

Delhi battles for clear skies and lungs

Delhi battles for clear skies and lungs

addtop, BREAKING NEWS, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
Winter is nearly here and we in Delhi are waiting not to exhale, as the cold heavier air will settle and air pollution will choke us. But with a difference — there is outrage and there is action. There is even evidence that we have bent the pollution curve — though not enough, it does suggest that action is beginning to have an impact. This is what we need. I say this because often, in our combined anger, we forget to stay focused on the need to act, and in a way that we can see the difference, so that we can do more. This is critical. As only when we remain focused on what we must do, can we get our non-negotiable right to breathe. So, what has happened. First, there is public information about the state of air quality and its link to our health. Some years ago, government brought i...
बिना मानवाधिकार उल्लंघन के, व्यापार करे उद्योग: वैश्विक संधि की ओर प्रगति

बिना मानवाधिकार उल्लंघन के, व्यापार करे उद्योग: वैश्विक संधि की ओर प्रगति

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, विश्लेषण
संयुक्त राष्ट्र में दुनिया भर से आए देश एक वैश्विक संधि को पारित करने के लिए एकजुट हैं जो यह सुनिश्चित करे कि जब बहुराष्ट्रीय उद्योग व्यापार करें तो किसी भी क़िस्म का मानवाधिकार उल्लंघन न हो, और दोषी को जवाबदेह ठहराया जा सके। इतिहास में ऐसे अनेक उदाहरण हैं जहां व्यापार के दौरान, वीभत्स मानवाधिकार उल्लंघन हुए। स्थानीय क़ानून भी ऐसे ग़ैर ज़िम्मेदार बहुराष्ट्रीय उद्योग को जवाबदेह ठहराने में असमर्थ रहा है। इसीलिए वैश्विक एवं क़ानूनन रूप से बाध्य संधि, की आवश्यकता है जो बहुराष्ट्रीय उद्योग को व्यापार करने दे परंतु हर प्रकार के मानवाधिकार उल्लंघन पर अंकुश लगाए और दोषी को जवाबदेह ठहराये। उद्योग द्वारा किए जा रहे पर्यावरण के अनियंत्रित दोहन और जलवायु परिवर्तन का जो क़हर है वह सबसे ज़्यादा गरीब और समाज में हाशिये पर रह रहे लोग झेल रहे हैं। इस वैश्विक संधि बैठक में दुनिया के अनेक देशों से 321 सा...
An initiative by a former AMU Vice-Chancellor General Zameeruddin Shah to Withdraw the Muslim Claim to Babri Masjid

An initiative by a former AMU Vice-Chancellor General Zameeruddin Shah to Withdraw the Muslim Claim to Babri Masjid

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, विश्लेषण
An initiative by a former AMU Vice-Chancellor General Zameeruddin Shah to follow the steps of his predecessors like Saiyid Hamid, Col. Basheer Husain Zaidi and Badruddin Tyabji to Withdraw the Muslim Claim to Babri Masjid (Ather Farouqui is an eminent writer and translator who has published eight books in Urdu and two books in English, and is also the author of Islamic Banking in India at the service of Pan-Islamists which forced the UPA-II to reverse the decision to allow Islamic banking, and of Marx My Word, a unique play of Marxist dichotomy.  He has a PhD degree from JNU. For long, he has been arguing that instead of modernizing Deeni Madrasas, the government should provide Urdu education as part of the secular curriculum at the school level itself.  A Sahitya Akademi awardee, he is...
Confusing system of naming High courts : High Courts not renamed after change in name of the cities

Confusing system of naming High courts : High Courts not renamed after change in name of the cities

Indian cities Bombay, Madras, Allahabad have since been renamed as Mumbai, Chennai and Prayag respectively long time back. But High Courts located in these cities are still officially named after old names of these cities. System should be that names of High Courts may get auto-changed with change in names of cities. It is significant that except for some High Courts, all other High Courts are named after states of their jurisdiction. An RTI response had revealed that while all the High Courts constituted after independence were named after respective main states of jurisdiction, High Courts constituted by British regime in pre-independence era continue to be named as per British legacy on basis of cities of their existence even after 70 long years of independence. Union government s...
With 86-percent Lok Sabha candidates losing security, reforms necessary to bar contesting any election for next six years by security-losing candidates

With 86-percent Lok Sabha candidates losing security, reforms necessary to bar contesting any election for next six years by security-losing candidates

It refers to data that a vast majority of 86-percent candidates in 2019-elections to Lok Sabha lost security-deposits. Most of security-losing candidates know themselves even before filing nominations that they would be losing security. Many of such candidates are either vote-splitters or file nominations in hope of getting money from rival candidates to withdraw names in favour. Such mockery of poll-process must be stopped by making it one of the measures for much-needed and most awaited massive and consolidated poll-reform. Also all those getting votes less than NOTA should be disqualified for life to contest any election. Such a provision may pave way for an ideal two-party system which is essential for heathy democratic system. A sitting MLA, MLC or MP must resign first from earlier...
Balance in inoperative bank-accounts

Balance in inoperative bank-accounts

Huge balance is lying in inoperative accounts in banks with even many account-holders having forgotten about their bank-accounts. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced Know-Your-Customer (KYC) forms which has been made mandatory also for closing such inoperative accounts. Such cumbersome practice not only is causing difficulty to account-holders wishing to close their inoperative accounts, but also creating a big loss of man-hours of bank-employees apart from unnecessary data-entries and record-keeping. Frauds are reported through some bank-employees misappropriating funds in such inoperative accounts where amount is large. RBI should direct all banks to close all accounts not operated for say last three years, and send the remittance through pay-orders by Speed Post at last known ...
Court-appointed arbitrators should be regulated to avoid tactics of money-minting

Court-appointed arbitrators should be regulated to avoid tactics of money-minting

It is quite usual that retired judges of Supreme Court and High Courts are appointed arbitrators by courts, giving them much-much more income than they earn while their being judges in higher courts. There are reports that these arbitrators charge exorbitantly for each hearing. Even if all the concerned parties mutually agree for adjournment much before date of hearing, arbitrators insist on sending representation for adjournment on fixed date of hearing so that they may forcibly charge for a hearing held just for seeking adjournment. It has also been reported that after completion of hearing, arbitrators withhold their arbitration-award even for years. Any party approaching for an early arbitration-award, has to pay additional cost for doing so. If these practices are true, then it is ...
Significant protest by Tibetans at Chennai

Significant protest by Tibetans at Chennai

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, विश्लेषण
Chinese President Xi Jinping was given grand reception during his visit to Chennai (India) on11th and 12th October,2019. The bilateral meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping  took place at Mamallapuram near Chennai. Mamallapuram is a historical place near the sea shore ,where there are many temples and monuments of great beauty and architectural splendour  that was built by Pallava dynasty several centuries back.  For the visit of the Chinese President, the entire Mamallapuram was cleaned and decorated like of which it has never seen before.  Mr. Modi left no stone unturned to make the visit pleasant and memorable for Chinese President and the Chinese delegation.  Obviously, this would have pleased Chinese President , though Chinese are know...
एक करोड़ पेड़ तो काट डाले और कितने काटेंगे?

एक करोड़ पेड़ तो काट डाले और कितने काटेंगे?

addtop, EXCLUSIVE NEWS, विश्लेषण
दुर्भाग्यवश हमारे देश के नौकरशाहों को अभी तक यह समझ ही नहीं आया कि है कि नई निर्माण परियोजनाओं पर काम करते हुए उन स्थानों पर पहले से लगे हुए पेड़ों को काटने से बचा भी जा सकता है।  चूंकि हमने यह सब नहीं जाना है न जानने की कोशिश ही की है इसलिए ही हम पेड़ों को बेरहमी से काटते ही चले जा रहे हैं। इनको काटने को लेकर कुछ समय तक तो समाज खड़ा होता है, फिर सब कुछ सामान्य गति से चलने लगता है। हाल ही मे मुंबई में मेट्रो प्रोजेक्ट के लिए आरे चलाकर जंगल काटे जाने का मामला सुप्रीम कोर्ट तक पहुंचा। आरे का उपयोग कर बड़ी संख्या में पेड़ काट दिए गए। खूब हंगामा हुआ। पिछले साल दिल्ली में सरकारी बाबुओं की कुछ कॉलोनियों को तोड़ा जाना पहले से था। ताकि उनके स्थान पर नई कॉलोनियों का विकास किया जा सके। यहां तक सब ठीक है।  क्योंकि पुरानी इमारतें एक तय वक्त के बाद तोड़ी ही जाती हैं। फिर  वहां पर वर्तमान आवशकताओं...
लोकनायक जयप्रकाश जयंती समारोह – कई हस्तियों को  जेपी अवार्ड- 2019 से किया सम्मानित

लोकनायक जयप्रकाश जयंती समारोह – कई हस्तियों को जेपी अवार्ड- 2019 से किया सम्मानित

addtop, Today News, TOP STORIES, समाचार
 संघर्ष की आग में तपकर कुंदन की तरह दमकने वाले प्रेरणास्रोत थे जेपी-  महेंद्र नाथ पांडेय                                                   डॉ मृदुला सिन्हा, राज्यपाल गोवा ,वाल्मिकी प्रसाद (पूर्व राज्यपाल सिक्किम) ने भी व्यक्त किए विचार व दी श्रद्धांजलि   आज 11 अक्टूबर 2019 को लोकनायक जयप्रकाश अंतरराष्ट्रीय अध्ययन केंद्र द्वारा आयोजित कार्यक्रम में देश के लोकनायक जयप्रकाश नारायण को एक भव्य व गरिमापूर्ण कार्यक्रम में भावभीनी श्रद्धांजलि दी गयी व उनके विचारों का स्मरण करते हुए उनके विचारों की वर्तमान में भी उतनी प्रासंगिकता होने की बात कही गयी।इस अवसर पर जेपी से संबंधित एक वृतचित्र भी प्रदर्शित किया गया व अनेक सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों का भी आयोजन किया गया। लोकनायक जयप्रकाश जयंती समारोह के अवसर पर " युवाओं से उम्मीद और जयप्रकाश " विषय पर देश के सुप्रसिद्ध व्यक्ति, राजनेता, साहित्यकार पत्र...