

Majority BJP has less proportionate ministers in Goa-ministry with 15-percent formula not adhered

Majority BJP has less proportionate ministers in Goa-ministry with 15-percent formula not adhered

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
Goa is one such state which always gives hung assembly where parties with lower strength and independents dominate largest party of the alliance in ministry-formation. Chief Minister Pramod Sawant (BJP) with 12 members of his party out of total 21 members of the ruling alliance had to induct two Deputy Chief Ministers from smaller allies with three members each. Number of BJP ministers is just five out twelve BJP MLAs while there are seven ministers out of rest nine MLAs of the alliance. Even norm of having maximum 15-percent ministers out of total strength of lower House is not implemented in ministry-formation. Alliance-politics thus in fact is a blackmail politics of unholy political bargain. Best is to elect Chief Minister by secret and compulsory vote of all MLAs through EVMs equip...
Unique honour for Manohar Parikar with President of India tweeting news of his death

Unique honour for Manohar Parikar with President of India tweeting news of his death

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
In the death of Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar, not only Goa but complete nation has lost a leading politician who had a reare quality of austerity and simplicity rarely seen in politicians of present era seen travelling in public-bus or scooter while being a Chief Minister even seen purchasing milk, newspaper for his family from street-booths, this being the reason of his running state-government despite his party BJP being in minority. He could even been seen in queues at airports setting aside usual protocol available for Union Minister or state Chief Minister. His lust for duty and responsibility is evident by his working whole heartedly with medical-tubes fitted on his nose while performing his task as state Chief Minister both indoor and outdoor. Even opposition could not rai...
Constitution-bench of Supreme Court to hear challenge to CIC-verdict by its own registry on 27.03.2019

Constitution-bench of Supreme Court to hear challenge to CIC-verdict by its own registry on 27.03.2019

addtop, TOP STORIES, समाचार
At last long-pending petition of the year 2009 by Supreme Court registry against CIC-verdict after the registry losing at both stages of Delhi High Court has been listed for hearing by the Constitution-bench of the Apex Court on 27.03.2018 to decide if the Supreme Court and Chief Justice of India were duty-bound under the RTI Act to give information in response to RTI applications filed by citizens with regard to administration of the top court. Interestingly Supreme Court registry provided information if Supreme Court judges were declaring details of their assets to Chief Justice of India after order of single-judge bench of Delhi high Court. Even Supreme Court judges sue-motto decided disclosure of their assets on website after CIC-verdict was highlighted prominently in the media. But...
A handful elites lost power in India in 2014. In 2019, they are trying to do whatever it takes to get it back

A handful elites lost power in India in 2014. In 2019, they are trying to do whatever it takes to get it back

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
Stop confusing disloyalty with dissent!! No this isn't misquoting Edward R Murrow's iconic “Good night and good luck "speech. And god knows, on our side of the aisle, I am amongst the least trigger happy people to use words like traitors/anti-national/ gaddar etc, but a line was crossed, twice, in last two days and that must not go unchallenged. First, yesterday, the entire mainstream media contingent went completely cuckoo when the puppet pm of our rogue neighbor announced that the captured Indian pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan will be released tomorrow. The Indian elite msm was hailing the puppet PM for his statesmanship and peacefulness like a terrorist organization harbored by his government didn't murder 44 of our brave CRPF men two weeks ago! Praising Pak in this context es...
Intellectuals are contemporary anomalies

Intellectuals are contemporary anomalies

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
In desperation to remain relevant so as to engineer a proletarian utopia, Indian intellectuals go beyond interpreting the world for the people; they prescribe the world and construct a reality which has no material foundation.  Jyotirmaya Tripathy Indian intellectuals are acutely aware of their growing irrelevance in contemporary times, not just because the present political dispensation does not recognize their birth-right of representing others, but also due to their own sinking realization that ordinary folks no longer believe in them. In desperation to remain relevant so as to engineer a proletarian utopia, they go beyond interpreting the world for the people; they prescribe the world and construct a reality which has no material foundation. In the process of creati...
Senior BJP leader opposes candidature of Lok Sabha Speaker for Indore Lok Sabha seat

Senior BJP leader opposes candidature of Lok Sabha Speaker for Indore Lok Sabha seat

It refers to senior BJP leader in Madhya Pradesh Satyanarainan (Sattan) opposing candidature of Lok Sabha Speaker Sunitra Mahajan from Indore Lok Sabha constituency alleging she has not been in touch with party-workers even though she represents Indore ever since the year 1989. Propriety demands Lok Sabha speaker to be practically neutral like is Rajya Sabha chair-person. Rather persons once seated on highest posts of President, Vice President and even Lok Sabha Speaker must quit active politics for life-time after occupying these responsible seats requiring perfect neutrality. Constitution should be amended by upgrading post of Lok Sabha Speaker as that of second Vice President with both Vice Presidents elected simultaneously with President through EVMs equipped with VVPAT within three ...
IDBI Bank to be considered as private bank after LIC of India gets 51-percent stake?

IDBI Bank to be considered as private bank after LIC of India gets 51-percent stake?

It refers to media-reports that public-sector IDBI Bank will be considered as a private-sector bank after public-sector LIC of India gets 51-perecent controlling stake in IDBI Bank. Undoubtedly IDBI Bank till now was not listed amongst other public-sector banks because earlier it was a government-owned Financial Institution and thus a public-authority. Also LIC of India as public-sector autonomous body has its own style of professional functioning. There are also reports that the bank will be named as LIC IDBI Bank. Confusion must not be created about IDBI Bank under control of LIC of India to be a private bank. The bank should be categorised as premium public-sector bank which may provide fancy banking on lines of private-sector banks with higher service-charges but with five-starred f...
Standardize consumables in car-industry

Standardize consumables in car-industry

Union government should induce standardization of common accessories like tyres and batteries so that same parts may be used in different models of cars produced by various car-manufacturers. It will heavily bring down cost of consumables through their bumper production in extra large numbers in some limited sizes and specifications. It can be achieved by merging some nearing sizes and specifications. Such guidelines though also mentioned in auto-policy of Union government, are never followed in actual practice. Too many variants of any car-model confuse customers. There may be just two variants apart from the third with automatic gears, one basic Lx for economy customers and the other Vx with all company-fitted extra accessories and luxuries for affording customers. There is no sense in ...
Permission to import cars and motor-bikes with any capacity

Permission to import cars and motor-bikes with any capacity

Union Ministry of Road Transport permitted each manufacturer of cars and motor-bikes to import upto 2500 units of imported ones and also permitting upto 500 buses and trucks separately by each manufacturing company irrespective of price and engine-capacity. But there should be a pre-condition that foreign companies may help setting up of plants by concerned Indian companies to manufacture such vehicles in India too if so desired. To discourage use of economical diesel, cars and motor-bikes should be allowed only with petrol-engines. Import-duty on imported vehicles should be quite high because only affording ones can purchase these. At the same time, central government should take steps to discourage costly vehicles by having double GST may be in form of cess on costlier cars and motor-...
अर्द्ध न्यायिक निकायों में  न्यायिक विलम्ब पर नियंत्रण

अर्द्ध न्यायिक निकायों में न्यायिक विलम्ब पर नियंत्रण

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
माननीय मुख्यमंत्री जी राजस्थान सरकार जयपुर   महोदय, अर्द्ध न्यायिक निकायों में  न्यायिक विलम्ब पर नियंत्रण    देश में जनता को सस्ता और शीघ्र न्याय प्रदान करने के लिये विभिन्न ट्रिबुनल का गठन किया गया है किंतु इस उद्देश्य की प्राप्ति में वे भी समान रूप से विफल हैं । न्याय में विलम्ब को रोकने के लिये  सिविल प्रक्रिया सन्हिता के आदेश 17 में भी प्रवधान है कि किसी भी पक्षकार को सम्पूर्ण सुनवाई में 3 से अधिक अवसर नहीं दिये  जायेंगे।किंतु इसका खुल्ला और निर्बाध उल्लंघन हो रहा है । यदि इस प्रावधान की भावनात्मक अनुपालना की जाये तो शायद  ही किसी प्रकरण के निस्तारण में 2 वर्ष से अधिक समय लग सकेगा।  राजस्व मंडल राजस्थान,अजमेर   की दिनांक 15.3.19 की सुनवाई की एक सूची देखें  तो ज्ञात होता है कि इसमें 1 वर्ष पुराना मात्र 1, 3 वर्ष पुराने 4, 5 वर्ष पुराने 1,  10 वर्ष पुराना 1 और ...