

Book on “Why world can not protect climate without checking population growth?”

Book on “Why world can not protect climate without checking population growth?”

addtop, Today News, विश्लेषण
Nandini Consultancy Centre is a firm of chemical engineers and chemical business consultants based at Chennai and Singapore. Please visit for more details about our activities. We have released a well researched book on "Why world can not protect climate without checking population growth?" The book is available in soft copy. Synopsis of the book is given below: Global Climate Conference  was organized in Paris in 2015, when various measures  to protect climate were discussed and some steps were initiated with specific target and time frame. However, decisions taken during the Paris Climate Conference are not being implemented at the desired pace, due to the conflict of interests between different countries, particularly about the production and use l...
Supreme Court should have stayed its own verdict on Sabrimala Temple by all reasons

Supreme Court should have stayed its own verdict on Sabrimala Temple by all reasons

Our courts including Supreme Court are prompt in giving stay-orders as a normal practice when at times such stay-orders are even injurious to Justice Delivery System. But when such a stay-order was of utmost importance on the issue of Sabrimala Temple not only considering highly disturbed sentiments of majority Hindu community but also for maintaining law and order problem, Constitution Bench of Supreme Court on 14.11.2019 while referring the matter to a larger seven-member bench did not stay its earlier order. Logically also, Constitution Bench must have found at least some substance in review-petition that the matter was referred to larger seven-member bench. Such a stay-order was otherwise also necessary to maintain dignity of its own order which had posed great difficulty to authoritie...
शर्मनाक सियासत

शर्मनाक सियासत

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, विश्लेषण
एक हफ्ते पहले मैं महाराष्ट्र में था। वहां के स्थानीय लोगों का मानना था कि शिवसेना और भाजपा अभी ननद-भौजाइयों की तरह लड़ रहे हैं, आखिरकार मान जाएंगे। मुझे भी उम्मीद थी कि सरकार बनाने की तय समय सीमा तक दोनों दल आखिरकार किसी फार्मूले पर सहमत हो जाएंगे और सरकार बन जाएगी। आजाद भारत का संभवतः यह पहला और अनोखा मामला है जिसमें चुनाव पूर्व तय गठबंधन को चुनाव में अच्छा-खासा बहुमत मिला हो लेकिन सत्ता की मलाई ज्यादा कौन खाए इस होड़ में शिवसेना और भाजपा मिलकर सरकार नहीं बना सके। इस गठबंधन को जिताने वाली जनता ठगी रह गई है। महाराष्ट्र में भाजपा की नैसर्गिक सियासी साझीदार कही जाने वाली शिवसेना की महत्वाकांक्षा चुनावी नतीजों के बाद ऐसी जागी कि भाजपा पर इतना दबाव बनाया कि वह आजिज आ गई। शिवसेना शायद  यह समझने में चूक गई कि अटल और आडवाणी की भाजपा अब नहीं है। न ही मुरली मनोहर जोशी और राजनाथ की। यह मोदी-शाह वा...
Deadlock in Maharashtra and allowing disqualified Karnatak MLAs to contest by-polls

Deadlock in Maharashtra and allowing disqualified Karnatak MLAs to contest by-polls

Alliance-politics is gradually sinking in Indian politics with BJP-Shivsena pre-poll alliance not having able to form government in Maharashtra. Supreme Court has allowed 17 ousted Karnatak MLAs to contest by-polls. Also NDA ally LJP deciding to go alone in forthcoming elections to Jharkhand state-assembly. JDU also at times speaks in different tone from its main ally BJP in Bihar government. Massive and consolidated poll-reforms are only remedy for such volatile politics inducing money-game in making and breaking of governments. It is time  that BJP persuades its smaller allies to join BJP mainstream rather than giving them disproportionate share in ticket-distribution or share in power. A sitting MLA, MLC or MP must resign first from earlier seat before filing nomination for other. An...
Welcome Supreme Court verdict bringing CJI-office under RTI Act

Welcome Supreme Court verdict bringing CJI-office under RTI Act

Five-member Constitution Bench headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi on 13.11.2019 gave a land-mark verdict dismissing appeal by its own CPIO thus holding office of Chief Justice of India under RTI Act, thus adding yet other mile-stone in an era requiring transparency. Verdict coupled with another recent Supreme Court verdict dated 17.09.2019 declaring DAV College Trust and Management Society public-authority under RTI Act because of substantial government-funding, will have far reaching positive implications where it has set an example for bodies resisting to be under purview of RTI Act by challenging CIC-verdicts declaring them as public-authorities in the courts also succeeding to get easy stay-orders. Apex Court in other two cases has also delivered verdict totally in frame-work of R...
1991-legislation regarding Ayodhya should be amended for removal of encroached mosques from Vishwanath Temple and Krishna-Janmbhoomi

1991-legislation regarding Ayodhya should be amended for removal of encroached mosques from Vishwanath Temple and Krishna-Janmbhoomi

Supreme Court in its historic verdict on Ram-Janmbhoomi has referred and endorsed to a 1991-legislation which prohibits any further restoration of such temples built before 15.08.1947 where mosques were built after breaking of temples. But Vishwanath Temple at Kashi and Krishna-Janmbhoomi Temple at Mathura are two such more important temples which have greater significance for Hindus similar to that of Ram-Janmbhoomi Temple at Ayodhya. It is significant that non-political organizations continuously included demand for restoration of temples at Kashi and Mathura as well together with that at Ayodhya, assuring that no further demand for restoration of any other temple other than these three major ones would ever be raised. Facts made as base for Ayodhya verdict by Supreme Court are more t...
वामपंथी विषैले इतिहासकारों की ठगी के 10 सबूत

वामपंथी विषैले इतिहासकारों की ठगी के 10 सबूत

addtop, Today News, विश्लेषण
1. वामपंथी इतिहासकार और इलाहाबाद यूनिवर्सिटी के रिटायर्ड प्रोफ़ेसर धनेश्वर मंडल ने कोर्ट के आगे ये कबूला कि बाबरी ढांचे की जगह खुदाई का वर्णन करती उनकी पुस्तक दरअसल उन्होंने बिना अयोध्या गए ही लिख दी थी। 2.वामपंथी इतिहासकार सुशील श्रीवास्तव ने जज के आगे कबूला कि प्रमाण के तौर पर पेश की गई उनकी किताब में संदर्भ के तौर पर दिए पुस्तकों का उल्लेख उन्होंने बिना पढ़े ही कर दिया है। 3.जेएनयू की इतिहास प्रोफ़ेसर सुप्रिया वर्मा ने ये माना कि उन्होंने खुदाई से जुड़ी रेडार सर्वे की रिपोर्ट को पढ़े बगैर ही रिपोर्ट के गलत होने की गवाही दे दी थी। 4.अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम यूनिवर्सिटी की प्रोफ़ेसर जया मेनन ने ये स्वीकारा कि वो तो खुदाई स्थल पर गई ही नहीं थीं,लेकिन ये गवाही दे दी कि मंदिर के खंभे बाद में वहां रखे गए थे। 5. एक्सपर्ट के तौर पर उपस्थित वामपंथी सुवीरा जायसवाल जब क्रॉस एग्जामिनेशन में पकड...
कैसे मिले देश को शेषन जैसे कर्तव्यनिष्ठ अफ़सर?    

कैसे मिले देश को शेषन जैसे कर्तव्यनिष्ठ अफ़सर?   

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, विश्लेषण
अगर  टी एन शेषन भारत के मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त न बनते तो देश में चुनावों के नाम पर धोखाघडी  और  धांधली का आलम जारी रहता। उन्होंने 90 के  दशक में चुनाव  आयोग के प्रमुख पद पर रहते हुए चुनाव सुधारों को सख्ती से लागु करने का एतिहासिक अभियान शुरु किया। वे अब जब दिवंगत हो चुके हैं तो देश को उनकेद्वारा किए महान कार्यों की  जानकारी तो होनी ही चाहिए। शेषन ने उन गुंडा तत्वों पर ऐसी चाबुक चलाई जिसने  धन और बल के सहारे सियासत करने वालों कोजमीन पर उतारकर पैदल कर दिया। शेषन ने अपने साथियों में यह विशवास जगाया कि  उन्हें चुनाव की सारी प्रक्रिया को ईमानदारी से अंजाम देना चाहिए । उनसेपहले के चुनाव आयुक्तों पर आरोप लगते रहते थे कि वे पूरी तरह से सरकार के इशारों पर ही चुनाव करवाते हैं। वे कभी इस बात पर जोर भी नहीं देते थे कि चुनावतटस्थ तरीके से हो। वे सत्तासीन पार्टी के  एजेंट  बन कर रह जाते थे। वे कभी चुनाव स...
Abandon JNU by constituting altogether new University at the same premises

Abandon JNU by constituting altogether new University at the same premises

Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi has gained notoriety for regular and frequent anti-national and anti-social activities from time to time resulting in severe law and order problems. It is surprising how even teachers with political motives of a particular ideology get appointed at this institute set up and run at high public-cost as compared to other universities in the country. It was totally unjustified to continue providing costly hostel-facilities to JNU students at nominal rather negligible fees of just rupees ten per month which after decades has now been raised to only rupees 300 per month on twin-sharing basis. Agitating students unnecessarily confused public by mentioning rupees 1700 per month now imposed as service-charge for so many facilities as per actual cost as if...
Postal department watering leaves rather than roots by avoiding proper action on complaints

Postal department watering leaves rather than roots by avoiding proper action on complaints

I filed complaints on 05.10.2019 at various portals including CPGRAMS portal and similar portals at websites of President and Prime Minister regarding issuing of non-issuable currency-packs of rupees 100 and 50 through Dariba (Delhi) post-office. Instead of taking action against concerned ones at GPO Kashmere Gate (Delhi) and postal-treasury at Tis Hazari in Delhi for sending non-issuable, unhygienic and spoilt currency-packs giving very bad smell with many notes in two pieces, officers of the department are seeking clarification from very humbled staff presently posted at Dariba post-office in Delhi. Postal-department should grill concerned ones at Delhi GPO and postal-treasury about how and why such non-issuable currency-packs were sent to Dariba post-office for giving to account-hold...