Land bank needed for solar power projects
Acquiring land for setting up solar power projects is one of the biggestchallenges for solar project developers in India. Solar power project requirelarge track of land and the cost of land is critical in reducing the overallproject costs.To set up solar power project of one megawatt capacity ,around 6000square metre ( around 1.5 acre ) of land is required .By end of December, 2023, India’s installed capacity for solar power wasaround 74 GW and around 45GW of wind power. With the target ofachieving 500GW of renewable power projects by 2030, India has to increasethe installed capacity of solar power projects multifold.To ensure that India would be able to have high solar power installedcapacity by 2030 commensurate with the target of 500 GW for renewableenergy, it is absolutely necessa...