीक से बढ़ायी जा सकेगी टायरों की मजबूती

किसी उबड़-खाबड़ सड़क पर गाड़ी का टायर अचानक पंक्चर हो जाए तो मुश्किल खड़ी हो जाती है। भारतीय शोधकर्ताओं ने इस मुश्किल से निजात पाने के लिए नैनोटेक्नोलॉजी की मदद से ऐसी तकनीक विकसित की है, जो टायरों की परफार्मेंस बढ़ाने में उपयोगी साबित हो सकती है।  केरल स्थित महात्मा गांधी विश्वविद्यालय के यूनिवर्सिटी सेंटर फॉर नैनो-साइंस ऐंड नैनो-टेक्नोलॉजी के शोधकर्ताओं ने रबड़ से बनी हाई-परफार्मेंस नैनो-कम्पोजिट सामग्री विकसित की है, जिसका उपयोग टायरों की भीतरी ट्यूब और इनर लाइनरों को मजबूती प्रदान करने में किया जा सकता है।  नैनो-क्ले और क्रियाशील नैनो-क्ले तंत्र के उपयोग से इनर लाइनर बनाने के लिए विकसित फॉर्मूले को गैस अवरोधी गुणों से लैस किया गया है। इससे टायरों के इनर लाइनर की मजबूती बढ़ायी जा सकती है। इंटरनेशनल ऐंड इंटर यूनिवर्सिटी सेंटर फॉर नैनो-साइंस ऐंड नैनो-टेक्नोलॉजी (आईआईयूसीएनएन) ने टाय...
Opposition should not insist on Prime Minister responding to big lie of US President Donald Trump for diplomatic reasons

Opposition should not insist on Prime Minister responding to big lie of US President Donald Trump for diplomatic reasons

Both House of Parliament on 23.07.2019 witnessed noisy scenes by opposition-members demanding personal appearance of Prime Minister to give clarification on yet another big lie of Donald Trump out of about 12000 he has so far spoken as US President. Opposition-demand apparently looked justified because habitual liar Donald Trump named specifically Prime Minister Narender Modi having asked Donald Trump to mediate with Pakistan on Kashmir issue. But US President is biggest powerful person in the world, and for all diplomatic reasons, clarification by Prime Minister Narender Modi personally would have annoyed Donald Trump which would have cost India heavily in many aspects. Not only Government of India through late-night instant press-release followed by categorical denial by Indian Foreig...
Justified demand to re-spell Delhi: All re-spellings and re-naming of cities and states should be in one go

Justified demand to re-spell Delhi: All re-spellings and re-naming of cities and states should be in one go

It refers to justified and logical demand raised by BJP Parliamentarian Vijay Goel in Rajya Sabha on 24.07.2019 for re-spell British-distorted spelling of Delhi as Dilli. But re-spelling should be Dehli which means entrance, and was a common household name till several decades after independence. Even Dilli is the distorted name. Many other countries like Bangladesh and China have already respelled names of their capitals as per actual pronunciation. Central government should also accept resolution by West Bengal state-assembly to re-name the state to remove confusing pre-fix West and to have a name in Bangla rather than English. Only old-timers know that since western part of pre-independence undivided Bengal came to India, the state was named as West Bengal, and East Bengal turned int...
IB enquiry necessary for self-acclaimed intellectuals joining hands with anti-national and communal elements in provoking minorities and Dalits against majority community

IB enquiry necessary for self-acclaimed intellectuals joining hands with anti-national and communal elements in provoking minorities and Dalits against majority community

Central government should refer names of those self-acclaimed intellectuals who have written to Prime Minister on mob-lynching etc allegedly on minorities and Dalits (and not on those many from minority section who brutally killed people from majority community) to Intelligence Bureau for finding their real motives. Intention was clear when convenor of press-conference on 24.07.2019 declined to respond to media-persons on incidents of Hindus having been brutally killed by Muslims. Such people are not less guilty than elements like Akbaruddin Obassi always provoking Muslims against Hindus through his poisonous speeches. Enquiry should also be made and public-land snatched from NGOs who were liberally granted huge pieces of land and funds by earlier UPA and Congress governments because of...
No Tears for fall of Karnataka Govt.

No Tears for fall of Karnataka Govt.

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
Many tears will not be shed over fall of the Karnataka Government headed by H D Kumarswamy. Right from the beginning the coalition arrangement between the JD (S) and the Congress was on shaky ground. Congress which had 65 seats in the House of 225 supported Kumarswamy whose Party the JD (S) had won only 34 seats. The coalition managed to form government with the support of some independents and the lone member of the BSP. The move was to stop BJP from forming government which had won 105, the single largest Party in the state assembly. The natural course of action on part of the Opposition parties in Karnataka should have been to let Congress head the government. But overambitious Kumarswamy supported by his father H D Devegowda bargained with Congress to claim chief minister’s chair. If ...
PCI Chairman Seeks Report about Restrictions on Media persons

PCI Chairman Seeks Report about Restrictions on Media persons

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, प्रेस विज्ञप्ति
Press Council of India Chairman Justice Shri Chandramauli Kumar Prasad has sought the response of the Finance Ministry over the complaint of restricting the entry of media persons. He is also seeking the response of the state governments where the entry of media persons has been restricted. Justice Prasad told this to a joint delegation of the National Union of Journalists (India), Delhi Journalists Association (DJA) and Delhi Chapter of the Indian Federation of Working Journalists (IFWJ) that called on him at his office. The delegation comprised of NUJ (I) National President Shri Ashok Malik, DJA President Shri Manohar Singh, DJA general secretary Shri Pramod Kumar; and Shri Rajeev Ranjan Nag, Ira Jha and Habib Akhtar from the IFWJ. “We have received representations from various med...
Media-reports indicate that surcharge on Income Tax may hit investments

Media-reports indicate that surcharge on Income Tax may hit investments

It refers to media-reports indicating that estimated rupees 12000 crores proposed to be earned by imposing surcharge on tax-payers in higher slabs may adversely affect investment in India. India tuned up with most other countries in the world when Raja Challiah committee report was implemented by bringing highest Income-Tax slab down to 30-percent. Tax-system should be simple-most abolishing concepts of cess, surcharge and subsidies to the extent possible. In present system with persons having assessed income upto rupees five lakhs per annum totally exempted from Income Tax, a person having income say rupees 501000 will evidently try to evade rupees 1000 from income because otherwise he would be getting exemption only on income upto rupees 250000. Basic exemption-limit should be same fo...
Remedial measures necessary in GST with rupees 45683 crores frauds detected in GST since its inception on 01.07.2019

Remedial measures necessary in GST with rupees 45683 crores frauds detected in GST since its inception on 01.07.2019

It refers to government-reply in Parliament that a total of 9385 cases of tax fraud involving amount of rupees 45683 crore has been detected by the tax authorities under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime since its rollout from July 1, 2017 out of which, 1,593 tax fraud cases involving an amount of Rs 6520.40 crore have been detected in April-June. It has become a common practice to sell GST-invoices to those availing false Input Tax Credit (ITC) when consumers do not insist on taking invoices or leave these invoices by getting some petty discount. These unused GST invoices are purchased by manufacturers to avail false ITC further leading to creation of unaccounted money thus evading even Income Tax also. ITC should be available only for trading purpose, and not for manufacturin...
Supreme Court should take sue-motto cognizance of strange verdict of Ranchi court directing distribution of Quran as pre-condition of bail

Supreme Court should take sue-motto cognizance of strange verdict of Ranchi court directing distribution of Quran as pre-condition of bail

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
It refers to strange-most decision of a Ranchi-court wherein the concerned judge granted bail to a young Hindu girl on pre-condition of distributing five copies of Islamic Quran. Such a decision is not only a forced court-attack on religious freedom of Hindu girl, but even has unnecessarily developed a religious disturbance when several Hindu organizations have stood in full support of the girl who has boldly decided not to abide with the court-order and to challenge the verdict in higher court. But big question is who will be responsible for mental torture and cost involved in challenging such a religiously-designed court-order. Judges are also human-beings and should be treated like others for giving such disturbing verdicts not only hurting religious sentiments of the ordered person ...