
Migrant threat  in  USA , Canada , Europe and Australia


It is reported that the United Kingdom had a high level of knife related crimes  with 50,489 knife related incidents reported in the year ending March,2022.  In the United Kingdom, there was a 7% increase in the number of knife related threats to kill  over the year 2021. These days, shootings in malls , schools and other busy places in the USA are reported  frequently ,  injuring and killing innocent people.  There was huge violence in France a few weeks back, when  an African had to be shot down by the police  due to violation of traffic rules.  In Canada too , shootings in public places are often reported.  Conditions in Australia seem to be  no better.

Many discerning observers think that such  violent conditions  and unrest are happening  in the above counties , due to large influx of  migrant population legally or illegally and tolerant attitude   of these democratic countries towards the migrants , viewing the problems of migrants as a humanitarian issue. 

Many US cities  are now struggling to contain a crisis of homelessness   amongst migrants, with many people languishing on side walks and camping out in flattened cardboard boxes day in and day out. What happens when a country that is obligated to provide shelter for everyone runs out of shelters due to the huge influx of migrant population.  It is reported that New York city is struggling under the weight of nearly 1,00,000 migrants who have arrived . More than 56 ,000 migrants still remain in New York city shelters.

Obviously, the migrants flock to the above countries, as these countries  are rich and affluent and  under populated    with democratic systems of governance , where migrants can reasonably expect kind and tolerant treatment.  However,  over the years, in the above regions , resentment against the migrants are increasingly seen  amongst the local native population, causing social stress   and hate feelings.

It is high time that the governments in the USA, Canada, Europe  and  Australia should  put their heads together and look into the scenario   with care and decide on a  pragmatic migrant policy.  Otherwise, the massive entry of migrants would undermine the demographic structure and  even destabilize the governance to  a considerable extent  in the coming years.

The question is whether the above countries should view the entry of migrants as merely  a humanitarian issue , even though it is known that most of the migrants  have no particular skill or reasonable education leve,are tradition bound  and some of them  could even be bad characters or even political rebels running away from the native countries to organize a separatist movement elsewhere.

The fact  is   that  Canada, Australia and the USA need skilled people  to keep their economic and industrial growth forging ahead. They also need unskilled or semi-skilled people from other countries to undertake lowly jobs.

While these countries certainly identify the persons from abroad  seeking entry  with care  and selectively give them permission , they are unable to checkmate the entry of what is known as illegal migrants in any effective way. There are many instances , where the illegal migrants get themselves legalized   after some years of stay.  The grim fact is that these migrants once they enter never go back.

By providing such entry for migrants , these countries  also pose problems  for other countries . Some of the migrants use the base of the country to  which  they migrate, to organize  separatist movements  and hate campaigns in some other countries  to which they originally belong.   It is known that the Khalistan movement   in Canada, Australia and Europe are now organised by  the migrants  from India  who want to split India.  These people enjoy freedom to do so.

It is also known that huge internal strife and civil war happened in Sri Lanka, mainly because the rebel group in Sri Lanka namely LTTE operated with a base in Canada and a few other countries  to guide and launch the rebellion in Sri Lanka.

The governments in  USA, Canada, Australia   and Europe should realise that the migrant bomb is now there  to stay in their soil. Religious  fanaticism due to entry of migrants and migrant population multiplying  in number is becoming a  live threat for the long term stability of these countries .

It appears that enough damage has already been done to the social  stability in these regions and it remains to be seen how these countries would extricate themselves  from the threat of this migrant bomb. If not checked, these countries would become  permanent trouble spots for a long time to come.

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