

Delhi Media Is Hurting Brand India With Distortions

Delhi Media Is Hurting Brand India With Distortions

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, विश्लेषण
There has been a worrisome tendency over the last two years of Delhi-based media using highly local events, mostly in Delhi, to broad-brush the entire country as religiously intolerant; increasingly intolerant; as Freedom of Expression (FOE) and our rights being under attack; becoming increasingly communal; becoming fascist, etc. The good citizens of India are perplexed, hurt and angry at being so branded. The same media also brands citizens who do not agree with their India view as communal, intolerant, Bhakts, internet Hindus and the like, reducing the space for a genuine debate on multiple issues. Local incidents are blown up as All-India issues. Known and unknown political leaders who hold strong extreme views have often had mics thrust into their faces and their vi...


addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण, सामाजिक
Joining Both Palms Together To Greet In Hindu culture, people greet each other by joining their palms – termed as “Namaskar.” The general reason behind this tradition is that greeting by joining both the palms means respect. However, scientifically speaking, joining both hands ensures joining the tips of all the fingers together; which are denoted to the pressure points of eyes, ears, and mind. Pressing them together is said to activate the pressure points which helps us remember that person for a long time. And, no germs since we don’t make any physical contact!   2. Why Do Indian Women Wear Toe Ring image courtesy Wearing toe rings is not just the significance of married women but there is science behind it. Normally toe rings are worn on the second toe. A particular nerve f...
Eight anti-India intellectuals and academics you must be aware of

Eight anti-India intellectuals and academics you must be aware of

1. Angana Chatterji Books: Violent Gods: Hindu Nationalism in India’s Present; Narratives from Orissa Land and Justice: The Struggle for Cultural Survival in Orissa Pronouncements:  In Gujarat, Hindu extremists killed 2,000 people in February-March of 2002. Muslims live in fear there, victims of pathological violence. Raped, lynched, torched, ghettoised. A year and half later, Muslims in Gujarat are afraid to return to their villages, many still flee from town to town. Ghosts haunted by history. Country, community, police, courts — institutions of betrayal that broker their destitution. This is India today. Grassroots movements in resistance to the debacle of nation making are combating the sangh. Where Dalits, Adivasis and others are allied in subalt...
Friend, father & philosopher of black money is Chidambaram

Friend, father & philosopher of black money is Chidambaram

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
Palaniappan Chidambaram, whom I shall for the sake of brevity call just Chidambaram, is best seen through black and white. And please don’t get me wrong and accuse me of racism. I refer not to epidermis or mane, but to the economic colour of money. Some of his greatest contributions to the economy of India are his brilliant pioneering initiatives for changing the colour of money from black to white. And this passion has never left him. Many of us have forgotten the Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme (VDIS) 1997, which he announced when he was Finance Minister with the United Front government, granting income-tax defaulters indefinite immunity from prosecution under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973, Income Tax Act, 1961, Wealth Tax Act, 1957, and Companies Act, 1956, in excha...

I am brother of a martyr, and I support the ABVP

addtop, विश्लेषण
I am not a student of Delhi University. I am a doctor, more specifically a medical graduate who has cleared NEET PG exam, but I write this as a relative of someone who sacrificed his life for this country.   And I do that, because suddenly the mainstream media has found it worthy to tell you what relatives of martyrs have to say over ABVP vs the Leftists issue at the Delhi University.   However, there is a problem. I have to say something they don’t want to hear. I am not the “right” kind of relative. But I must say it, because “free speech” exists in India.   The same free speech, for which the media is supposedly fighting. The same free speech, which exists in India because the armed forces make sure that it is not overrun by Jihadists and Naxals.   My cousin Dhiraj Singh at...

20 Next Generation Predictions

During my last few blogs, I tried to establish a framework that can be used for enterprise and Service Provider companies and research organizations across the globe to help define how the next generation’s set of innovation could potentially impact the way we live and operate our life in this century and beyond. One way is to put together a list of innovations that can potentially have a major impact in personal and business life for facets of life on this planet, to look at what has happened and use stochastic processes in other predictive methods and use it to relatively show what could potentially happen. That is all one can do in our daily life outside of all the technical jargons we use every day. One can also look at all the new innovation at stake and make sense out of what is abo...
बयान पर विवाद या कटु सत्य पर प्रहार

बयान पर विवाद या कटु सत्य पर प्रहार

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा उत्तर प्रदेश के फतेहपुर की एक रैली में यह कहा जाना कि अगर किसी गांव को कब्रगाह के निर्माण के लिए कोष मिलता है,तो उस गांव को श्मशान की जमीन के लिए भी कोष मिलना चाहिए. गांव में कब्रिस्तान बनता है तो श्मशान भी बनना चाहिए. अगर आप ईद में बिजलीकी आपूर्ति निर्बाध करते हैं, तो आपको दीपावाली में भी बिजली की आपूर्ति निर्बाध करनी चाहिए.यानि,  भेदभाव नहीं होना चाहिए. भाजपा सांसद साक्षी महाराज द्वारा यह कहा जाना कि ”चाहे नाम कब्रिस्‍तान हो, चाहे नाम श्‍मशान हो, दाह होना चाहिए। किसी को गाड़ने की आवश्‍यकता नहीं है।”  गाड़ने से देश में जगह की कमी पर चिंता व्यक्त करते हुए उन्‍होंने कहा कि ”2-2.5 करोड़ साधु हैं सबकी समाधि लगे, कितनी जमीन जाएगी।20 करोड़ मुस्लिम हैं सबको कब्र चाहिए हिंदुस्‍तान में जगह कहां मिलेगी।” अगर सबको दफनाते रहे तो देश में खेती के लिए जगह कहां से आएगी...

UID, Cashless are projects of digital colonisation, compromising our constitutional rights and autonomy

addtop, विश्लेषण
Serious concerns were raised regarding the UID/Aadhaar project and other digital platforms undermining citizen’s rights, in a workshop organised at the Sambhaavnaa Institute. Their particular concern was that the UID/Aadhaar is destroying people’s right to obtain justice, equality, liberty, and dignity. The workshop, titled ‘Digital Colonisation: Examining how digitization is undermining our economy, democracy and sovereignty’ was organised during February 24-26, 2017 to discuss the impact of the national digital ID system in India (UID / Aadhaar) and the push towards digital banking through demonetisation. 30 participants comprising of policy researchers, lawyers, technologists, activists, and journalists from across the country attended the workshop. At a time when the UID/Aadhaar ...
दलित उद्धारक के रूप में वीर सावरकर

दलित उद्धारक के रूप में वीर सावरकर

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
(26 फरवरी को पुण्य तिथि के उपलक्ष पर प्रचारित) क्रांतिकारी वीर सावरकार का स्थान भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में अपना ही एक विशेष महत्व रखता है।  सावरकर जी पर लगे आरोप भी अद्वितीय थे उन्हें मिली सजा भी अद्वित्य थी।  एक तरफ उन पर आरोप था कि अंग्रेज सरकार के विरुद्ध युद्ध की योजना बनाने का, बम बनाने का और विभिन्न देशों के क्रांतिकारियों से सम्पर्क करने का तो दूसरी तरफ उनको सजा मिली थी पूरे 50 वर्ष तक दो सश्रम आजीवन कारावास। इस सजा पर उनकी प्रतिक्रिया भी अद्वितीय थी कि  ईसाई मत को मानने वाली अंग्रेज सरकार कब से पुनर्जन्म अर्थात दो जन्मों को मानने लगी। वीर सावरकर को 50  वर्ष की सजा देने के पीछे अंग्रेज सरकार का मंतव्य था कि उन्हें किसी भी प्रकार से भारत अथवा भारतीयों से दूर रखा जाये। जिससे वे क्रांति की अग्नि को न भड़का सके।  सावरकर के लिए शिवाजी महाराज प्रेरणा स्रोत थे।  जिस प्रकार औरंगजेब न...
अभिव्यक्ति बनाम देशद्रोह

अभिव्यक्ति बनाम देशद्रोह

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
दिल्ली के रामजस कॉलेज की चर्चा आजकल सुर्ख़ियों में हैं। कुछ दिनों पहले JNU में देशद्रोह के नारे लगाने वाले उमर खालिद को अपने शोध पर व्याख्यान देने के लिए बुलाया गया था। उमर खालिद के व्याख्यान का विरोध ABVP द्वारा किया गया। साम्यवादी मीडिया ABVP के विरोध को गुंडई और खालिद के देशविरोधी नारों को अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता बता रहा हैं। भारत के अभिन्न अंग कश्मीर को आज़ाद करने की बात केवल पाकिस्तान समर्थक करते है। ऐसे में देशद्रोह के आरोप में जमानत पर रिहा खालिद को व्याख्यान के लिए बुलाना देशद्रोही को प्रोत्साहन देने के समान है। खालिद चाहे शैक्षिक रूप से कोई बहुत बड़ा बुद्धिजीवी भी हो तब भी देशद्रोही को किसी प्रकार की छूट नहीं होनी चाहिए। अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता को समझना अत्यन्त आवश्यक है। स्वामी दयानंद अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता के बड़े पक्षधर थे। परंतु उन्होंने दो विशेष नियमों के पालन करने पर विशेष...