

Separate kitchens in hotels and eateries for cooking non-vegetarian food necessary

Separate kitchens in hotels and eateries for cooking non-vegetarian food necessary

It refers to steep and sharp decline in consumption of non-vegetarian food with spread of Corona virus. Already vegetarianism is spreading fast with many hotels and restaurants becoming popular for being excusive vegetarian. Vegetarianism is becoming popular even in advanced countries. Central and some states have taken some practical steps to fight danger of Corona being spread in the country. Time has come when central government should order that hotels, restaurants and eateries may have separate kitchens and kitchen-wares to cook non-vegetarian food with such system displayed prominently inside and outside such hotels, restaurants and eateries adopting practice of having separate kitchens and kitchen-wares to cook non-vegetarian food. Rather such display will increase their business...
पश्चिमी घाट में कम तीव्रता के भूकंप की घटनाओं का कारण मानसून 

पश्चिमी घाट में कम तीव्रता के भूकंप की घटनाओं का कारण मानसून 

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, समाचार
भारतीय भू-वैज्ञानिकों ने एक ताजा अध्ययन में देश के पश्चिमी घाट में लंबे समय से हो रही कम तीव्रता की भूकंप की घटनाओं के कारणों का पता लगाया है। वैज्ञानिकों का कहना है कि देश के पश्चिमी तट पर आज भी कम तीव्रता के भूकंप आते रहते हैं, जो मानसून के कारण उत्पन्न होने वाली एक स्थानीय भूगर्भीय घटना है। पश्चित घाट पर स्थित महाराष्ट्र के पालघर जिले के धूंधलवाड़ी गाँव के आसपास वर्ष 2018 के नवंबर महीने में भूकंपों यह श्रृंखला गड़गड़ाहट की आवाज के साथ शुरू हुई थी, जो अब तक रुकने का नाम नहीं ले रही है। वैज्ञानिकों का कहना है कि पिछले करीब 17 महीनों से अब तक इस इलाके में 0.5 से 3.8 तीव्रता के 16 हजार से अधिक भूकंप आ चुके हैं, जिससे स्थानीय लोगों में दहशत का माहौल बना हुआ है। इस अध्ययन से जुड़े हैदराबाद स्थित राष्ट्रीय भू-भौतिकीय अनुसंधान संस्थान के शोधकर्ता डॉ विनीत गहलौत ने इंडिया साइंस वायर को बता...
Mutual understanding and unity is essential for the development of the nation

Mutual understanding and unity is essential for the development of the nation

Mutual understanding and unity is essential for the development of the nation An appeal to all for the establishment of peace Hindus and Muslims are indispensable to each other in this country. To increase mutual trust in each other is the need of the time. The recent outbreak of violence in New Delhi, the national capital, has resulted in the loss of lives and wealth of the common people. Ahmadiyya Muslim community, India stands with those affected by this incident. More than 30 people including a police head constable have lost their lives in this tragic event. Ahmadiyya Muslim community expresses its heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and pray for those injured and are undergoing treatment and for those who have suffered financially. Since its establishment, Ah...
सेठजी ट्रंप के छक्के

सेठजी ट्रंप के छक्के

अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप की इस भारत-यात्रा से किसी भी विदेशी राष्ट्रध्यक्ष की यात्रा की तुलना नहीं की जा सकती। कुछ अर्थों में यह अप्रतिम रही है। अब तक आए किसी भी अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति या किसी अन्य विदेशी नेता ने भारत और उसके प्रधानमंत्री की वैसी तारीफ कभी नहीं की, जैसी कि ट्रंप ने की है। अपने दो दिन के प्रवास में ट्रंप ने एक शब्द भी ऐसा नहीं बोला और कोई भी हरकत ऐसी नहीं की, जिसके लिए वे सारी दुनिया में जाने जाते हैं। दूसरे शब्दों में उनकी भारत-यात्रा ने उन्हें काफी परिपक्व बना दिया। यदि इस परिपक्वता को वे बनाए रखेंगे तो राष्ट्रपति का अगला चुनाव जीतने में उन्हें काफी मदद मिलेगी। ट्रंप ने अपने अहमदाबाद-भाषण में पाकिस्तान का जिक्र भी बड़ी तरकीब से किया। उन्होंने उसके आतंकवाद से लड़ने की तो कसम खाई लेकिन उसे कोई दोष नहीं दिया। उस लड़ाई में उन्होंने उसकी मदद की बात भी कही। यही उच्च कोटि की कू...
Root-level enquiry needed for girl Amulya Leona raising pro-Pakistan slogans

Root-level enquiry needed for girl Amulya Leona raising pro-Pakistan slogans

It refers to a girl Amulya Leona raising pro-Pakistan slogans at an anti-CAA rally in Bengaluru on 19.02.2020 where even AIMIM President Asaduddin Owaisi tried to stop her from doing so. Video is viral on social media where the girl in an interview is saying that she does all such things on dictation of some ones. Now since the girl is under 14-days police-remand, police-authorities should reach to the root-level to nab all those who have been using the girl-student as a tool for anti-national activities. Anti-national activities must not be tolerated in any case on excuse like Freedom-of-Speech. Central and all state-governments should act firmly to crush anti-national elements and their activities in the manner UP government led by Yogi Adityanath is doing.   SUBHASH CHA...
Package of complete blood-tests being offered at rupees 799 through SMS: Pathological laboratories should be regulated

Package of complete blood-tests being offered at rupees 799 through SMS: Pathological laboratories should be regulated

Presently there is a flood of SMSs on mobile-phones offering a complete package of so many blood-tests further reduced to just rupees 799 that too with facility to collect blood-samples from residences or work-places of desiring ones. But these SMSs do not give details and addresses of laboratories where blood-tests are to be conducted. Either such offers do not come from recognised and government-approved laboratories, or normal pathological laboratories are looting public. Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare should probe into the matter. Those offering such economical packages should be directed to give details of laboratories in SMSs with compulsion to have a proper website of such laboratories. Union Health Ministry should also develop a software to be compulsorily used b...
India should follow countries like China, Srilanka and Myanmar in tackling persons like Waris Pathan and Akbaruddin Owaisi

India should follow countries like China, Srilanka and Myanmar in tackling persons like Waris Pathan and Akbaruddin Owaisi

It refers to now Waris Pathan following footsteps of Akbaruddin Owaisi by giving highly poisonous and provocative statements challenging non-Muslims in bitter-most words about might of minority Muslim community to overpower non-Muslims. Enough is enough. Fear is being created that India may also one day become Islamic nation if demographic change and such provocative speeches are allowed to be continued. It is high time that India may take tough stand like has been taken by many countries including China, Srilanka and Myanmar to keep such fundamentalist elements in control, and to ensure existing demography. Any such tough stand will not be opposed by peace-loving Muslims like in Srilanka when Muslim community there whole-heartedly supported Srilankan government after strict-most measur...
Importance of NOTA calls for increased effectiveness

Importance of NOTA calls for increased effectiveness

Non-Of-The-Above (NOTA) is becoming popular day-by-day with NOTA getting appreciable about half-percent votes in polls for Delhi state-assembly becoming an important factory in constituencies with very low victory margin of less than 2000. Earlier two assembly constituencies in Maharashtra namely Latur (rural) and Palus Kadegaon witnessed NOTA emerging second after the winning candidate. Large fall-down of voter-turnout and increased vote-share for NOTA in earlier held assembly-elections for Haryana and Maharashtra establishes that common people are fed up with present type of professional politicians and political system. All those getting votes less than NOTA should be disqualified for life to contest any future election even though any second-runner after NOTA wins the election. S...
Controversy on Reservation-policy again

Controversy on Reservation-policy again

It refers to controversy created on Supreme Court verdict dated 11.02.2020 on Reservation-policy wherein demand has been made for legislation to ensure reservation in promotion also. Complete policy of Reservation is in itself a big failure when it could not homogeneously mix people of reserved-categories in the society in stipulated 15 years initially fixed by constitution-makers and now for about seven decades after independence. In present era, policy of reservation is itself responsible for alienating persons of reserved categories from normal society by making them identified separately. If reservation is to be continued indefinitely, all reserved categories like SC, ST or OBC should be merged into one single category with an annual review of progress or benefits made by differe...
Raising RTI fees in MP – RTI fees and payment-mode should be uniform in complete country

Raising RTI fees in MP – RTI fees and payment-mode should be uniform in complete country

It refers to reports about Madhya Pradesh government raising RTI fees from present rupees 10 to rupees 100 with additional raised fees for filing First Appeals and Second Appeals at rupees 500 and 1000. But RTI fees cannot be more than rupees 50 according to court-verdict. Rather Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) should notify that RTI fees and payment-mode should be uniform for all states and Competent Authorities. Earlier several Competent Authorities and states had fixed abnormally high RTI fees at rupees 500 according to power given to them under sections 27 and 28 of RTI Act. But negligible RTI fees of just rupees 10 fixed long back in the year 2005 by DoPT has lost relevance being one of the reasons for misuse of RTI Act. Uniform RTI fees of rupees 50 inclusive of cop...