

Frequent Flyers Points by various airlines on air-tickets purchased or reimbursed at  Government-expense should be transferred in government-accounts

Frequent Flyers Points by various airlines on air-tickets purchased or reimbursed at Government-expense should be transferred in government-accounts

Various airlines-companies give Frequent-Flyers-Points (FFP) to their customers for promoting their sales and clients, which when accumulated provide passengers even free air-travel. There is a large section of people including Parliamentarians, government-employees and others who frequently fly at expense of central and state governments or their undertakings. All airlines-companies should be asked to compulsorily open Frequent-Flyers-Accounts in names of central and all state governments where only FFPs may be credited for air-tickets purchased or reimbursed at public-expenses. FFPs on air-tickets purchased directly at public-expenses can be credited directly to such opened government-accounts for crediting FFPs. In case of reimbursement later by governments, reimbursement...
Accept post-free RTI-applications addressed to central public authorities at all about 160000 post-offices rather than just about 4500 presently.

Accept post-free RTI-applications addressed to central public authorities at all about 160000 post-offices rather than just about 4500 presently.

Central and some state-governments have started accepting on-line RTI applications. But most of the population especially less educated ones and that too from rural areas are not internet-users. For benefit of that majority-section of public, post-free RTI applications addressed to central public-authorities should be accepted in all about 160000 post-offices in the country rather than presently in just 4500 post-offices. Even smallest post-office daily sends post-bags to head post-office with registered postal articles, cash and other revenue-items like unsold postage-stamps and postal-orders. This post-bag can carry post-free RTI applications addressed to central public-authorities. SUBHASH CHANDRA AGRAWAL (Guinness Record Holder & RTI Consultant)
Minimum-Balance-Charges saves SBI from losses: Concept needs to be abolished

Minimum-Balance-Charges saves SBI from losses: Concept needs to be abolished

It refers to interesting but damaging news-item that country’s largest public-sector State Bank of India (SBI) earned as much as rupees 1771 crores during the half-yearly period of April-November 2017 through Minimum-Balance-Charges in accounts as against total profit of rupees 1581.55 crores during the same period. Data puts a big question-mark on working of the bank where losses would have outweighed the profits in case the bank would not have raised minimum-balance-requirements. At a time when central government is advocating for opening zero-balance accounts under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna for encouraging cashless transactions, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and central government should ask banks to abolish minimum-balance-requirements in all types of bank-accounts. Otherwise...
RBI bonds with lower 7.75-percent interest rate should be available with all bank-branches

RBI bonds with lower 7.75-percent interest rate should be available with all bank-branches

It refers to central government deciding to replace 8-percent RBI bonds with fixed six-year maturity with new bonds with decreased interest-rate of 7.75-percent per annum. These bonds still remain the best government-sponsored savings-means even with reduced interest-rates. But people in general are not much aware these bonds, with their availability restricted to very few bank-branches of private and public-sector banks. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and central government should ensure that these bonds may be compulsorily available at all branches of all public-sector banks abolishing hefty one-percent commission being paid to authorised brokers. Private banks may be free to accept subscription to these bonds but with reduced net commission of just quarter-percent with no commissio...
Aadhaar and the right to life It is imperative that we stop the Aadhaar juggernaut before it infringes on the very right to life itself

Aadhaar and the right to life It is imperative that we stop the Aadhaar juggernaut before it infringes on the very right to life itself

Twice this week, these pages have carried articles emphasizing the importance of trust in a capitalist society. Noah Smith put it eloquently, writing that when you drive over a bridge, you trust that the engineer who designed it based it on sound principles. Or, we may add, the materials that were used were not adulterated. Smith wrote that there are a million ways in which we trust the unseen expertise of unseen people we have never met. This trust is the bedrock of a functioning economy. In the fast-emerging, social media-fed “post-facts” world, the biggest casualty is trust. Even scientists today are not immune from suspicion. Adding their voice, Mint’s editorial reminded us that with rising inequality there is increasing suspicion (and hence breakdown of trust) that capitalist progr...
जीएसटी :  भ्रम, कारण औैर निवारण

जीएसटी : भ्रम, कारण औैर निवारण

अंतत: एक लंबी प्रक्रिया के बाद भारत में भी जीएसटी लागू हो ही गया। भारत में इसका आगमन बहुत ही आसान नहीं रहा। इसका आना एक लंबी बातचीत के बाद ही संभव हो सका है। इसकी राह में बाधाएं कम नहीं थी। राजनीतिक कारण जहां एक ओर थे तो दूसरी ओर सामाजिक अवधारणाएं भी इसके मार्ग मेंं थीं। जीएसटी की राह किस प्रकार सुगम हुई, इस पर नजर डालता एक आलेख द्य संपादकीय डेस्क रीब बाइस तेईस साल पहले भारत के इन डायरेक्ट टैक्स स्ट्रञ्चचर पर नरसिम्हा राव सरकार ने एक समिति का गठन किया था, अमरेश बागची कमेटी। बागची साहब ने अपनी रिपोर्ट में भारत के टैक्स स्ट्रञ्चचर को दुनिया का सबसे काम्प्लेक्स स्ट्रञ्चचर बताया था। इररेशनल, इलोजिकल, रिग्रेसिव उनके अन्य शब्द थे। इसका सबसे बड़ा कारण था कैस्केडिंग इफेक्ट ऑफ़ टैक्सेज। तीन अलग अलग तरह का कैस्केडिंग इफेक्ट। 1. भारत में संघीय शासन प्रणाली है। केंद्र आँर राज्य है। दोनों ...
Ajab Desh ki Gazab Kahani: Ten-rupee note out: One-rupee note in

Ajab Desh ki Gazab Kahani: Ten-rupee note out: One-rupee note in

It refers to matter of unpopular 10-rupee coins raised in Rajya Sabha on 24.07.2017 when attention of central government was drawn to unpopularity of 10-rupee coins. Banks are now no more getting new pack of ten-rupee notes. Whereabouts of plastic ten-rupee notes as announced by the then Union Minister of State for Finance Namo Narain Meena in UPA regime in a written reply in Rajya Sabha on 12.03.2013 is unknown. On the other hand despite strong criticism, Reserve Bank of India-RBI notified yet another 2017-series of new one-rupee notes signed by Shaktikant Dass, Secretary in Union Finance Ministry. One-rupee note was re-issued on 06.03.2015 after being discontinued long two decades back in the year 1994, with signature of the then Union Finance Secretary Rajiv Mahrishi. Earlier a ...
Save middle-class traders from manifold increase in fees by auditors and consultants post GST

Save middle-class traders from manifold increase in fees by auditors and consultants post GST

It is now certain that central government is not going to look into practical difficulties faced by a totally irrational and non-practical procedure stipulated for otherwise ideal Goods and Service Tax-GST forced on the nation from 01.07.2017. At least central government should look into a manifold increased high fees now being charged by auditors, consultants and chartered-accountants, which can be done by making filing of GST-returns on quarterly basis at least in the initial phase of implementation of GST. Perception of Union Revenue Secretary that GST-returns can even be filed by a click through mobile-phones of kin of illiterate traders is far from a practical aspect, because with too many complexities in trade and industry and general government-perception of taking traders a...
केंद्रीय उत्पाद एवं सीमा शुल्क बोर्ड (सीबीईसी) ने जीएसटी व्यवस्था के तहत कारोबार में सुगमता के लिए कुछ विशेष कदम उठाए हैं; वित्त मंत्री श्री अरुण जेटली ने विभिन्‍न वस्‍तुओं और सेवाओं की जीएसटी दरें खोजने के लिए उपयोगकर्ताओं (यूजर्स) की मदद हेतु मोबाइल एप ‘जीएसटी रेट्स फाइंडर’ लांच किया

केंद्रीय उत्पाद एवं सीमा शुल्क बोर्ड (सीबीईसी) ने जीएसटी व्यवस्था के तहत कारोबार में सुगमता के लिए कुछ विशेष कदम उठाए हैं; वित्त मंत्री श्री अरुण जेटली ने विभिन्‍न वस्‍तुओं और सेवाओं की जीएसटी दरें खोजने के लिए उपयोगकर्ताओं (यूजर्स) की मदद हेतु मोबाइल एप ‘जीएसटी रेट्स फाइंडर’ लांच किया

केंद्रीय वित्त मंत्री श्री अरुण जेटली ने कल राष्ट्रीय राजधानी में अपने कक्ष में एक मोबाइल एप ‘जीएसटी रेट्स फाइंडर’ लांच किया जो फि‍लहाल एंड्रॉयड प्‍लेटफॉर्म पर उपलब्ध है और यह जल्द ही आईओएस प्लेटफॉर्म पर भी उपलब्ध हो जाएगा। इस मोबाइल एप से उपयोगकर्ताओं (यूजर्स) को विभिन्न वस्‍तुओं और सेवाओं की जीएसटी दरों को खोजने में मदद मिलेगी। इसे किसी भी स्मार्ट फोन पर डाउनलोड किया जा सकता है और डाउनलोड हो जाने के बाद यह ऑफलाइन मोड में भी कार्य कर सकता है। उपयोगकर्ता किसी भी वस्‍तु या सेवा का नाम अथवा अध्‍याय शीर्षक दर्ज करके किसी भी वस्‍तु अथवा सेवा की जीएसटी दर को निर्धारित कर सकते हैं। सर्च बॉक्‍स में जो भी नाम लिखा जाएगा उससे संबंधित सभी वस्तुओं और सेवाओं की सूची सर्च रिजल्‍ट के रूप में उभर कर सामने आ जाएगी। उपयोगकर्ता विवरण की सूची को नीचे की ओर स्क्रॉल कर सकते हैं और जैसे ही वे सूची में शामिल किस...
दिव्यांगजनों से सम्‍बद्ध वस्‍तुओं पर जीएसटी की दरों के बारे में स्‍पष्‍टीकरण

दिव्यांगजनों से सम्‍बद्ध वस्‍तुओं पर जीएसटी की दरों के बारे में स्‍पष्‍टीकरण

आर्थिक, जीवन शैली / फिल्में / टीवी
दिव्यांगजनों द्वारा प्रयुक्‍त कुछ विशेष वस्‍तुओं पर जीएसटी की दरों को लेकर कुछ सवाल उठाए जा रहे थे। इस मामले में नीचे स्‍पष्‍टीकरण नीचे दिया गया है- दिव्यांगजनों द्वारा प्रयुक्‍त सहायक उपकरण और उनके पुनर्वास में काम आने वाली निम्‍नांकित वस्‍तुओं पर जीएसटी की दर 5% रखी है: 1) ब्रेल राइटर्स और ब्रेल राइटिंग उपकरण; 2) ब्रेल फ्रेम, स्‍लेटें, राइटिंग गाइड, स्क्रिप्ट राइटिंग गाइड्स, स्‍टाइली ब्रेल इरेजर्स; 3) बेंत, इलेक्‍ट्रोनिक एड्स जैसे सोनिक गाइड; 4) ऑप्टिकल, पर्यावरण सेंसर्स; 5) ट्रेलर फ्रेम जैसे अर्थमेटिक्‍स उपकरण (अर्थमेटिक और ऐल्‍जेबरा टाइप), क्‍यूबैरिथम, स्‍पीकिंग या ब्रेल कैल्‍कुलेटर; 6) जिओमैट्रिकल उपकरण जैसे संयुक्‍त ग्राफ और गणितीय डिमांस्‍ट्रेशन बोर्ड, ब्रेल प्रोट्रैक्‍टर्स, स्‍केल्‍स आदि। 7) इलेक्‍ट्रोनिक मापन उपकरण जैसे कैलिपर्स, म...